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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Time to end all this dogooder BS! Freedom of speech, freedom of art etc. is just a farce as long as certain ethnics or religions are excluded from being questioned, respectively rendered untouchable by idiots who believe that one has to be more tolerant towards a religion that displayed nothing over the past 1.400 years but intolerance! Sickens me to my stomach.

    Things like "Life of Brian" are landmarks of the typical western approch, i.e. don't take things too serious, have a good laugh at yourself, etc. - I even believe that Jesus himself has a good sense of humour and would completely crack up if he'd see life of Brian on screen, and this is why I love him!

  2. However the Thais are still in the dark ages on the subject, thinking foreigners will own their country.

    60 million Thais.

    1,500 million folks across the border looking for a way to escape the pollution, possibly the next famine when their desertification project is complete, maybe the radiation from Fukushima, and the fricking cold weather (never mind a place to hide ill gotten gains).

    Maybe they've got it right, and our politicos have been selling our countries out from under us?

    And spot on you are, impulse! Well put! thumbsup.gif

  3. It's a senseless and fruitless discussion, and it is going on for decades! Thais will never allow foreigners to own land, full stop! As a foreigner living and working in Thailand, one has to accept the fact that we are allowed the status of a temporary visitor only who has no or very little rights but plenty of obligations. Anyone who can't hack it is better off in their home country.

  4. Glad that no one was hurt. It always fills me with sadness when I see businesses where someone really made and effort to create something special is going up in smoke or (even worse) does not work out as planned. I have deepest respect for all those investors who do things like Fantasea, upside down house, water parks, etc. - yes, they of course do it to for money reasons, but they also enrich our lives with a lot of more options. Felt like thanking the lord on my knees when the first cinema in Phuket opened up with English soundtrack loooong time ago - it felt like heaven! smile.png

  5. If I were the PM of Thailand I would step up to the plate He is in the position to change how the western world views the coup and his leadership. If I were him I would get on the line to Washington DC State department and request assistance in setting up shelters for these people also have the UN send in aid to help. With UN peace keeping forces to help control this influx of people. By doing that the US would be hard pressed to say NO. It would be the biggest political coup that he could ever hope for and it falling right in his lap. One word from him asking for help not only would it flow but with it thousands of, no make that millions of US dollars would flow in to Thailand the PM's face would be plastered all over the media maybe even a nobel peace prize too. But the time is now if you wait some one else will do it.

    As noble and reasonable your idea is,- unfortunately I don't see any Thainess in it. As long as the millions of Dollars are not here and allocated - no deeds. And as long as this "Thailand No.1 attitude" exists there is no need for gaining a reputation recognized by the rest of the world.

    Righty, rrrighty, Lupatria! Plus would Thainess mean to take the money, yes! But later have a change of heart and find easy ways to not deliver while keeping the stash smile.png

  6. If I were the PM of Thailand I would step up to the plate He is in the position to change how the western world views the coup and his leadership. If I were him I would get on the line to Washington DC State department and request assistance in setting up shelters for these people also have the UN send in aid to help. With UN peace keeping forces to help control this influx of people. By doing that the US would be hard pressed to say NO. It would be the biggest political coup that he could ever hope for and it falling right in his lap. One word from him asking for help not only would it flow but with it thousands of, no make that millions of US dollars would flow in to Thailand the PM's face would be plastered all over the media maybe even a nobel peace prize too. But the time is now if you wait some one else will do it.

    Dream on Strangebrew, dream on... I am actually not sure whether or not i should envy you for the naive perception you have on the world and our leaders... It's 2015, pal! And by now most people understand that the good ones do not necessarily wear white and the evil ones not necessarily are dressed in black... UN, WHO etc. give a toss about these people, by helping them there is no financial gain, no ways to grab any country's infrastructure or harvest any natural resources until nothing is left... No, taking them in just causes more problems, more costs. In the world of today they are referred to as human garbage and dealt with accordingly. I see little to no hope for them, but wait... Perhaps the US occupying forces in Germany could order the ever submissive and US loyal chancellor Merkel to take them all in - with the hundreds of thousands of immigrants flocking into that dying country yearly, the few thousand Rohingya would not even cause a ripple. thumbsup.gif

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