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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. I hope tha they lock this guy up and just throw the keys away.

    I love listening to you, saint and super driver, that never disobey the rules in Thailand.

    Try to read the article properly, the guy was cut off by the motorbike when the policeman made a u-turn at the spot suddenly, cutting into his way and making it impossible for him to stop his car in time.

    Ask yourself, what would you have done in a situation like this?

    So stop, trying to be clever and think before you post nonsense.

    Thanks, Costas - you save me a lot of time typing :) Spot on, again!

  2. An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

    You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

    Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

    Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

    Spot on, Costas! Spot on!!! thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  3. Think this incident has been blown out of proportion and is the result of an unpleasant cocktail of ignorance, stubbornness and lack of ability to improvise. The crawling down the ladder thing then was performed for maximum media impact and surely was an unnecessary stunt.

    I find it unfair to now discredit all of Nok Air for this single hiccup. We're all just humans...

    • Like 1
  4. Do yourself a favour, get the new Ford Everest, far superior to all similar priced models and that includes a new Fortuner.

    Such crap - the Ford is a piece of trash compared to the fortuner. The engine is loud, there's a second or so inverval until the gear kicks in, underpowered and too heavy. I had a new Everest and hated it! Before that I had a Fortuner and now I, again!!! have a new Fortuner and am in heaven! Ford is USA crap with a very bad resale value. A Fortuner always sells much higher when sold 2nd hand.

    Advising someone to buy a stupid Everest instead of a Fortuner is like telling someone that visiting Kosovo outperforms a two weeks Maledives vacation!

    And have u been to Kosovo or Maldives (not Maledives)?

    Yes, both!

  5. Do yourself a favour, get the new Ford Everest, far superior to all similar priced models and that includes a new Fortuner.

    Such crap - the Ford is a piece of trash compared to the fortuner. The engine is loud, there's a second or so inverval until the gear kicks in, underpowered and too heavy. I had a new Everest and hated it! Before that I had a Fortuner and now I, again!!! have a new Fortuner and am in heaven! Ford is USA crap with a very bad resale value. A Fortuner always sells much higher when sold 2nd hand.

    Advising someone to buy a stupid Everest instead of a Fortuner is like telling someone that visiting Kosovo outperforms a two weeks Maledives vacation!

    I had my heart set on a Ford Ranger. Until I read all of the Ford Thailand horror stories on here - won't touch a Ford in Thailand now.

    That picture at top looks a lot like the Ford Territory they used to manufacture in Oz btw. It's not obviously, but it looks similar.

    Good decision Moojar! Ford is(DELETED), almost as bad as Chevrolet. All that american (DELETED) can't compete with the quality and durability of (DELETED) cars. I believe the americans decided at some point to build faulty cars and bikes on purpose to get overseas trade going and to lure the (DELETED) into their markets. Americans realizing that american made cars are prone to more problems, even if small just like faulty doorhandles, electrics, etc. would then step off their american pride ivory tower and consider buying foreign cars instead...

  6. Do yourself a favour, get the new Ford Everest, far superior to all similar priced models and that includes a new Fortuner.

    (DELETED) - the Ford is a piece of (DELETED) compared to the fortuner. The engine is loud, there's a second or so inverval until the gear kicks in, underpowered and too heavy. I had a new Everest and hated it! Before that I had a Fortuner and now I, again!!! have a new Fortuner and am in heaven! Ford is USA (DELETED) with a very bad resale value. A Fortuner always sells much higher when sold 2nd hand.

    Advising someone to buy a (DELETED) Everest instead of a Fortuner is like telling someone that visiting Kosovo outperforms a two weeks Maledives vacation!

  7. The immigration dividing chaff from the weed is a good thing and thank you to them for catching those crooks!

    Unfortunately the people destroying this nation, i.e. fishing industry hot shots, corrupt officials, national park rangers, island mafiosi, human traffickers, land encroachers, drug pushers and war lords - just to name a few - have Thai passports and thus are not on the radar of the immigration. If they would, whole sports stadiums would be filled with crooks, making the "impressive" lineup of caught foreigners here look like a fly $#!t in comparison.

