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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Patsies framed, caught and ready to be fried in public. Looks like someone else needed the 700k to "tell the story". Mafia boss, cronies and family leaning back with a sigh of relief, a few millions "poorer" (but this will come back easily through a sharp increase of electric and water prices) playing some stupid games on their smartphones, bored, waiting for nightfall eager to harass some other hot blonde, unfortunate enough to stumble into one of their pickup places - perhaps she will play along and leave the island raped, bruised and battered, but alive - who knows? Now, since they have shown the whole world that they are untouchable, the game is on...

    • Like 2
  2. Aaaaand the "Koh Tao Handbook of how to not get raped and your face bashed in with a garden hoe" reads:

    Rule 1) stay in the party zones only, you enter killzones (rest of Koh Tao) on your own risk.

    Rule 2) get into an argument with a family member of the local mafia, call home and say goodbye since basically you are done.
    Rule 3) never, ever attempt to disturb a local police officer when in need for help, because they are employees of the people who will kill you anyway.
    Rule 4) drop all your valuables in the designated container in your room for easier confiscation by hotel personell after you have been killed.
    Rule 5) wear the ugliest and most unsexy dresses you can find, and DON'T even dare to wear makeup to avoid arousing potential killers.
    Rule 6) pretend that your marriage, engagement, etc. is an unhappy one to avoid potential killers' jealousy that could lead to your death.
    Rule 7) don't wear weapons - makes the killing easier and more fun for your killer.
    Rule 8) please be warned that you will be charged with murder if you kill an assailant in self defense. Learn to let go!

    Rule 9) please be aware of the fact that the tourist curfew starts at 08:00 p.m. and ends at 07:00 a.m.

    Rule 10) give money you would have spent partying during curfew time to the local disco or bar mafiosi in an envelope during day time to keep the Koh Tao economic system in balance.

    Many thanks for your support and have a nice holiday!

  3. Aaaaand the "Koh Tao Handbook of how to not get raped and your face bashed in with a garden hoe" reads:

    Rule 1) stay in the party zones only, you enter killzones (rest of Koh Tao) on your own risk.

    Rule 2) get into an argument with a family member of the local mafia, call home and say goodbye since basically you are done.
    Rule 3) never, ever attempt to disturb a local police officer when in need for help, because they are employees of the people who will kill you anyway.
    Rule 4) drop all your valuables in the designated container in your room for easier confiscation by hotel personell after you have been killed.
    Rule 5) wear the ugliest and most unsexy dresses you can find, and DON'T even dare to wear makeup to avoid arousing potential killers.
    Rule 6) pretend that your marriage, engagement, etc. is an unhappy one to avoid potential killers' jealousy that could lead to your death.
    Rule 7) don't wear weapons - makes the killing easier and more fun for your killer.
    Rule 8) please be warned that you will be charged with murder if you kill an assailant in self defense. Learn to let go!

    Rule 9) please be aware of the fact that the tourist curfew starts at 08:00 p.m. and ends at 07:00 a.m.

    Rule 10) give money you would have spent partying during curfew time to the local disco or bar mafiosi in an envelope during day time to keep the Koh Tao economic system in balance.

    Many thanks for your support and have a nice holiday!

    • Like 2
  4. Aaaaand the "Koh Tao Handbook of how to not get raped and your face bashed in with a garden hoe" reads:

    Rule 1) stay in the party zones only, you enter killzones (rest of Koh Tao) on your own risk.

    Rule 2) get into an argument with a family member of the local mafia, call home and say goodbye since basically you are done.
    Rule 3) never, ever attempt to disturb a local police officer when in need for help, because they are employees of the people who will kill you anyway.
    Rule 4) drop all your valuables in the designated container in your room for easier confiscation by hotel personell after you have been killed.
    Rule 5) wear the ugliest and most unsexy dresses you can find, and DON'T even dare to wear makeup to avoid arousing potential killers.
    Rule 6) pretend that your marriage, engagement, etc. is an unhappy one to avoid potential killers' jealousy that could lead to your death.
    Rule 7) don't wear weapons - makes the killing easier and more fun for your killer.
    Rule 8) please be warned that you will be charged with murder if you kill an assailant in self defense. Learn to let go!

    Rule 9) please be aware of the fact that the tourist curfew starts at 08:00 p.m. and ends at 07:00 a.m.

    Rule 10) give money you would have spent partying during curfew time to the local disco or bar mafiosi in an envelope during day time to keep the Koh Tao economic system in balance.

    Many thanks for your support and have a nice holiday!

    • Like 1
  5. It's not a secure party area that is needed. Nothing is happening to tourists while they are partying. It is the trip from the party area back to their accommodations where they face the most risks.

    Yupp - that means crossing the kill zone... If they get raped and killed there, official statements will read: "It was their own fault, they strayed away from the party zone plus she had a sexy dress on, basically asking for it! We advise all foreigners to adhere to the island's rules and regulations if they want to return home alive!"

  6. They need help. Scotland Yard must become involved, or they can seek assistance from FBI, and start a professional investigation. There is still hope, but not if they don't seek assistance from abroad. Why is it so difficult to admit that they can't do it? Even professional police forces from EU will ask FBI and Scotland Yard for assistance from time to time, and they never feel ashamed.

    Get Scotland Yard there, three weeks after the murder? After three weeks of tempering with evidence, following wrong leads, having local jocals trample the crime scene to bits from minute one onwards? First thing SY would find out is that there is a mafia structure present on that island and that the local cops are corrupt and submissive to the mafia leader... Heads would roll by the dozen, and that exactly is the reason why SY will never be invited.

    Let's cut the crap shall we? Bottom line is: The Thais on that island and the officials there give a $#ite about any foreigner, dead or alive! All they are concerned about is keeping the foreign money rolling in. Thus, they most likely will produce, charge and sentence a couple of patsies to get the case closed and forgotten.

    And after that it will be just business as usual - extorting money through the kidnapped infrastructure, bullying successful business competitors out of their business by threats, burning the place down or a bullet to the head, drugs, corruption, and a relaxing murder and rape from time to time, to "clear the head"... If you ask me, Koh Tao is the biggest pile of dog $#ite in all of Thailand and it is about time the place gets cleaned up - or closed down!

    • Like 1
  7. I'm confused, which is not uncommon for me before I have partaken in a substantial amount of coffee, but I thought the "running man" was ID'd as somebody by the name of "Mon"from the AC bar/member of local mafia or something who threatened a guitar playing Scotsman who then took refuge in a 7-11.........somebody, please clarify my caffine starved confusion.....

    You got that right, Lemonjelly, but I think it was not officially announced a match, but you could clearly see the match on a photo collage someone posted here earlier. That guy has very untidy, curly hair and he was (most likely) the runner on tv, one of the guys who hunted the white guitar guy threatening to hang him, plus was he standing at arm length away from David's legs next to the useless cops on one of the murder scene photos. If it smells like a rat, it most probably is... a rat!

    I typed this while drinking coffee, so please anyone correct me if I got it wrong smile.png

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  8. Oh how they wish this tragic case would just disappear and be forgotten like the Samui rape and killing of a young British girl and the Chaing Mai and Phi Phi deaths.

    But hopefully with social media like this site it will stay in the headlines.

    If it was not for the internet this would have been forgotten now and probably 2 or 3 Burmese would be in jail.

    And when the sick ***** post things like this on Facebook they deserve to suffer for a long, long timeattachicon.gifsex on the beach.png

    and the big fat thai <deleted>, pictured with the hoe. He needs to explain himself to the police/army.

    Now, that's a sympathetic dude for some change. I'd trust him with my kids and all my money - where did you get that?

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