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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Does it look like his right knuckles are injured?

    Well spotted Lucas!!!!! Bullseye!!!! A right hander! The excoriations started healing a few days ago as it seems - the ones on index and middle finger knuckles are clearly visible... but a Thai policeman would not miss something tale-telling like that, right? Because they are the greatest in the world, of the greatest country that was never occupied and no one ever would tell them what or how to do, because thet know everything and can do everything. Same as the lame and racist police rumble on day one, saying that "a Thai would never have performed such a disgusting crime"...

    If anything like this would happen in Europe, heads in the police department would roll by the dozens! But here, they all will get promoted if they don't find the killers, because the killers are giving them the instructions. Most likely they all will be able to retire after this one and go home to a brand new loft apartment in the hottest area of Bkk just to find a set of Lamborghini keys in the post box. If this story would not be that tragic, one could sit and laugh all day about the incompetence and the superficiality in this (by now obvious) cover up.

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  2. I remember that Keanu Reeves managed to skydive perfectly without training in "Point Break" and everyone was able to do have a nice chat while diving for (what was it) - 3 minutes? His second jump then was even without parachute and he had perfect control so he could reach Patrick Swayze in time to use his (one man) parachute, and together they had a safe landing. Wouldn't it be nice if life was like the movies? smile.png

  3. They should still DNA him regardless

    Please help me to understand what benefit there is in taking the time to DNA test a person that can prove he was 800 kms from the crime?

    Some might think that was a waste of investigative resources that could be spent actually pursuing credible leads.

    As far as I can read there is no proof, just claims and statements... Anyone can by a few friends into an alibi, anyone can race back up there in approx. 6 hours with a speed boat as it is 410km to Bkk only (by sea!).

    As one poster wrote - his wife has friends or relatives on the island who told her that everyone knew right from day one who the murderes were, but everyone is afraid to talk... Talking about kicking a hornets' nest...

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  4. Think this was quite an expensive purchase... If they want to cast their claim they are not involved into concrete, then do the DNA test for Pete's sake!

    "My family has been helping authorites … and police in the investigation since the first day."

    Just one question: In history, how many murderers have joined search parties and/or volunteered in the investigation of their own crimes just to be up to date with the progress while trying to mislead investigators?

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  5. With the whole world watching, I believe that it is about time for Gen. Praytuth to go to Koh Tao personally, put the foot down, enforce DNA tests and rat out the place! The scum of Koh Tao is making him the laughing stock of Thailand if nothing happens. Words are cheap, and mean nothing!

    The photo with the puppy dog face holding the facebook printout makes me sick!

    people who judge without knowing the facts make me sick.

    Do a few more posts and I might take you seriously, newbie! Doubt you have been reading every single news snippet about this case which I did. I have been walking Koh Tao when you were still swimming against the stream, my friend!

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  6. Q: What do Thai women look for in a man
    A: Security, money, kindness.

    Q: and what kind of men turn off Thai women?
    A: Wife beaters, alcoholics and excessive smokers, drug bums, filthy men with hygiene issues, stingy men, men who think they need to apply strict rules and regulations to everything, control freaks...

    Hope this helps.

    Forgot - men with beards also are not very popular...

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  7. Am I correct if I say:

    1) The investigation started with the leading police officer in charge giving a racist statement to the press, saying, "This atrocity could never have been performed by a Thai!"

    2) Police and other people first at the crime scene have released shocking and uncensored photos of the victims.

    3) Police leaked sensitive info to the media.

    4) The media put all this info out in the open, including intimate details about in which body cavities semen (asian semen from two different persons!) was found.

    5) Police hunts down a british friend of the couple, arrests him and has to let him go as blood stains did not match DNA.

    6) Another Brit is hunted, threatened and chased into a minimart by two Thai men, who tell him they would kill him and make it look a suicide to use him as scapegoat. Police questions the two Thais but make no arrest.

    7) The two Thai death thread bullies are not even contained, fined, or anything for their crime and refuse a DNA test and police says "Yeah, ok! No problem!"
    8) Relatives of a very influential member of a Thai mafia circle on the tiny island end up in police focus.
    9) One of them has "fled" to Bangkok, despite the police boasting earlier that the island was "sealed off".
    10) Now as the plot thickens, one Thai suspect in custody, one of the run (why?) all of a sudden, someone remembers seeing another Brit 6 days ago with blood on his shirt, but failed to mention it, and (obviously) another scape goat is been taken for a ride...

    This all said (given that I am correct with the above), would it be true if I would say that the case investigation is led by corrupt officials on a corrupted island with "island laws", made up by a handful of influential mafiosis, in a country that can't achieve anything but chaos and boast about what hub of what it will become next?

  8. Money always does the trick here in LOS, but what a lame sum to support closure to such a gruesome atrocity? Why can't the government or "other wealthy sources" cough up 5m and thus have the culprits in custody within just minutes? The government, officials and the "influential rich", must understand that this crime and the unethical and superficial media coverage does damage to the country worth far more than 5 or even 10m THB. Are the lifes of this unfortunate couple worth only 713.000 THB to this country? Another insult to the victims and the parents... Shame, shame... sad.png

  9. A CD mix of all the songs that mean something to the both of you and which were important to you during your marriage... Create a nice cover for it with a photo of the two of you and a song list and in brackets behind each song of what he reminds you of. Costs you pennies and time and is fun to do as you relive your partnership while browsing for songs.

    With music, I can do a virtual time travel into the past with the most recent to start and then further and further back into the past. Done it twice and it always was an awesome experience.

    Hope this helps - have a great anniversary night!



  10. Reminds me of all those dive masters and instructors out there in LOS who have no plan B whatsoever... With so many dive businesses going down the drain in Thailand right now, I fear we'll see more and more of this.

    How anyone can make it all the way down to beggar in just 3 weeks is beyond explanation to me. Must be a nutcase... Feel sorry for him though. Great job done by everyone involved helping him out! You're great and very valuable people!

    Everyone has the right to fall and be helped up again sometimes. Who knows what pain and hardship this fella was going through...

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  11. Gut feeling tells me, that an essential part in this story is missing and the post has been done to keep your missus happy with an explanation for why you came home "bloody late"....

    Otherwise it must be a troll post. An unprovoked attack of that magnitude would be something completely new here. Something is fishy with this story...

    And what extra carefulness should people now perform, since it was in the open, in public? Ask every passing guy, "Hey, by any chance do you have a meat cleaver or machete hidden under your shirt?"


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