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Posts posted by alfalfa19

  1. Why oh why would you want to do this to yourself?? 27 and 31 <deleted>.

    Drugs are the scourge of our time.

    What a joke this statement is. Drug policy is the scourge of our time.

    Alcohol is a drug. Tobacco is a drug. Medication from the pharmacy are drugs. Drugs are clearly not 'the scourge of our time.' It is the way we view drugs, the way we isolate some and discriminate against them, and mostly it is the way we view drug users / addicts - not as sick people who desperately need our help but as criminals who deserve to be punished for their crimes.

    If they could have popped along to a chemist and bought cocaine safely certainly they would still be alive.

    So in a way I suppose, you are correct.

    Why would that be then? It's impossible to overdose on drugs from a chemist, is it?

    Another idiotic comment.

    Just an observation re some other comments; there seems to be an uncomfortably large number of posters who know so much about illegal drugs and their consumption. It's almost as if some are bragging about their knowledge. Maybe this should be taken into account when reading some of the non-sensical posts that appear on TV.

    Actually, most of the posts that I see, in which the poster claims to be very knowledgeable about drug users and drug use, are complete fantasies. They seem to be getting their fantastical knowledge from B movies about drug users.

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  2. Two young men overdosing at the same time on a drug in powder form is highly highly unlikely. Either (a) they were sold poison, or ( b ) something else entirely happened.

    What the police choose to "believe" in Thailand is rarely relevant.

    Why is it highly unlikely? This happens all the time in the US, especially with heroin. Multiple people indulging from the same sack of heroin, which might be much more pure than they are used to. Lights out, case closed. I'm not saying that's what happened for sure, I'm saying it is not highly unlikely.

  3. you did not mention from where to where ?

    if for 200thb from Bangkok Aiport to Pattaya or vice versas.... it's cheap !!!

    It is 200 Baht either way, they drop you off at hotel in Pattaya and pick you up from hotel in Pattaya to the airport

    I've used them many times and certainly haven't experienced what the OP states, I've nothing but praise for them.

    Same here, my one experience with them was quite good, especially for 200 baht.

  4. The four questions make a lot of sense to me, except for number 3. I believe he probably was killed by a govt. sniper, and rightfully so. He was dangerous, and advocating violence in a very reckless manner. I don't believe he was a "sacrificial lamb", but I do believe he was a very dangerous loose cannon who had to be killed for the safety of everybody.

  5. I feel this is not a good decision. The job of a flight attendant is demanding and requires high energy. I've seen with so many USA airlines how poor the service is with the older attendants.

    I agree. Especially on the American airlines, the attendants all seem bitter and tired. Even the young male ones are already bitter and sullen. On a recent United Airlines flight, I was suffering from a migraine, and felt about to puke, when I asked them for an aspirin, and was told they didn't have any. I know they are not doctors or nurses, but I don't think it would kill them to dispense an aspirin.

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  6. You did the right thing. Better to be a thousand dollars poorer, than to be dead or in a coma due to a vicious beating/stabbing. Just about anyplace in bkk can be dangerous at 3 am, even under normal circumstances. When you add drugs into the mix, as in ya ba, as these 4 scumbags may have been using or seeking, the danger level takes a quantum leap.

  7. Gyms are also to keep you in touch with like minded people - helps motivation, adds to fun. Some of my work colleagues also use the gym I joined, and I'm on sports-friends terms with a few others there as well. And some of the female staff are REal cute!

    Used CaliWow in Siam two visits ago. What a screamingly loud hell hole. But got a 1 week membership that was cheaper than the 3 single visits I made would have otherwise been. It was on my regular path anyway, so I got on with the task in hand, and had a lot of space to one side for some yoga after. Quite pleasant as a result.

    But really, a gym has to be a place where I WANT to be, for the clientele and ambience as well as facilities. It's time of my life, I want to enjoy it, it ain't purgatory.

    My favourite so far in Thailand is Fairtex in Pattaya, which also has the advantage of being just round the corner from my usual hotel there at the Dolphin roundabout. The extra charge is worth it for me. And if I couldn't afford my home gym any more would I go to a cheaper place? Hell no - I'd do more jogging round the park near by, and do more swimming in the pool near by.

    I'll try True Fitness this time round in BKK.

    I will check out Fairtex next time I am lucky enough to visit Pattaya, I usually go to Tony's, but it was kind of expensive last time I went.

  8. There will always be guys who are too lazy to work out, or are trapped in a destructive lifestyle (excess alcohol, drugs, sexual degenerates, mental problems such as chronic depression, etc).. These guys will always like to make fun of guys who are motivated to stay in shape. Best to ignore these mugwhumps. A pullup bar can be useful for back exercises (lats and rhomboids), but does nothing for chest , shoulders, legs, arms, etc. (Yes, I know it works the biceps a tiny bit if you do "girlie man" pullups with an inward facing grip) Once or twice a week, I will do 100 pullups, it's half of my back workout, I do the other half the next day. I personally don't care for the atmosphere in gyms, but I utilize them almost every day because I like my body to be trim and hard. When traveling, without gym access, I can do pushups, situps, swimming, rent a bike, etc, etc, I don't like to be ripped off by drop in fees at gyms, although I have been known to use tony's gym in pattaya and the ambassador hotel gym in bkk. It used to be 1000 baht for 5 visits at the latter, it's probably more now. The idea of doing a comprehensive workout in one square meter with a pullup bar is laughable at best.

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  9. One constitutional amendment that really is needed... Immunity of MPs from criminal prosecution. A sad and sorry farce that mocks equality of all before the law.

    Absolutely - and you would think the NACC had better things to follow (and more important like arm chair and Tuk Tuk mafia in Phuket) than an immune MP over a 'questionable' decision. whistling.gif

    I'm not trying to be a wise guy, but what is the arm chair mafia? Are the beach chair operators now joining the jetski and tuk tuk scumbags in their antics?

  10. should have served 30 years.. He got off easy

    what a heartless plonker you are, the judicial system in this country is pathetic, 5 cops torture and murder a 17 year old kid and get bailed even after being found guilty, yet a misguided farang deals a few drugs and gets 30 years and you think he got off lightly ............ you're a joke mate

    I agree. The heartlessness and lack of any compassion shown by many posts is rather disheartening. I have to conclude that some folks live in a bitter little world, perhaps exacerbated by excessive drinking, and their only sport is sniping at the less fortunate.

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