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Everything posted by harryviking

  1. I am sure Trump will pardon this old guy. I find it a bit disgusting to send an old man onto the streets with nothing. This is evil revenge from the leftists and really show their true face!!
  2. So, we will have the Land Of Pedophiles. Iraq. Muslims show their real faces again. When will the world react and get rid of these people from their lands!
  3. LOl! There are lots of men that start to behave like women does when passing a certain age! Suddenly trying to become young and handsome again, buying the biggest bikes and kill themselves on them, dressing like a 25 year old and so on. although those young days have long passed and it all just makes you look ridiculous!! 😆😆Grow old with style and never look back. I am 72 and I barely feel it at all. Keep in shape and be happy!
  4. America has a huge obese problem! They also have a Food Industry that barely has limits to what it can put in peoples food to make them addicted to their products! I say it is time that someone cleaned up that mess! It is really what America need! The same goes for the Medical sector charging sick prices for their meds. I say it is all a good thing.
  5. Another step to destroy Thailand, the country that not understand when to stop and think!
  6. Unless they do something about the air quality, I guess soon there will be a decline in tourists coming! I do find an unhealthy environment very attractive----😣
  7. I would say it is time to take a look at that that imbecile Musk! He is as dumb as Trump and together they could be named " The disaster couple"! He is so full of it....🤮🤮
  8. The rats they eat in Asia are not the ones you see running around in the markets and towns. They are a special breed that you will find in the rice fields and similar places. They are clean, as we say....
  9. 🤣🤣🤣Of course he should know! Or it may end up in a disaster down the road..... Best advice is to tell the "Girlfriend" to inform your friend "Herself"! Let "her" have the first chance.
  10. LOL! Yeah....sure....with rising inflation and trade wars coming! They will become so poor!! 🤣🤣
  11. 😆Some people are just DUMB! I am sure they have no idea of what "Bangkok Hilton" is" Maybe they think it is a bonus???🤣
  12. Imagine if they start with the ETA system and that breaks down! Oh my.....total chaos! Millions bought tickets and cannot get "permission" to go to Thailand???😆
  13. Fat is NOT the problem! Sugars and refined cooking oils are!!! Start to study before deciding things!! 😆
  14. Do not even try to be "funny" in English to anyone not fluid in the language. Just the wrong word in a sentence might trigger an angry response! Sarcasm has to be done in fluid Thai! If not, then do not do it!
  15. Seems to be hard for people to have mercy on an old suffering animal by lethal injection but having no problem killing anyone insulting themselves....
  16. The level of IQ in the American population is falling like a stone!! Sad, but true!
  17. Being reading Thai news for many years, I must say I get the feeling that there are many more criminals entering the country now-a-days. I guess Chinese seems to be on top. I just cannot understand that people will commit any crimes here as the jails are so intimidating and bad! I remember some Thais tell me that in jails, the "cooks" use their feet to make the food! 😆 If you have money you can order from "outside"! Also, there are many people in one cell! All this makes me think it is the dumbest of criminals that come and commit crime here!! It just has to be!!🤣
  18. Oh dear me. Another ignorant Trump man.....
  19. LMAO! This must be the dumbest and most childish behavior I have heard for a while!!! You deserve to lose that money!!🤣🤣
  20. There are some pretty sick and retarded people out there behind a wheel. Make sure they punish these punks severely! Jailtime and end of driving licenses plus a hefty fine!! I think they should also include involuntary manslaughter!!??
  21. I suggest they make the barriers a bit stronger! Yes?😆
  22. The whole "Very sick man" history has been a show and a cover-up. It will be interesting to see if anything is done with this obviously fake story.
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