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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Thai double moral and hypocrisy in perfection - a foreigner scams a Thai woman out of a pityful sum of 20,30 or 60, perhaps even 100 or 200k and is handled like Pedro Lopez (Monster of the Andes), while a foreigner appearing at a police station trying to file a suit against his Thai girlfriend who scammed a whole house, land, car, you name it out of him is laughed at... Sick and tired of this!

    Interestung to see how Thais behave once they get to taste a bit of their very own medicine...

  2. Hold your horses, Tomaway!

    If you wish for a trouble-free big biking experience, go for a jap bike i.e. Kawa, Yamaha or Suzuki, they cost less, service costs are only a fraction of those you'd pay for Triumph or Ducati, plus does your bike lose less value as the initial costs are much lower. In my opinion, Honda does the best job in producing big bikes, second is Suzuki, then Yamaha.

    In my opinion, Ducati, Triumph and BMW (whereas the latter seems to have the highest resale value) are senselessly overhyped, and don't get me started on Harleys, which in my opinion are outdated pieces of s... that don't deserve to be mentioned along with Dukes, Triumph or BMW.

  3. How come Farangs pretend to be rich if they are not?

    You are a hilarious character, i give you hat. I'd say the HiSo Thais are the most virtuous, yet most blatant "Look, I'm rich!" pretenders on this planet. You guys have nothing to show, really - tell me anything a Thai invented? Show me any important machine part, anything that only Thais can produce or have developed? The white people don't need to pretend to be rich since most progress in the civilized world came from there, yet same goes for destruction and destructive force... If anything honorable, great enough to mention was achieved by Thais, then it always were your women who did all the work and made the greatest effort. They even managed to defend Phuket alone, as women, against Burmese forces. For the Thai men, times are over (also thanks to the internet) where all your shortcomings can be swept under the carpet of superficial smiles. The world is waking up (also waking up to the lies and BS our white politicians and leaders come up with), thus nowadays actions count rather than clueless blahblah and blasts of empty word shells just like yours!

    The poor economic background you mention in regards to prostitution has nothing to do with it. Driving factor here, in 2014 in all red light districts, gogo bars, etc. is simply: greed and quick money! There's enough jobs out there to be filled by skilled Thai ladies who would do the effort of learning proper English, Chinese, whatever... also the educational systems are there, even to help the ones who have a 9 to 5 job, as they could study at places like Rajhabat University Phuket on weekends. But no! It is easier and more fun to sit and drink with other hookers until early morning while shouting a dishonest "hello, sexy man!" into the dark from time to time and reel in 6.000 THB a night doing three "short times" or better - only one short time for 5k after doing the Bangkok shuffle in a gogo bar, reeling in 4k on lady drinks in one single night. Poor economic background, my butthole!

  4. You've got absolutely no idea what it's like to be poor, although your own countries are full of slums. Why don't you give credit to Thais to widen their time perspective?

    How much time would you like to give them? They've had a lifetime to get their shit together, how much longer is needed to keep pulling the wool over the rest of the worlds eyes??

    Roughly, a thousand years... cheesy.gif

  5. micmichd - thailand don't wait for the farang came in thailand for the prostitution , they use it for hundreds years already before the first farang came in thailand , second if you look at the statistics , more then 80% of the prostitution in thailand is use by thai-people .

    Hmmmm, I think that the guy you post about is a newbie who thinks that if he makes many posts he will be listened to?

    But he is quite funny, but his humour might be better directed into one of the many humorous threads currently running!

    Thanks for listening to a smiling ting tong robot, core in Asia since 1969 biggrin.png

    Siam, back then, was already a country where prostitution was a large and important part of Thai culture. Common and overall accepted practice was that Thai and especially Chinese/Thai businessmen after meetings would dine together and then hit the whore houses to have some fun. You can blame the white man for a lot of things but they were not the ones to bring prostitution to Thailand, that is utter BS!

  6. Fishing at and destroying protected reefs, like i.e. Similan Island no. 1, shark fin reef, etc. and dragging nets right through marine natinal park areas? No, a Thai would never do that!

    Fishing with nets that are almost as fine-woven so they could even catch plancton? No, a Thai would never do that!

    Allowing mafia alike structures to "control" the fishing practices in Thailand? No, a Thai would never do that!

    Having underpaid or unpaid burmese slaves to the dirty work for them and if they won't comply, simply throw them overboard? No, a Thai would never do that!

