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Everything posted by harryviking

  1. Oh dear...so they will be "though" on drunk driving 1 day...or three, Imagine raising a fine to 750 Baht.....🙄...another day...another joke....
  2. Take this as a warning to every one usually just sitting and do not move much! Start walking! Start walking in stairs and steep hills. Find a Buddha near you, they often have a lot of stairs. Get lots of collagen. Google nutrients for your joints.
  3. Seems like the Thais do not have a natural "brake" when angry! Seems like the brain goes full "lock down" ..thats why you should never argue with Thai people. Turn and walk away before things get heated! Then you might survive!
  4. A helmet would probably have saved his life.....but who cares about some safety here....🙄
  5. ....setting the norm for other countries to do the same....creating a few wars here and there?? A very dumb idea....
  6. Actually, that "smoke" could ease your mind a lot! Incredible how this herb relaxes people! 😃
  7. And someone who ask this question should have their brains scanned..🤣..
  9. Funny! 🤣🤣There are speed limits sign all over Thailand! Who cares about them??? NO ONE!! Unless they do like in other countries, using radar aggressively and fine the speedsters hard, nothing will change!! If the police force had been a more efficient force and been out on the highways catching idiots behind wheels, the number of accidents and deaths would have decreased a lot! I blame the "law non-enforcement people" for many of the accidents out there....😣
  10. This seems to be increasing. Cowardly attacking an 80 year old man. Cowards that should be jailed for life. Who need these thugs roaming the streets?? SCUM!
  11. Thai traffic laws?? Seems to me that the Thais themselves have no idea what that means! LOL! Take a trip on the highway and you will understand what I mean...😆
  12. LOL! That often has to do with how much fluid you drink during a day!! 🤣
  13. May be those who rent out these bikes should be fined also??🙄
  14. Sadly it is unavoidable that a few retards will mix in with all the peaceful and friendly tourists that come to Thailand each year. These thugs should be dealt properly and thrown in jail for a while to learn a lesson or two! A Thai jail is NOT a holiday resort, believe me!😆I knew an Austrian that spent a couple of months in jail, and that was something you will never forget.
  15. .....Chicken in the freezer!!!🤣
  16. Many moons ago you were never sure if you got pissed by one bottle or three!" LOL! The strength of the beer then varied a bit at times!! Fun really...😂
  17. "elderly and seriously ill".....Yeah, sure....🙄
  18. LOL! Of course he has!!🤣🤣
  19. The shops will normally reduce the price of a one baht gold bar with about 400 to 450 baht from spot. I have not tried to sell any bigger than that. I collect only 1 baht pieces!
  20. Same <deleted>!!😆
  21. One of the things i used to love in Thailand was the opportunity to travel for 3-4 days or more, to Laos or Penang to obtain a new tourist visa. It was a nice break from the daily routines. Now, the fun has been ruined by this damn "on line" craze!! The world is getting more boring by the day! This is not progress, it is madness. Some things should be left alone! Why must everything be so called "easy"???😣
  22. Google it and you will find examples of how to get rid of McAfee....or just go to YouTube and find it there.
  23. The best thing about getting old is that it will soon be all over! LOL! Getting tired of repeating everything over and over again...😂
  24. These burnings on top of all the traffic pollution is so dangerous to your health you should wear a mask all day long! I start to wonder if it really is worth the risk staying longer than 2 weeks at the time here.
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