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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. I think this one is far more a sign of a downward spiral Thailand is in than a parked car...

    Fear that she won't make it. Have a safe and pain free transition to a much better place, where money won't matter, Mrs. Raksapetch ! Hopefully you made some of the officials being guilty of letting loan sharks roam about in Thailand unpunished think twice now.

    Perhaps about time to set some of those Muak Gan Nok debt collectors on their 125cc racers on fire to make a statement and "ignite" a change!

  2. I'm very disappointed in this guy. I realize he does not give a rat's ass about my opinion. I thought he was an honorable man, and the shining hope for the future of Thailand. Now I see it's the same old BS, with a different face. Very sad. Does he just think that everybody will believe all these little fairy tales, in spite of proof to the contrary?

    Exactly my thoughts - my admiration for him turned into a daily vomit session on the toilet sick.gif

  3. Living under dictatorship we most likely have to get used to the fact that from now on there will not only justice not be served, but that lies and deception will be the new crede of each day in the land that has lost its smile...

    Sad to see that not only nothing has changed in regards to corruption, mafia structures and HiSo kids being under protection of the RTP, but that things are getting worse :(

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  4. The Brits did not get far with Kirsty Jones murder in Chiang Mai. 14 years ago, still not solved.!

    Is this the one, where the RTP caught some innocent Karen people who where miles away when the murder happened, DNA did not match and simply was not mentioned in court and where the RTP tried to jerk off one of the suspects to place the sperm inside the victim?

    This story is quite something for the idiotic RTP lovers in this forum, exposing in grisly detail, what the corrupt cesspit of RTP is capable of... I hope they will be ratted out for good this time. With Gen PM Prayuth's public image being at stake and all, some heads will roll over this one...

  5. To deal with a rotten apple is to basically dispose of it: Remove all active RTP officers and replace them with hand picked and honest people who have to sign an oath that they will released without honor and without further payment if they are caught just once taking a bribe, falsifying evidence, try to beat a confession out of a suspect, mistreat inmates, deal drugs, etc. But most likely all that will remain a pipe dream. Prayut's facial expression on that photo describes the hopelessness of this situation in perfect detail.

  6. I am tempted to write something now that would be deleted anyway since it would a politically incorrect rant at a certain religion, that is described by ignorant dogooders as "religion of peace"...

    Torching schools, thus hurting the ones who are most vulnerable and innocent is an atrocity beyond belief.

    I believe Gen PM Prayut's biggest task at hand at the moment would be to clean up the deep south, but I fear that it might result in bloodshed beyond imagination.

    Personally I know what I would do if in charge, but again - that pamphlet of probably A1 size would be deleted anyway with a warning and cause outrage amongst the dogooder society. Thus I better keep my mouth shut.

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  7. The prosecutor will proceed to trial. A judge will be appointed. Outcome will be guilty. Do you really have any doubts that this won't happen? This is called due process, Thailand style. And there's nothing you or I can do to effectively challenge this outcome.

    I'd be over the moon to have to eat my words...

    Fear you are correct Stephen - it however from now on will be called "Koh Tao style" instead of Thailand style... Never thought there could be anything worse...

  8. I very much doubt we will ever know what has really happened. The "best" we can probably hope for is that the Myanmar "suspects" survive, then probably will have to be released at some stage because of insufficient evidence, and any "independent" review of "evidence" will be inconclusive because all the key evidence is either compromised, missing or was never taken. "They" will absolutely never admit to any wrong doing, they were determined from the start to do whatever it takes to protect the culprits. And, given what is for them at stake now, they will not change their stance. The Myanmar guys were probably (so far) extremely lucky because it took "them" a bit too long to think how to explain TWO suicides... Had it been just one suspect he would have been dead already... having two suicides to explain took them just a bit too long to come up with a plan... and by then the "danger of suicide" was already out in the media and made it is even harder for "them" (still not impossible...) to get rid of the inconvenience... Otherwise that would have been the solution: DNA "proof", confession, public parade, suicide... THE PERFECT "solution"... surely successfully rehearsed proven "successful "a few times"

    Let's better not call this a "botched investigation"... what happens here is of a VERY different "class"...

    Sorry, have to go and throw up now....

    I fully agree, especially to the 2nd last sentence!

    Btw... I'm throwing up on a daily basis since the double murder was discovered... And there we have another one - "I have to Koh Tao!" (throw up)... would be all funny if it weren't that sad. Sickening also to read the announcement "Tourists flocking back to Koh Tao"... as it shows how quickly people forget :(

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