    Channging engine oil at sea and have the used oil simply pumped out into the ocean, trash, feces, etc. "released" directly into the sea? No, a Thai would never do that!

    Long line fishing in protected areas, and shark finning all over Thailand? No, a Thai would never do that!

    Keeping even the smallest catch so fish population can't recover? No, a Thai would never do that!

    Fishing protected marine species, killing everything that moves, eventually leading endangered species to be extinct? No, a Thai would never do that!

    I have more than 3.000 scuba dives under my belt and I have seen the reefs here 23 years ago, and see them now... The destruction of reefs and the decrease in marine life I have witnessed is beyond believe. The scuba diving business in Thailand is dying, what is truly sad since scuba divers, especially instructors and dive masters have been the ones to report and fight against the fishing industry's atrocities, all to no avail - money talks! First thing to root out would be the corrupt national park rangers who put millions of Baht per season into their pockets while doing absolutely nothing. In regards to the fishing industry - seize all vessels on which slaves were held, raped, killed (99% of all vessels) and sink them! I am so disgusted with all this Thai "Mind your own business, farang, you don't understand Thainess!" BS that I wanna puke. It appears that all people in charge here had serious oxygen deprivation at birth to say the least.

  7. Always disturbing to see how TV headlines support the typical Thai double standard - if the culprit in any crime headline is referred to as "man", he is Thai, as otherwise he would be referred to (by the "highly skilled TV editors") as "farang".

    In politically correct Europe there would be a major outcry and demonstrations by the "Germans, Swiss, Austrians with immigration background" (this is how official media HAVE to say it - isn't that nicely put?) if an immigrant who commited a crime in Europe would be referred to in the headline as "Turk rapes two children". Whole city blocks would burn, torched by other turks who give a rat's behind about what crime their fellow countryman commited in the first place.

    What do we, expats living in Thailand do? Nothing, we - again and again - close our eyes and ears to the fact that the majority of Thais despise us and are allowed to call us names 24/7 in public, even if it is just the subtle word "farang"... Watered down by dogooders and Thailand-explainers as "we have to understand it - it derives from the word France, when so many frenchmen were here in the old days, they can't pronounce it properly, so it became farancet, farang, blabla... we have to understand, they don't know better and mean no harm... Let me say this - even after 23 years here, the word "farang" still makes my neck hair stand up.

    And YES - a hard working and tax paying foreigner CAN become a German, Swiss or Austrian after a few years living and working there while behaving properly and following the rules, unlike Thailand, where investing and hard working foreigners who do things by the book are punished, laughed at and cracked down on daily, knowing that chances to ever become a Thai citizen are bleak to put it mildly... We'll always be the smirked at idiots here, the walking ATM machines, the "bad guys who steal Thai jobs"... It sucks!

    However, the Thai in question here will hopefully receive the penalty he deserves. I however feel that the father is at fault too for leaving his young daughters with a male to babysit them. Naive neglect I'd call something like that and fine him for it accordingly.

  8. Another fine episode of "Discover Thainess!" - nice TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand) slogan to promote a rotten to the core society that (to a good 60%) consists of drunks, drug addicts, downright criminals, cowards, pretenders, hollow HiSo shells, and wannabe nazis? The remaining 40% are the ones that work for the rotten 60%.

    Please don't get me wrong, I myself have Thai family who I love to bits, half Thai/foreign kids and many Thai friends who are anything from artist, musician over architect to lawyer, farmer, chef, electrician, you name it, honorable and upstanding people... The thing is - when you are close to them and then talk about their society honestly from man to man, they will tell you how disgusted they are with those estimated 60%, even more than us (the whities). They know exactly what is wrong with their country, the society, educational system, corrupt officials, etc. and they sound worn out to an extend that I feel many of us long time expats are worn out by this daily fight against wind mills and the daily struggle with that stupid "mai pen rai" mentality. I am lucky to say that I am surrounded by caring Thai people here, who even nurture fallen out of the nest sparrows back to health and who would give their last fish to a neighbor in need. I am blessed, but many other expats are not.

    My rants go out in sympathy to the many foreigners and expats who are not that lucky, emotionally stable, financially sound, etc. to withstand the horrors of that daily grind the messed up 60% of Thais are willing to tease you with, while putting on their superficial smiles... My rants go out in sympathy to the smaller percentage of good and upstanding Thai citizens who suffer under those rotten ones, resulting in many disgruntled and disillusioned Thai lovers to eventually measure everything in LOS by te same yardstick... There still is hope, but it's getting weaker by the day.

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