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Posts posted by Stan42

  1. What does this have to do with Thailand?

    Because I suspect that Thailand has three categories of farangs:

    1. Rich old white guys who live here, probably with a local wife.

    2. Young adults in their 20s who live here short time teaching English while gaining "third World experience".

    3. Tourists.

    If you belong to neither of the three, I am really interested in hearing your reason for living in Thailand.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    Seriously you pay a grand a day for food, drinks and transportation? You must eat at 4-star restaurants 3 times a day, drink champaigne and have a personal chauffeur.

    That ain't hard to do especially if you're not into street food and are a little picky about the kind of places you'll raise a glass.

    I eat meals between 100-200, anything above 300 I consider to be an occasional treat. I walk, which saves me tremendous traveling costs (remember the meter already starts at 35) and I buy my beer at 7-11 to drink at home. All the bars in my soi charge 65+ for a glass. But that said, my weekly shopping costs 3'000, my medical bills cost 1'500 a week and I left out rent and electricity. Maybe I should fit that in too... I now agree it's difficult to get a rough estimate :(

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