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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. CSI LA states: "I have a reason to believe that Sean McAnna saw what happened and was there when David was murdered by a push knife. You can clearly see that Sean suffered the same type of stab wound as David. Please pressure Scotland Yard and Interpol to search for Sean McAnna. He is the key witness in this case."

    Left photo shows Davids lower jaw. The stab wounds are clearly visible... any questions pigboxer and other doubters?1800482_709211102489951_3880485374870448

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  2. CSI LA states: "I have a reason to believe that Sean McAnna saw what happened and was there when David was murdered by a push knife. You can clearly see that Sean suffered the same type of stab wound as David. Please pressure Scotland Yard and Interpol to search for Sean McAnna. He is the key witness in this case."

    Left photo shows Davids lower jaw. The stab wounds are clearly visible... any questions pigboxer and other doubters?


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  3. However, he admitted that the two men were not given access to lawyers during their interrogation. He said the suspects did not ask for lawyers because they decided to confess on their own.

    or the fact that they couldn't, because they speak very little Thai ?

    This is the bit i really struggle with, all this confession stuff, if they speak very little Thai, therefore presumably they don't read or write Thai, but the confession and written statement must in Thai, there has been no mention of a translator provided etc, so could we say they don't know what they "admitted" to

    so where are we ?

    Two suspects who don't speak Thai very well

    No lawyer who would obviously speak / read /write Thai and would understand what they have signed

    No mention of a translator

    And one would suspect none of the BiB speak Burmese

    Could you imagine trying to be a lawyer in Thailand?

    The police would probably have the lawyer cuffed to a chair & be pouring boiling oil on his gonads as well.

    I think as an honest lawyer with empathy and moral code, your life span will be... let's say.... hhhmmmm... three months? ...until a HiSo brat or family of a vicious mafia gang (like on Koh Tao) will be the opponent of your client. After that, your lights will go out or you will find yourself as the accused in a statutory rape case, corruption case or anything like that, destroying your reputation forever. That truth will prevail and justice will be served is the pipe dream of today's fast-paced world of greed and hatred. It's a worldwide phenomenon and not just the case in Thailand.

  4. David was hit by the blunt end of the hoe, stop inventing murder weapons.

    I know what I have seen and what I did read. This is a link with a warning about extremely graphic content - you can see the stab wounds there and more all over the web if you'd not be too superficial to find out the truth.


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  5. I will advertise it to friends, and fellow travellers as the cesspool it is and tell people in detail about the mafia structure, the corrupt police as well as the frequent murders and arson on that island. Neither will I nor my family ever set a foot on that dump unless it has been ratted out by the army and declared a national park.

  6. There's also a funny photo on facebook showing the suspects pointing in one direction and the police pointing in the other.. wrong way guys

    There is another photo where the person impersonating David is being hit with the plastic thingy with his head pointing upwards exposing the right (wrong) side of his head (wrong unless the photo was mirrored), receiving the kill blow from the wrong side and possibly a wrong angle too. This whole case is so full of errors that even a complete imbecile can see that something is terribly wrong here.

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  7. Regardless if the Thai authorities are claiming that the alleged murder's DNA matches, there will be a secondary test and complete autopsy done by the British authorities. This important confirmation will clear-up any misconceptions relating to the questionable "patsy theory".

    And this info you got from exactly where?

    I thought I read that there was going to be, or has been, a formal inquisition and Interpol DVI protocol proceedure done on the victims. Besides, don't you think the families will proceed with an independant investigation and or DNA inquiry? Dont be such a tool!

    I asked you a simple question, seaseducer, since you made a statement that sounded like the secondary DVI investigation was already scheduled as a matter of fact. Now you tell me "you thought you read it somewhere"... that makes you a fool, yes, but me a "tool"? Tool for what? Perhaps a tool for exposing the weaknesses of a newbie who posts guesswork disguised as facts!?

    With the murder scene, evidence and all completely messed up and compromised, it is questionable if a foreign forensics and CSI team will be able to figure out the truth. The families are grieve-stricken and in cases as brutal as this one, families of victims often opt for an easy way out to find closure, what means: Believing the official story and being happy that someone, anyone, pays for the crime...

  8. Anybody here that lives on koh Tao?

    Give us the word.....it's a very small island.....everyone knows what happened.

    We have friends down there and from the begining they said there was a foreigner and Thai's involved. The story go like this. Mr. A is bi sexual and have friend Mr. B which is gay. They come for a romantic holiday but mr. A meets girl C and fall in love. Mr. B is very angry and hire mr. D and E to do help him kill A and C. Maybe it explains only two semen samples, maybe it explains the extreme violence of the crime and maybe it explains the fair hair that was reported to have been in the girls hand (which has now been swept under the carpet called Thai justice). But thats the rumor true or not.

    That was One of the earliest stories and has no legs to it What so ever.

    The argument in the bar was repeated lots. Lost face makes sense as motivation.

    Why doesn't it have legs to stand on ?

    Like I said from the very beginning - a hate crime! The person who smashed poor Hannahs face in wanted to disfigure her and get rid of that beautiful face. I could even believe that killer(s) and semen are unrelated and that someone else (Thai, Burmese, whatever) took "advantage" of the body and raped her post mortum what is quite disturbing, but a possibility. The murder however was done in rage and with the goal to punish Hannah. Feel utterly sad for the parents and hope they don't have to read this...

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