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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Would all not be a problem if the military regime would truly care about Thailand's nature and the beaches... Reality is that the original crackdown and beach cleanup was done because they weren't offered a share of the "corruption grease" generated here. As an answer, they simply demolished everything.

    How can these people expect tourists to visit their beach resorts along the coasts if not even the very basic needs of the common tourist such as beach lounger and shade are provided? It's like trying to run a 5 star hotel without beds, asking guests to sleep on the floor. Pathetic and so utterly stupid that I wanna throw up whenever the topic comes up... sick.gif

    Almost forgot - think Thai people expect a public figure by now to be put under house arrest for life because he/she demands democracy for Thailand so we all have an idol to put on walls and car stickers to at least give us hope that something will change to the better and Thailand be free again...

  2. Exploiting your kids starting at 16 months old, turning them in to monkeys in TV circus and damaging them for life with this result and than asking for privacy...

    Parents like this should be in jail!

    I understand what you are trying to say, but I believe it is a bit too harsh. Just imagine you would be his dad and now read something like your post...

    • Like 2
  3. Well, they have my sympathy! Kind of envy them for their resilience and their way of life. Most likely the children who are brought up in that community will appreciate little things much more and are better behaved then any of the city kids... Plus, when the s hits the fan, globally, they and their parents will find it easier to survive than spoiled hiso brats who can't even survive without their stupid smartphones.

    This would be the perfect testing ground for alternative and renewable energy. Instead of seeking sympathy from a government that obviously gives a toss, they should find foreign help organisations who engage in sustainable energy, etc. What a win-win opportunity for both parties, and what a shameful outcome this would be for the non-caring government. thumbsup.gif

  4. oh look out….here come the koh tao bashers/tv detectives/fantasists……the same few names that have been none existent the last few months when 'Pattaya' & 'Phuket' have been in the headlines DAILY……fortunately for KT its geared up for younger tourists so it will never have to deal with the likes of most of you that comment here..the lack of girly bars will be a deciding factor in that seeing as i bet thats the only option for the majority of you guys.

    why can't you just be grateful that after all the bad press thailand has received lately that its still ranked highly of places to go…kind of proves that its not all that bad….after all you came her and continue to live here…so must be better than home.

    There are plenty of other islands and beaches in Thailand that are by far more beautiful than Koh Tao, PLUS: they won't kill you, unlike Koh Tao. You don't get the point here, Frank82384742, the reason why all those Koh Tao bashers, detectives, etc. are upset about this piece of s(deleted) was voted number 1 is that absolutely everything on that island is wrong, starting with any structure or building there is since there never were land titles, building permits, etc. and because the first people settling on that island were murderers, rapists and drug dealers hiding from police, eventually having that island and each inhabitant who had the bad luck to arrive later in a tight stranglehold, taking hostage not only the infrastructure such as water and electricity, but murdering any person that would get in their way (in the most lucky cases only your business would go up in flames), raping and/or murdering beautiful girls who would not succumb to the divine charisma of their male offspring, just like Hannah... The fact that such an island gets a number one vote shows clearly that tourists obviously have no eye for real beauty, can't distinguish between a messed up party island and a natural gem (like Koh Kradan, Koh Lipe, etc. on the west coast), plus the fact that they seem to give a toss as long as everything, including drugs, is easily accessible so they can get comfortably numb... and this, Frank2756244, this makes me and the Koh Tao bashers angry!

    So, what makes you angry is a fantasy you choose to believe in, brilliant. rolleyes.gif

    I feel really sorry for you, Aleg... don't worry, you'll get better eventually.

  5. And yet again, another reason to move to a friendlier place. You can live in Mexico for 180 days on a tourist visa, do ONE visa run and come right back in. In the Dominican Republic, you can live for up to FOUR YEARS on a tourist visa, turn around and do one visa run and come back in for ANOTHER FOUR YEARS.

    NO immigration 90-day check-ins.

    NO threat of fine or jail as long as you comply with very expat-friendly rules.

    NO soapy massages . . . AHA!!! THAT's why we stay!!!


    Hhhmmm... problem is, quandow that most likely one will neither survive those 180 days on Ground Taco, nor the 4 years in Dominoland... As much as I despite the Thais for their racist ways, as much safety does the country provide. Here, most doors are open and even unlocked during the day, very few windows have steel bars installed, almost no houses have those (typical for South America, Costa Rica, "Mechico", etc.) 3 to 4m high walls with barbed wire or glass shreds on top... Undoubtedly, a lot of things are not ok here in LOS, but that doesn't make another country better or more worth living in just because of lax visa regulations (which can be changed at any given moment, just like in LOS)...

  6. Reading this headline, I puked a large blob of green peo soup alike vomit onto the screen...

    Death island, a cesspit full of untouchable murderers and mafia types, destroyed by illegal structures and poaching has been voted Asia's No.1 island? You must be f(deleted) kidding me!

    This clearly shows that quality, following rules and making an effort when doing business, don't count when it comes to customers' votes. So killing and raping a few tourists here and there per season, running mafia structures, drug parties, and erecting illegal structures on non-title (national park) land to accommodate tourists helps in getting better rankings then? Thanks for the lesson, superficial and blind-eyed trip advisor-using touists! ermm.gif

    • Like 1
  7. "A Malaysian man was arrested Tuesday for having stealing a big bike motorcycle from a farang and his Thai wife in Chiang Mai’s Hang Dong district."

    Another valuable gem of TV top quality journalism - putting grammar aside, could you guys please stop calling non Thais "farang" at least in your articles, please? Thank you!

  8. Wouldn't it be great if we would live in a world where the judge would be allowed to add "little extras", just like her prison cell being equipped with a high quality sound system playing baby cries 24/7 and in between ghostly voices whispering "what have you done?" and "you will go to hell for this!" and children's voices saying "mama, why did you do this to me, mama?" plus a projector showing her the photos of the babies' corpses 24/7, lights on 24/7 - oh, if I were the judge, I would create her very own hell!

    Rest in peace, little ones - hopefully you all are in a better place, with loving parents and/or with our creator now.

  9. Thailand wasted every single chance for a positive change it ever got over the past 20 years. There are just too many Thai people out there who are nothing but spoiled and naughty kids in adult clothes, trying to make life work. It often reminds me of the times when I was a kid and we played "house".

    Times are over where all the problems boiling under the surface can be wiped away with a superficial smile. The move to "cuddle" with China and Russia politically and telling the Yanks to mind their own business over being scolded for implementing dictatorship was one of the worst decisions of Thailands "leadership" in past decades. I believe the US of A will (sooner or later) find that it is time for action and "remove" the figure responsible for tumbling towards communism.

    Interesting times ahead, indeed...

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