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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. Short of building road over-walks to obsolete every zebra crossing in the country, how are they going to make this happen? That video, except for the last out-of-control truck, illustrates how NOT use zebra crossings:


    1) Assuming MV traffic will observe the crossing rights

    2) Assuming the MV traffic is capable of stopping

    3) Running in a zebra crossing

    4) Not walking defensively in a zebra crossing

    5) Generally, pedestrians trying to get MV to stop or avoid you.

  2. TAT chief blames high baht and lack of Europeans tourists for drop in Thai tourism :stoner:


    "TAT chief Yuthasak Suphasorn was speaking to Daily News as figures showed that tourist arrivals in the first half of the year were 20 million that was less fewer than expected." (see Ref, below)


    "And he admitted that those who are coming to Thailand are being more careful about their spending as they are receiving less fewer baht for their money."  (see Ref, below)


    Ref: Oxford Dictionary - Less or Fewer?

  3. On 6/24/2019 at 7:10 AM, wisperone said:

    Word of warning....Never sit in a disabled car whether in the emergency lane or not.

    Great advice. I've taken it one step further - to never sit in a car, or a Tuk-tuk or on a motorcycle in Thailand, disabled or not. Actually, I don't even like to be near a road in Thailand.

  4. 8 hours ago, chama said:

    True, and with the other options available for palm oil when cooking capitalism would dictate that users could opt for other oils if the pricing bothered them.

    I believe you meant "free market" vs "capitalism" - Ref. Article HERE.


    When a/the government gets involved in setting prices, all bets are off w/r a free market. Somehow the General thought the price of palm oil was "distorted".


    Of course, the government's actions will "un-distort" it. /sarc




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