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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. This is what happens when someone tried to exercise is right to vote.


    Why does this photo remind me of 1976? Time to stop this brainless fascist mob and their Fuehrer good and proper. What an insult to this country that they are allowed to use the Thai colors for their purposes. Hope Thailand has enough jail cells or FEMA camps to retain them. How much I'd like to kick that short-legged Mongo in his groins...

  2. Hope they all will be forced to swallow their stupid whistles at the same time they are arrested... Should be obvious by now that Suthep is afraid of an election because all of those whistle blowing sheeple know deep inside that they are NOT representing the majority of the Thai people as they claim. Actually all owners of tourism-related business should sue the $#it out of that ignorant tosser and his followers for ruining a complete season. Intimidating and threatening people who want to use their democratic right to vote is anarchy, not more, not less.

  3. I think Mr. Pesek underestimates the Thais and SEApeople in the same way the US of A (and their testosteron-driven 19 year old GIs who did not have a clue of what they were getting themselves into) underestimated the Vietnamese when they bombed and burned their country to bits to still suffer defeat in the end...

    What is more pathetic? Western people believing that they actually are voting for independent parties while the puppets they vote for only differ in style, slogan, logo and perhaps skin color, while still originating (and working for) the same bunch of criminals? And these western people in the end not even having the guts to go into the streets and revolt when they realize that their favorite puppet did nothing but lie to them to simply get their votes, eventually doing quite the opposite of what he/she promised?


    Southeast Asian People realizing that their PM puppet turned bad, thus eventually going into the streets and revolt because they truly believe that they really can make a change, even though everyone else knows that their chosen puppet is not much better than the old one?

    Yeah, there might be rough waters ahead, but I believe that Europe and the US of A are facing much worse while Southeast Asia in general will improve, not fast, but steady over the next decade. Pesek should clean up the dirt in his own country's front yard before talking rubbish about things and countries he has no knowledge of.

  4. R.I.P. to all the little children he murdered and strength to cope with their unimaginable losses to the victims' families and friends.

    There were a lot of past posts on this "Nui" child rapist pig, thus it is hard to not repeat what had been written earlier... I just hope that this swine will have to pay for what he did not only here on earth, but that there is a "higher court" waiting for him on "the other side" and that he will suffer the agony of an eternal and infinite hell.

    As I predicted, the story came out that he had "a rough childhood" and there are claims that he was raped as a child himself. Seems to be the worldwide excepted excuse for dogooders to have mercy on such animals, giving them 2nd, 3rd, and even more chances. I wish, that the person responsible for letting him go after only 3 years and 8 months after he was caught and imprisoned for raping and almost strangling to death another small girl some 5 years ago. Most likely the judge who sentenced him and the defending lawyer are to blame - may they rot in hell too! Sad though, that the villagers in the village where "Nui" grew up and who rejected him - after he tried to return there - did not just reject him, but club him to a pulp good and proper... Could have saved at least 5 children's lifes and saved another 4 or 5 from being raped.

    To be put to death by a firing squad would be too humane for him. Better give him a life sentence so he can reflect on his deeds while being gang-raped on a daily basis by his fellow cellmates.

  5. I am absolutely not a Suthep fan, but the people of any democracy have the right to oppose and fight against a government that tries to suppress and strip the population of their given rights... I see nothing illegal here.

    The fact that all of this costs us this and perhaps next high season and severely damages Thailand's reputation as a "safe and happy" tourist haven is written on another piece of paper.

    Talking about paper - I will also (as suggested by another member) join the protest and lay a nice brick today for our beloved Fuehrer Suthep. Just need another Espresso and it will come out just fine...

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  6. My hands are tied

    The billions shift from side to side

    And the wars go on with brainwashed pride

    For the love of God and our human rights

    And all these things are swept aside

    By bloody hands time can't deny

    And are washed away by your genocide

    And history hides the lies of our civil wars

    This is the Guns'n Roses song "Civil War"... musicians and artists in general can't help it but to see the bigger picture long before anyone else does.

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  7. 15 years for picking mushrooms, but 3 years and 8 months for a child rapist that strangled and raped a girl to leave her half dead and to - after his release - rape ten more children and kill 4 of them? What f#$&%d up justice system is this? How many years will Nui get this time? 4.5? Or perhaps they will just set him free and blame it all on a messed up and difficult childhood...

