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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Let's hope this cesspit of an island will go up in smoke!

    This childish attempt to redeem visitor's trust and sympathy sickens me. Those idiots should do a campaign to oust the corrupt RTP officers on that island along with the existing mafia structures instead.

    "Hey, unknown foreign tourist - looks like your head has been clubbed to a bloody pulp by some island serial killers, but don't worry, I will ban smoking on the island and everything's gonna be ok!" sick.gif

  2. I believe that if one of us ( common people ) would be told and shown all that is going on behind ELITE walls, we'd turn insane at the drop of a hat.

    I fear that far more sinister things are going on such as gang rapes and murders of children for those VIPs private satisfaction as well as satanic rituals, etc. where children and infants are killed as "sacrifice" to evil entities, etc. Most certainly that's just the tip of the iceberg as not only human stupidity seems to be infinite, but human cruelty as well... sad.png

    It's a sick world we live in - perhaps this planet is hell and we just try our best to make it kinda "cozy" to not turn insane...

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  3. This must be a joke, right?

    The American deserves a few months in the slammer just to put him straight and let him medicate about his superficiality (not interested where the parts were from, crimes, murder perhaps?), stupidity and simply for being freakin' sicko!

    That night market should be turned upside down!!!!! Causing a Thailandwide stir regarding copied videos, but letting this slip unattended? I am lost for words!

  4. Clutch Clark wrote: "I find it amazing how posters here are TV are always so busy trying to free accused Burmese rapists simply because of their nationality. Apparently Burma has no prison system because the Burmese apparently do not commit violent crimes."

    Have to give you a point there, pal ! I think it is a kind of "homeless, underprivileged and people in need are always great people" bias... It amazes me as well. I believe that the same amount (percentage wise) of aR$e#oles can be found in a group of starving Africans, homeless in Bombay, abandoned kids in a shoddy shelter for kids in Slabjansk or downtown families near the Big Apple... As soon as certain people see a person that is off far worse than themselves, the bias kicks in and they expect them to be nice people who simply were born at the wrong time in the wrong place and that their greatness would clearly shone through as soon as they were helped to get out of that hole... Kinda like picking up a poor lost puppy along a busy highway. Who can determine whether the puppy is just bad, a total loser dog or a smart "Hasso" that will fetch the newspaper for you as soon as he's old enough?

    I have been working with Burmese and as much as I love my team that I have handpicked over the past 7 years, as much am I aware of the fact that they are very different from Thais and that their treshold against violence after consuming alcohol is far lower. They are not as relaxed and "warm" as most Thais are and also have problems expressing happiness... Have mixed feelings for them and if I have to chose between Thailand and Burma, my favorite will always be Thailand and its people!

  5. Thai Visa, again, surprizes with a crappy and obviously unedited headline... The headline gives the impression that Phuket residents beat up a men while they were trespassing to assault a girl. Then it continues...

    "I woke up and jumped causing him to poked his finger into my eye"

    "relatives and neighbours help capture the suspect and beat him up"

    "charged with trespassing and living in Thailand illegally"

    Who writes all this crap???

  6. bazmlb - you should have seen what I have seen at Richelieu some 22 years ago and you would be sitting there, crying while watching your video. Back then there were guitar sharks, a flock of huge stingrays with up to 3m diameter, whale sharks on almost any dive, white tip reef sharks, leopard sharks, blacktip reef sharks, and even a bow mouth guitar fish... The small stuff like frogfish you would not even look at because the big guys were all over the place. What you see on your video is what is left after the fishing industry in Thailand has been off the leash for decades and with park rangers either sleeping or counting the park fee money that to 1% went into the installation of mooring lines and to 99% to their mia nois... We are talking hundreds of millions here!

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  7. What I find quite disturbing is that just a few TV members seem to be interested in this matter which (in my opinion) is one of the most pressing and most dangerous ones, since we all have boarded the train to digital slavery and need to do something about it before it is too late...

    Disturbing also is the fact that there are people out there like slimy lobster and joncl who think that this all is child's play and there is nothing to fear, trying to ridicule people like beetlejuice who are able to think outside the box and ask uncomfortable questions about our governments and their intentions...

    Power to the people!

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  8. Funny to hear this request coming from an arrogant nationalist nation full of ignorant self-centered people who think from where they stand to the fridge, from there to the TV set and back, people who not only have lost grip on reality, but who refuse to understand the very basics of a relationship (both, person/person and country/country) that you need to give something before you can take.

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