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Everything posted by harryviking

  1. Start studying on line please, Many if you are just way off----
  2. Read the labels! Do you know the preferred ratio between Omega 6 and omega 3? The grape seed oils are among the worst!
  3. That is so DUMB!! It just had to come from the mouth of a Trump character. Ignorance all the way.
  4. Lol! According to my Myanmar neighbors, that is 4 meters of prime "Snake chops"! 🤣
  5. May I suggest to you all to start eat healthier, exercise, stop most alcohol and never smoke. That will for many mean no diseases and a long and healthy life! That is also the cheapest insurance you can get! And yes, I know, there are something called accidents. The chances are that you will be less exposed to those by following my first advise! Most accidents happens due to stupidity. No cure for that I'm afraid....😆
  6. Best cooking oils are coconut oil, tallow and Gee! I guess tallow or gee are the best. I prefer tallow from beef or Coconut oil. Gee is the healthiest I guess, but will be a bit expensive in the long run. Whatever you do, stay FAR away from all the so called "Vegetable oils"!!! They are poison to your health. They are one of the reasons I do not eat Thai food outside of my own home.
  7. I suggest to anyone thinking about going to the UK on holiday to join the daily "Ferries" across the channel and drop the immigration! You are well treated and even get a free hotel! 🤣
  8. Stupidity rules now. We are all just hoping for the best.....😆
  9. I call that a dumb question.🙄
  10. There should be more civilian police cars on the highway to take away those worst sinners there! Maniacs threatening the lives of many that should be taken away from traffic ASAP! I never see any such actions on Thai roads. Police not to be seen anywhere!
  11. check air filter too. need to change sometimes.
  12. What about all the big talk about promoting Pattaya as a family resort?? Now . we that live a few hours drive from Pattaya have to reconsider going there for two - three days with our families?? This is easy to fix! High fines and arrest if they return should be enough! Confiscating their goods is also a way to go! Doing nothing means only one thing.....corruption"😆
  13. Thaksin is more like a snake.....hiding in the grass before striking! And he says he is not interfering with his daughters PM post??? LMAO! 🤣🤣
  14. Damn!! I knew there was something wrong with Thailand! "Gayland"??😫
  15. I am sure no warning lights at all....as usual. Also the bike speeding. As a rule, I do NOT ride a motorcycle after dark. TOO many traps to end up in!
  16. Good to hear. Be well my friend and do not worry to much! I am always happy to see the sun rises. That mean I will see another day!😍🤩
  17. Lol! I wonder if that scrutiny wasn't well deserved....🙄😆
  18. I will always wonder if he came a bit to close to some people in power and threatened their "livelihood" in some way.......just wondering...😆😆🙄
  19. I suggest a "Change of mind".......sex change will not change who you really are, just ruin a good thing that was created for you! Be who you feel you like to be, but leave your "parts" alone. You might be glad you did one day.
  20. This is really something to read for those "Wanna-be-though-guys" that think they can come to Thailand and be a criminal! It rarely ends well!
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