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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. It's due to neglect - most Thai parents give a toss and have their kids just live alongside like a cat or dog, best if they can drop them at school early and pick them up late so they're out of the way. Great if they go somewhere to a lake, waterfall or river in the afternoon with thier friends, providing some free extra quality time to mom and dad to watch some braindead Thai soaps on the telly while gulping down some Lao Khao mixed with red or green Fanta.

    Same goes for aunts, uncles and grandparents who have to bring up the small ones because mom has been impregnated by a useless 15 year old drug addicted punk (who did not and will not achieve anything ever in life despite a wheelie on his pimped-up Honda Click) who fled to another province as soon as the belly showed and mom ended up in some girlie bar in the south...

    Let's face it - the majority of Thai parents care just about themselves, kids are a necessary burden because later, as adults, they will provide for their card playing, gambling, alcohol addicted parents who never gave them a hug, or kiss, letting alone teaching them empathy or other human values.

    You poor, sad, sorry individual. Get off the bar stool & venture into the real LOS. Numerous kids in my village, all extremely well cared for & loved. Always with a BIG grin or smile on their face. Always polite with a wave for a silly ol farang.

    Before you get on your high horse, no, I'm not a Thai apologist. I know all about the scams of bar girls & gold diggers. Been there... done that. I do speak with several years experience of both the good & the bad situations.

    Admittedly, there are a few parents that should have a license to breed. But in the main, most rural folk are decent caring parents & providers.

    I feel a lot more sorry for you than any kid in my village.

    malt25 - never judge a b ook by its cover! I am here since 23 years and have been working much more hours than most Expats I know here and sit on a bar stool perhaps twice per year when friends from overseas come to visit. If you think that one can make a living here sleeping in a hammock, you are badly mistaken.

    I send my kids who are half Thai, half foreign to school every day and observe how most Thai parents, grandpas, uncles and aunts "drop" the little ones at school and I can tell you that if they could just toss the kids off their motorbike at full speed without killing them, they would. There is no hug, or goodbye kiss, no affection, not even a look back, absolutely NOTHING!

    The only ones who care, sending their kids all the way in, holding their hands, hugging them, giving them a kiss are us and all the Thai people from our village here who are shop owners, entrepreneurs, etc. who work hard, thus made enough money to own a shop, business, car, etc. (let me call them middle class) - they seem to have completely different priorities in life than the average (or should I say, low class) Thai.

    Malt... I have seen so much neglect, seen the stories with those Honda Click punks ditching their underage pregnant girlfriends, etc. to an extend that I just wanna puke. Education and more love and care from parents would be the key, but most (low class) Thais simply don't care. They never received affection and love from their parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts and never learned to give it. This coldeness their children inherit and pass it on to the next generations. It is just so sad to see, and yes - it makes me angry!

    Let me add this: As soon as we enter the so-called HiSo stage, things seem to revert again - here, parents are so in love with themselves and so self-centered and busy with shopping, shady land deals, attending cocktail receptions, etc. that there is no time left for the kids. Those unfortunate kids are "paid off" with cash, electronic gadgets, bikes, etc. but otherwise should shut up and stay out of the way. To those parents the kids are only good for a family Selfie to show others that "they care" and for other business reasons and to later send them to Harvard or whatever to show how rich and "caring" they are. Their kids return as perfectly English speaking strangers who again - never learned empathy or human values from their parents.

    Malty... Does the fact that I am able to think outside the box and that I had a good look behind the curtain of the land of smiles in my 23 years here make you such a sarcastic bad mouth? I think so and I feel sad for you too!

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  2. Thais who want to perform business in any other country than Thailand should be treated equally, not being allowed to own and have full control over their investments. This might teach them something... Thais only take, never give - this has to end and it will eventually as soon as ASEAN starts.

    There will be no foreign investors left willing to put money in a black hole they have no control over while Thailand will be flooded with better educated staff who actually have full control over written and spoken English and are willing to work harder for less than the Thais. It will be total mayhem and the Thais will not realize what came over them until they all are out of jobs and out of money. What goes around comes around and Thailand deserves a kick in the butt and a reality check badly.

    Reg. the nominees, the Thais know that only by turning a blind eye on the nominee thing they are able to "lure" (a word that is so hot right now in Thailand) more and more foreign investors into Thailand. This also is the reason why they only talk about 7 instead of 7.000 firms... Thailand - hub of BS coffee1.gif

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  3. Firstly RIP to the victims.

    Next, isn't it amazing on this wonderful Thai Visa forum that the a.holes that flock to the place only have negative comments to make when Thai people are involved.

    If this had been a Thai bus accident this thread would be at page 37 with endless negative comments towards Thai people ...... There would be 99 to 1 comments about how bad Thailand is.

    Here we have a Brazillian crash and only 1 RIP comment by about the only guy on the forum with any decency.

    How bout those retarded Brazillians hey, so much brazillianess.

    This forum is full of dead set arsewipes...... Talk about farangness.

    Hypocracy, yes indeed.

    Pity we can't fill a bus up with racist tvf members and plunge it into a ravine 5555

    Well spoken neverdie - nothing to add to this! thumbsup.gif

  4. My glass is more than half full for 23 years by now. Yet, I believe that it is ok, necessary and I believe human, to have a good rant from time to time. It clears the air and mind like a thunderstorm. Anyone who states it's all roses and all so wonderful over here is lying as much as a husband stating that he and his wife never had an argument in over 20 years. There are PROs and CONs in any country and the PROs in Thailand (at least to me) outweigh by far the CONs, especially if I look at Europe and the western world in general at the moment. People tend to blame others for their own shortcomings and many think that a change of location will solve all their problems, not understanding that they are carrying the problems in their heads along with them to wherever they go. I stay away from those types, and especially the ones who achieve nothing but spreading negativity. Served me well and I am still happy about and greatful for being allowed to live in this wondeful, yet strange, country.

  5. Looks like Prayut joined in actively with the "discover thainess" campaign... What's this lesson on thainess? All are equal, but one is "equaller", or what?

    Perhaps an attempt by him to show the world that he can be funny - but what an epic fail this one was! He could round it out with some brainless babble on telly explaining himself...

  6. Instead of arresting the owners of the large fishing vessels destroying reefs and depleting marine life to a point of no return, the national park officials pick on a man with a unique business idea... Well done park rangers and officials - you certainly deserve the millions of Baht of national park fees you are putting in your own pockets every year! sick.gif

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