    ...and - give 'em a good slap at the back of their heads if they try to hide their faces and fine the dogooder who supplied some of them with sunglasses!

  8. Many on here say Amazing Thailand. I say Amazing TV Detectives. In my 30 years of being in law enforcement I have never read so much drivel from those who purport to know all and use every means at their disposal to read something into nothing and then go on and voice, in all their wisdom, how they were able to deduce that the incident was suspicious or otherwise. I'm amazed how none of you have solved the case as yet. Slipping are we?

    Conclusions have been reached or suspicions aroused by posters reading a poorly written media report; viewing a single photograph that tells you squat; then adding their two bob's worth of what they think has occurred. They are able to conclude that the death is suspicious, despite having never visited the scene; having no background knowledge of the deceased; not knowing his medical condition; having no knowledge of his movements at least 48 hours prior to death, or any other mitigating circumstance. Very astute, I think not. But then conspiracy theorists never are.

    I think many of you are forgetting that to determine foul play you need clear facts; strong supporting evidence, and to know all the mitigating circumstances surrounding the incident. You can assume, listen to rumours, apply hearsay and even make things up to highlight your so called expertise but none of this will allow any of you to reach some of the conclusions that I see proffered on here.

    For anyone to conclude that the incident is suspicious from what has been reported, then they are drawing a very long bow and really have no idea of how an investigation is conducted. Given what police had to say, it appears there was no evidence found at the scene to support foul play, so it would be reasonable for one to accept those findings. However, for some, this is not good enough, so they criticise police, call them lazy, all because their findings do not suit the scenario that they are trying to create.

    Some also criticize the doctor. Now, I have no idea what inquiries police conducted, nor what examination was carried out by the doctor and neither does anyone on here, so why all the BS and sensationalism. When one does not know the full extent of the medical examination and are given a reason for death, then why the no-acceptance of those findings? I suppose for some it makes them feel like an expert and they are hoping their musings may be taken into consideration by the RTP. Don't think so, just read some of the conclusions and look at how they have been determined and you will see how foolish they look.

    Well spoken, Si Thea01, well spoken! Think this rounds it all out just perfectly! thumbsup.gif

  9. A 33 year old westerner does not take a bath in overheated Thailand. He takes a shower. Nor do 33-year olds get heart attacks in Thailand.

    Yes they do get robbed by their one-day girlfriend or the like.

    Happens too often.

    Thus foul play is most likely.

    Feel sorry for his family.

    "A 33 year old westerner does not take a bath in overheated Thailand..." cheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifbiggrin.png Good one!!! Let's do a survey on how many 33 year olds took a bath when residing in the city of angels... I certainly did, several times back then, often accompanied by a beautiful female "assistant" wink.png and none of them drowned or robbed me. Quite the opposite: They enriched my life. thumbsup.gif

    "Nor do 33-year olds get heart attacks in Thailand..." clap2.gifcheesy.gifcrazy.gifintheclub.gif Even better! Let's do a survey on heart attacks of 33 year olds in LOS. Certainly you will be surprised by the numbers. Amazing that one person is able to type such a huge pile of BS in such a short post. There are even superfit professional sportsmen aged around 20 who get a heart attacks. Nowadays even toddlers can get strokes, etc... Are you living in Banana Space???

  10. Thailand - hub of disaster zones... coffee1.gif

    Long, dry periods and droughts are nothing new in Thailand, plus the signs of a very long and dry high season where written all over it - yet nothing was done, no preparation, ab so f....g lutely nothing! Islands could survive on desalination plants instead of depleting all the groundwater, eventually lowering the islands' elevation above sea level year by year. Well, planning (and acting) ahead has never been and most likely never will be in that simple-structured mindset called "Thainess". sad.png

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