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Posts posted by alfalfa19

  1. What an ass clown. As usual, they are trying to blame it on the victims. I have had severe food poisoning before in Thailand, and did not come anywhere near the horrific condition of these girls. They are trying to sweep it under the rug, and imply that the victims were at fault. Oh, not possible that it's food poisoning? Well, perhaps it was the ibuprofen found in their room, that will do it every time, especially if taken with a drink or two.

  2. It is a HUGE difference in Thai Law whether there are dancing girls [and you are supposed to take the girl out to your room] or if there is sex offered directly at the premises. Secrets tried to "workaround" this law by having a separate "hotel" in the same complex, but of course this can be interpreted as still being illegal (and probably will be).

    This is exactly the same reason why other bars (like Oasis, Champagne etc., also certain bars in Bangkok) had been raided in the past. It was not because they are Gogo bars, but because they offered rooms upstairs.

    If what you say is true, wouldn't all the bars on Soi 6 be out of business, with their upstairs short time rooms?

  3. I witnessed something similar in Pattaya, about 8 years ago. A female receptionist in the hotel next to mine was shot to death while she was working behind the counter. She, too, had a "foreign boyfriend", as the news report so contemptuously says. Turns out her husband came down from CM, walked into the hotel, and killed her. I then had the afternoon entertainment of seeing the BIB (their station was next to the hotel too, on the other side), blow the guy's head off right in front of my hotel window.

  4. This has to be really one of the most asinine posts I have ever seen on this forum. Let's see: I am a farang. I detest Thaksin. Therefore, I must be not only a sexual degenerate and alcoholic, but perhaps a criminal as well. Well, I am none of these, and while not a "sexpat", since I live in America, I do like Thailand for many reasons. Women are probably number one, but there are many other attractions, such as food, snorkeling, scuba, the friendliness of Thai people, once away from tourist towns, shopping, tropical climate, etc, etc. Yet, I do hate Thaksin for several reasons:

    1. He raped the Thai economy for billions of dollars

    2. The drug war, which I saw a bit of, "cleansing" away drug dealers and users who were not affiliated with Thaksin's cronies.

    3. His actions as puppeteer and financier of the fatal riots in bangkok last May, which I was present for.

    There are many more reasons, I am sure, but I'm not aware of any but the most obvious.

    The ass clown who wrote this article seems to imply that if you don't like Thaksin, then you are a pervert, alcoholic, loser, etc etc. How did this piece of nonsense even make it onto this forum?

    PS: I don't drink, and don't go to bars, so any crackdown on bars has absolutely no effect on me.

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