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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Well known long time beggar. The crawling is his "sales pitch" so to say. Ignore him as there are plenty of disabled Thais who chose to work with missing limbs like for example a motorbike mechanic on Phuket who has no arms and does repairs with his legs and feet. I have strongest sympathy and deepest admiration for disabled people who opt to take life in their own hands, even if they don't have any like Nick Vujicic ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Vujicic ) for example who to me is the greatest man in the world, and he has no limbs at all!

    That crawling guy on Sukhumvit could go to and work in a temple or work with his hands, build little motorbikes from old coke and beer cans, sell condoms, sing or whatever to at least show an effort. Instead he opts for crawling through dirty water puddles - so be it, but he won't receive any sympathy from my side, sorry!

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  2. Mr. Superman General - opportunity, as well as your duty as not only leader, but human being knocks! Instead of scaring off tourists and investors with ever changing and ever tighter visa laws and regulations, perhaps you could put the feet down on the fishing mafia industry of Thailand. Cleaning up house before cutting the grass in the garden would be the proper sequence here I believe!

  3. Nothing could display Thailand's sad future better than this picture!

    Eradication of street gangs, mafia circles along with harsh punishments for parents who bring up such kids through neglect and superficiality should be on top of Gen. PM Praytuth's priority list if he truly wishes to change this country for the better.

    But as it seems, crackdowns on foreigners with overstay, illegal tourguides or dive shop owners who have the nerve to object to and expose the wrongdoings of Thailand's corrupt national park rangers are more important... right?

  4. Time to put an end to it! Ban jet skis in Thai waters, Mr. Gen. PM. Supermaster of the Universe, and show the world that you truly are implementing positive changes to Thailand, since a ban of jet skis will erase a lot of those disgusting, greedy, cheating, offensive and aggressive beach bum Rastafari Mafiosi along with it. Win win situation for you and Thailand's tourists, Mr. Superman!

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  5. It's not an immigrant influx, it is a Tsunami. Leeches from all over the world flooding in to tap into the generous social services system, whilst the German working class is bled dry. It's the immigrants' luck that the Germans have been brainwashed into submission, giving them the racism whip whenever they would oppose to accepting immigrants. The time will come when the anger level is stirred up high enough to ignite civil war. By then it will be too late...

  6. Just another false flag editorial to save FACE.

    Don't release, share, or like any of the photos from the KT murder.

    Don't listen to CSI LA or anyone else when they point out simple inconsistencies with the "official" and "perfect" version of events.

    It's easy to say that dissemination of such photos is offensive to friends and family but I disagree, as a friend or parent of someone who has been murdered under suspicious circumstances, I would want tens of thousands of people around the world sharing information and demanding answers.

    Of course it is painful for anyone close to the victim to look at murder photos. But once that person has been murdered -- stolen from your presence -- the only thing left they can take is your dignity by refusing a thorough and translucent investigation into the perpetrators.

    The editorial is just prepping the public for a coming crackdown on social media free speech. Disagree with the official version of events? Five years in jail for you!

    Well spoken! Couldn't have said it better myself, Godfree2 thumbsup.gif

  7. A Thai person would never do such thing! Right? Most likely it was a foreigner with one day overstay who now can be jailed and extradited to show public how much Thais care about each other...

    However - good job by the police. Seems that at least some take their job seriously.

    As for the old gun-slinging fart who decided to end his life at 60, because he will either die in jail or by the shooting squad: You are the lowest of scum your country has ever seen! If I would have been a bystander in a car or on a bike at that intersection, I would have taken you out the very second you got back on your bike, no matter what!

  8. it seems whatever the real outcome of this investigation it has stirred up a huge amount of anger and resentment in the expat community towards the police and other authorities .... can't see this current dictum doing much to help.

    The anger was always here ... have you never read Thaivisa before? wink.png

    No different than there always being some distrust towards police. Thais have been angry for a long time regarding those who have and those who don't seeing different levels of justice.

    This case just brought it to a head do to a number of factors but starting with the claim from the Governor (or someone down there) that said something to the effect a Thai could never do this crime. I have never seen the direct quote and hopefully I am not mistaken this as fact when it isn't but it has been repeated so much that this was said it really doesn't matter if it is true or not.

    Anyway, that one idiotic comment came from some Thai that is like many of the posters here who who believe they are superior thought almost all of this comes from a low self-esteem. My guess is that the moron Thai who said this said it because he had what he thought was inside info that the crime was committed by a foreigner ... remember the blonde hair?

    But this is what set many people off for a number of reasons including that it meant they intended to pin this on a non-Thai at any cost and it was just upsetting to those with low self-esteem, like this Thai, who are constantly trying to show their superiority over all things Thai. Even in this thread you can see people who will accept no other outcome except that a Thai has committed this crime. No logic to this just they have convinced themselves.

    Now add the police naming suspects early on and being confident they were the ones. Police everywhere do this with cases in terms of believing they got the right person only to find out they don;t. The difference is elsewhere they generally don't share this info publicly. So now they have created more doubt and just a sense they had no idea what they were doing. As well people didn't know what to believe.

    Then add CSI Facebook which had already been going but took off HUGE when they brought up the phone conspiracy that was later debunked. Now people found a way to believe they could make a difference by either solving the case on their own (without knowing any real details of most of the investigation) and also believed they could hurt the police and/or Thailand if they uncover corruption and cover-up. People were in the right state of mind to be lured like lemmings off a cliff with such promises of emotional satisfaction these theories , if they can get people to believe, will bring them.

    There you have it -- Police have always been skeptical of police but they have no problem calling out to hang-em high in other cases where the evidence is less but this time a perfect storm of events happened to make many people lose their logic and enter fantasy about the power they have to solve a case and hurt those they don't like.

    Sadly, the result is going to be the next time they scream Cover-up or Conspiracy Theory, regardless if trues, most will just point and say the nutters are at it again because they really have lost most all credibility except to those in their conspiracy group. But still, I do see more and more dropping out of this group and coming to their senses. They may not trust the police or the facts of this case but they have stopped with the nonsense theories.

    Wow, how much does TV pay you to type such a huge pile of shi... shill?

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