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Posts posted by Stan42

  1. the bin is thereso someone can recycle it, not?

    what if there is no bum gun ?

    THAT is my main concern when pooping in public toilets. I've been faced with this situation a few times and as disgusting as it sounds I did the following: Flush the bowl repeatedly until there's nothing left in there, pull out some toilet paper and wrap it around my hand, flush and dip the wrapped toilet paper in the flowing water, getting it soaked, then use it to clean my bum.

    Ask yourself "What would McGyver do?"

  2. Take a slice of Thai white bread (preferably the crust), spread some cheap sweet tomato ketchup on it, add some Isaan sausage and a few slices of small Thai tomatos, salad cream thickened with flour (aka cheese) and enough chillis so you can't taste anything, and bung it in the oven for a few minutes.

    A perfect pizza..... NOT!

    Reminds me of the time somebody mixed boiled spaghetti, salt, oregano, and ketchup together and called it Spaghetti Neapolitan. Yes, I really did say ketchup.

  3. Never seen anyone up north, way up north stoop so low as to drink Arch or Cheer. I'm not trying to be snooty......just never seen it. Leo is the norm for most of village.

    That is all very well if you like it, too sweet for me. Made for the Thai palette.

    Most Thai people I know who drink beer drink Leo. It's not bad, but I prefer the foamy, musky aftertaste Cheers Red leaves behind.

  4. People that think every man came here for the whores. Or that anyone who doesn't use them must be either gay or a religious puritan of some kind.

    That guy on TV who is always telling everybody he didn't come here for the whores and that he is not gay.... We got it already!

    I find it insulting when Thai people find out I don't have a girlfriend then automatically ask "You penn gay?", and in one particular instance "We have gay boy massage". That made me furious for the rest of the day.

  5. When I first moved in I had constant problems with my toilet getting clogged. The landlady said I should put the paper in a bin after use. That's disgusting! Since then I've switched to cheap toilet paper, which is surprisingly of better quality, wipe and flush wise. The expensive toilet paper is just more rigid and is perfumed with lovely patterns on it.

    I also flush as often as I can between wipes. I pay a fixed price of 300thb/month for water, so I'm allowed to waste as much of it as I can.

    Based on the large amount of Info, OP needs to write an essay titled "The science of toilet paper!".

  6. No more subtle hints, no games, no multiple choices, no specific genres or themes. Hands down, you have 1 vote and one vote only. Read this text, take some time to think about it, then post in all honesty your favorite song of all time.

    I shall post mine after sufficient people have replied.guitar.gif

  7. Please put your drink down and call us when you're sober.

    when you say us? you have a cult of yourselves with the same number?

    No it's called multiple personality disorder.


    It annoys me when I get into an elevator and want to go to the top floor but have to stop at each floor because lazy idiots come in only to go up 1-2 floors instead of using the escalator.

    It makes me furious that motorbikes use the pedestrian sidewalk and pass inches away from me at high speeds.

    I find it disgusting when taxi drivers go "Hurcccch..." then open the door and spit out their snot.

    It bothers me that there's always a female cleaner wiping the floor behind me as I pull my privates out to urinate.

    I hate it when my friends say "Wait a moment, don't touch it yet!" then feel the need to take a picture of my and their meal and upload it to their friends. And while we're at it: I hate selfies!

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    To save money, i've been drinking Black Cock. It's not bad, and it's cheap.

    Is that a joke or is there really a drink called Black Cock, if so what is it (Beer,wine,liquor), what is the alc.%, and where can I find it? Obviously googling Black Cock simply resulted in... well... you know what.

    I don't think I was too impressed with Cheers but at one time I used to get Archa which was ok, then went for the stronger taste of Chang. Now that the price has gone up and the ABV come down I may go back to Archa, not sure how much these days.

    Both Archa and it's cousin Red Horse have been reduced to 5%, but even when Red Horse had 7% it tasted really awful. Cheers Red still has the highest alc% vs price, unless of course you count Lao Khao, but I have my standards.

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