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Posts posted by alfalfa19


    Truly sad and shocking. Will this be the dispersal agents that PTT promised they were not going to use near the beaches and coral. The spokesman from PTT who said the coral was too deep for the dispersals and oil to affect!! Some of these senior Management should do jail time over this.

    Apparently tonight the boss of PTT has apologised and said everything will be back to normal in 1-2 months !! They said 1-2 days on Tuesday !! I guess at the end of 2 months they will be saying that in 1-2 years everything will be ok. They cannot just man-up and tell the frakking truth then at least some proper plans and corrective actions could be instigated! Thailand NEEDS to know how bad this is and it is a dam_n sight more than 50 tons.


    It seems they are taking a page from the BP playbook: Deny, deny, and slowly admit the truth as it becomes unavoidable.

  2. I agree with what a couple of other posters have written. Avoid benzos (valium, xanax, rohypnol, and a dozen others) like the plague. What comes up must come down. And with benzos, the comedown is very hard. It takes a long time to get addicted to them, but once you are, getting off is a very long term and horrifying process. It makes heroin addiction look pleasant. I tend to suffer from panic attacks also. I've learned to be much more cognizant of my mental state, and when I feel any sign of them approaching ( rapid heartbeat, vertigo, lightheadedness, rapid and shallow breathing, etc.) I carefully breathe deeply and slowly, and get a grip on myself. One's affinity with their own breathing patterns is the best tool for this. Drugs are a very temporary solution, and they can lead to much greater horrors.

  3. I have a question regarding the criminal record check. I have been a very good boy for 23 years now, but before 1990, I have a bit of a checkered past. Nothing heinous , just minor stuff related to a substance abuse problem, and one felony drug possession which has been expunged. I live in the US. Do you think I would have any problems in this department, or are they just interested in the last 10 years or so, as American employers are? Thanks.

  4. I'm not sure if I went on the same cruise, it was something about Yok Yor, a dinner cruise on the Chao Phraya river. It was great, a wonderful meal, good scenery, etc. It's pretty romantic, and no ripoffs or scams involved, which is always nice. I did it a couple of times, and noticed the experience is exactly identical. Nothing wrong with that, but it's not something I would do every week. Very good for a date.

  5. No. Perhaps I am unusual in the aspect that I can't understand why anybody, farang or thai, would eat Western fast food in thailand, when you're surrounded by very cheap, very delicious, usually healthy thai food. I guess I can see westerners eating at kfc, burger king, mcd's, etc, because they miss their homeland, but when I'm in thailand, I eat nothing but thai food, I love it. I've even reached the point where I usually cook and eat thai food while at home in california. For the most part, American fast food is extremely fattening, nutritionally deficient, and flavorless. I don't mind a gigantic bacon cheeseburger once in a while, but it won't be one from a fast food restaurant.

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