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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. 1 hour ago, Jason40 said:

    “The baht will not appreciate to more than 31 baht to the dollar in 2019” HA HA, sorry but that’s already happened a few times including this morning it fluctuated to 32.01 baht to the dollar earlier this morning but now it’s fluctuated back down to 31.98. Lately it’s been staying above 31.9 baht to the dollar and holding stable. Just last month it was 31.5 baht to the dollar now it’s holding steady at just barely below 32 baht to the dollar between 31.95 and 31.98 and occasionally it does jump above 32 baht to the dollar. It’s looking a lot better lately and I agree this article is wrong but not for the same reasons that some people are saying. Unfortunately you can’t trust local media information regarding economics or politics right now.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    Whose exchange rates are you quoting? Bangkok bank has it at 31.79 this morning.

  2. Editorial: The US constitution deems anyone born in the country an American citizen. 


    In 2005, Ireland amended its constitution to become the last country in Europe to abolish unconditional jus soli citizenship, as a direct result of concerns over birth tourism. - Wiki


    The U.S. should do something to correct the previous interpretations of the 14 Constitutional Amendment to get this practice and birth tourism stopped!


    But I fear it is too late now, especially with the influx of illegal migrants of voting age - a problem that is even more severe IMHO.


    Editorial: Many believe she offended Thai people’s honour by making such a suggestion. After all, what’s wrong with being born in Thailand?


    One can't be a U.S. anchor baby if one is born in Thailand! Next question... ?


    Editorial: After all, if a mid-ranking police officer with a medical degree and a promising career still feels reluctant about raising a child in Thailand, perhaps we need to ask what’s wrong here.


    How does the writer know the child will not be raised in Thailand? Is she applying for permanent residency in the U.S. based solely on her child's probable U.S. citizenship?

    Editorial: What’s the problem with giving birth in Thailand. [sic]

    Is it the medical facilities or is it the lack of opportunities for children to grow and develop.  [sic]


    Tough questions. Let me think about this for a while and I'll get back to you ...



    • Confused 1
    • Sad 2
    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 hours ago, rickudon said:

    I must admit i cannot understand why there are so many TV channels in Thailand, probably about 2 or 3 times more than the UK. And half of them just show the same senseless crap. My wife never watches more than about 3 channels.


    Mind you i have also never seen a Thai watch anything educational on TV either!

    Is there anything educational to watch (of any length or substance) on Thai TV? I don't have cable TV. My GF watches and I sort of monitor it. The only remaining analog channel (3) and I have yet to see anything educational. The only thing I see as useful is the news and I'm sure it's  highly-propagandistic.

    • Haha 1
  4. On 5/1/2019 at 10:38 AM, Orton Rd said:

    Water off a ducks back, one problem is many here believe you will die when it's your fate to, so driving at speed, pissed up with no helmet while using line makes no difference. At the Police station last week over a bike rider smashing into us driving down the wrong side of the road I did point out that this sort of dangerous behaviour (condoned by the cops) is what leads to the thousands slaughtered on the roads here each year. Blank looks all round, expect the foreign brakes to get the blame in this case.

    No, foreign steering locked-up.

  5. 4 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    Of course, Iran could be playing the Mouse that Roared on us now then.....we bomb them back to the stone age, occupy them, then go in and make their s***hole country a modern nation with nice roads and airports and hospitals and ways to make money like we have been doing to the rest of the world. Except India, the Brits did them.

    You can wake up now. The Duchy of Grand Fenwick was not Islamic besides the US has already "been there done that" in the mideast with not the best results.


    I'm sure the Iranians are quaking in their boots over the B-52s - they would love to test their surface to air missiles on non-stealth bombers or stealth bombers for that matter.




    • Confused 1
  6. I got a recent model and saved 1-2 k on my bill Then I started it more instead of my much lower-power 70 watt, non-A/C filtered fan.


    Still, I know my new A/C unit is much more efficient. I actually keep a minutes-on log of both my A/C and the fan so I can track filter life-span and electric usage.

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