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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Sure investigators are now checking both victims' facebook pages and any social media they were connected to, checking holiday photos on cameras left in the hotel room, or perhaps these are "ideas" that did not pop up in their heads "yet"?

    Where's Thailand's famous "Doctor Death" (Dr Porntip Rojansunan) in a fragile, high profile case like this one????

    Questions over questions...

  2. Yesterday's news: "Police confident that killers will be caught!"

    Today's news: "Police running out of ideas in search for killers."

    This all is so Thai, isn't it?

    But what is even more Thai and utterly disturbing are the facts that A ) crime scene photos circulated on the internet B ) important and usually confidential crime scene details are given to the media C ) disturbing intimate details were given about in which body cavities semen was found, etc...

    If I would be a parent of one of the victims I sure would sue the $#it out of this country, the media and everyone involved...

    • Like 2
  3. Oh, how much I missed those hub articles... The result of all this will be the expats who try to do everything by the book (i.e. having a properly registered Thai Co.,Ltd. and all) will face the music while the true culprits go unpunished, because they never appear in any books and simply fall through the grid. Thailand always has been a bad judge when it came to sorting the wheat from the chaff, mainly because the bad guys (corrupt police and officials) were doing the sorting... And on and on it goes, because money talks and bulI$#it walks...

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  4. F|_|<I< !!! I thought for a second it was 1st of April again and I made a time jump... Who cares for an effen goldfish if there are thousands of innocent civilians (many of them children) dying on a daily basis out there in those so-called "wars on terror" or in Gaza?

    300 USD would have helped some needy children to get a year of education, or anything else useful...

    Makes me so angry that I actually wanna go out and kill a stupid goldfish just for the fun of it. Man, what a twisted world we live in...

    Oooops, have to run - there's a cockroach I have been living with in my apartment for quite some time now and I kinda grew quite fond of him - his name is Paul and I think he needs CPR unsure.png He's not moving... Heeeelp!!!! A doctor, please!!!!!!

    • Like 2
  5. My mom and my uncle were cleaning bricks from plaster and concrete with a tiny hammer and a rusty screwdriver when they were 3 and 8 years old in the ruins of post war Germany. They would load the clean bricks onto their wooden three-wheeled scooter and transport them for about 1km to the man who would buy their bricks at ten bricks for a "Pfennig" (equivalent in today's world is half a cent Euro = 0.8 Baht)... Think about it!

    Life isn't a pony ranch, even today, to most children in this world.

    While I fully agree that child labour and exploitation of minors is bad, I believe that this little boy deserves admiration for what he does rather than pity. Unless this new and perhaps better "government" finds way to provide some kind of a social services network to its citizens, there will be much more heartbreaking stories about Thai kids struggling to survive to be read about in the future.

    Social media has brought this "deficit" to our attention, thank you for that - but now it also is up to official "powers" to implement changes for the better of Thailand's youth. For too long they have been neglected and allowed to simply live "alongside" their parents who were either too busy or too lazy to properly take care of them, thus it is no wonder a majority of them strays off into the unknown and become victims to drugs, gang violence and further neglect.

    Thailand as a whole need to wake up and realize that kids are their future! With crappy education, non-existant social safety net and parents who "unload" their children at schools with the same amount of empathy they'd show when sending an empty gas tank to the hardware store for a refill, nothing will change. And given this, the little bus conductor's life most likely still is a much better one than the life of a street kid dying of malaria, malnutrition, aids or leprosy half naked in the streets of Calcutta...

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  6. Yeehaa! Let's sell more of those useless Calimero Eggshells thumbsup.gif

    Crackdown on safety helmet manufacturers and stiffer helmet quality regulations would be the call of the day, no?

    Oh yeah, let's think.... Hhhhhmmm - Yes! Let' allow the crap helmet shops to continue selling the crappy plastic shells while we are cracking down on the good tax paying high quality equimpent shops or big bike dealers and make some cash instead! coffee1.gif

  7. If you can't catch the majority of the culprits which are - still - Thai, blame the foreigners and (instead of finding and catching the gangsters) crack down on properly registered companies and decent foreigners with proper work permits, etc. This all is a f\/I<!ng joke!

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