  8. This headline would not be of such negative impact to a Thai loving foreigner if the country would have its very own affairs sorted out and under control, but with major unrest, shootings and bombings in the south (performed by Thais!); killings, stabbings and robbings of tourists on a daily basis (performed by Thais!), tourists being killed for singing with a band (performed by Thais!); tourists being drugged and robbed on a daily basis (performed by Thais!); foreign investors being cheated out of their businesses and losing their investments on a frequent basis due to the 51%Thai/49% foreigner ratio (performed by Thais!); Thai mass murderers and child rapists roaming around and killing undetected for years; lax safety standards killing tourists all over the place via speedboats, tour boats, water scooters, mini vans, VIP buses, etc. (provided by and neglected by Thais!); overfishing and neglect in national parks, providing absolutely no conservation efforts, while charging the visiting tousists blind (performed by Thais!); unability to form a working government and unability to understand, enforce and obey even the simplest rules of democracy; unability of the government to destroy and punish mafia-alike structures amongst Tuk-Tuk and Taxi drivers (Thais); unability to force the own (Thai) citizens to obey traffic laws and keep vehicles road worthy; governments unability to weed out corruption (performed by Thais!); and many, many, issues more that could fill a book, this finger pointing and cracking down on foreigners for minor misconduct or violating visa or work permit laws is just a bit too much and shows again that Thailand is the hub of what???? Racism, or perhaps utter stupidity...

    If there is one country in the world that deserves to be boycotted by tourists and sanctioned by all other nations due to their decision makers' remarkable aptitude for pointing fingers at foreigners and performing blunt racism out in the open without remorse, then it is Thailand!

    I wish that (given that Thailand ever will have a functioning government that finally is accepted by "the people of Thailand") one Thai P.M. or other influencial leading politician up there would read Thai Expat opinions and posts like ours here on Thai Visa on a frequent basis and make an effort to sit down with a few selected ones on a round table and listen - just for once - to our concerns and day to day problems we are facing when living in this country, giving us the opportunity to have a saying to and explain to them how it feels to be treated like a 2nd or 3rd class citizen while trying to do everything by the book, raising Thai/foreign families and kids, etc. truly trying to fit in, adapt, speaking the language and all... I wish so much that the Thais would listen to us, just for once and at least try to understand.

    Good lord mate, a rather bewildering viewpoint. And it begs the question; why would you live in(?) or visit(?) Thailand having that sort of opinion of the country and its people? It's truly puzzling to me that there are those that are so passionately unhappy about anything and everything Thai, yet still live(?) or visit(?) there. Are you imprisoned there or something?

    Zappa, you have been reading virtually "around" my email without understanding the point I was trying to make, but perhaps you'll figure it out by time...

  9. This headline would not be of such negative impact to a Thai loving foreigner if the country would have its very own affairs sorted out and under control, but with major unrest, shootings and bombings in the south (performed by Thais!); killings, stabbings and robbings of tourists on a daily basis (performed by Thais!), tourists being killed for singing with a band (performed by Thais!); tourists being drugged and robbed on a daily basis (performed by Thais!); foreign investors being cheated out of their businesses and losing their investments on a frequent basis due to the 51%Thai/49% foreigner ratio (performed by Thais!); Thai mass murderers and child rapists roaming around and killing undetected for years; lax safety standards killing tourists all over the place via speedboats, tour boats, water scooters, mini vans, VIP buses, etc. (provided by and neglected by Thais!); overfishing and neglect in national parks, providing absolutely no conservation efforts, while charging the visiting tousists blind (performed by Thais!); unability to form a working government and unability to understand, enforce and obey even the simplest rules of democracy; unability of the government to destroy and punish mafia-alike structures amongst Tuk-Tuk and Taxi drivers (Thais); unability to force the own (Thai) citizens to obey traffic laws and keep vehicles road worthy; governments unability to weed out corruption (performed by Thais!); and many, many, issues more that could fill a book, this finger pointing and cracking down on foreigners for minor misconduct or violating visa or work permit laws is just a bit too much and shows again that Thailand is the hub of what???? Racism, or perhaps utter stupidity...

    If there is one country in the world that deserves to be boycotted by tourists and sanctioned by all other nations due to their decision makers' remarkable aptitude for pointing fingers at foreigners and performing blunt racism out in the open without remorse, then it is Thailand!

    I wish that (given that Thailand ever will have a functioning government that finally is accepted by "the people of Thailand") one Thai P.M. or other influencial leading politician up there would read Thai Expat opinions and posts like ours here on Thai Visa on a frequent basis and make an effort to sit down with a few selected ones on a round table and listen - just for once - to our concerns and day to day problems we are facing when living in this country, giving us the opportunity to have a saying to and explain to them how it feels to be treated like a 2nd or 3rd class citizen while trying to do everything by the book, raising Thai/foreign families and kids, etc. truly trying to fit in, adapt, speaking the language and all... I wish so much that the Thais would listen to us, just for once and at least try to understand.

  10. Never mind the protest, let's focus on a narcissistic teenager with an gender/identity crisis.

    And <deleted>, pull your tongue back in, you look ridiculous.

    In the end, she's probably more worthwhile than the likes of Suthep and Thaksin. Sure, she's provocative, and quite possibly narcissistic, but she's also 19. I can see why she'd annoy some people, but you can't really challenge the consensus without upsetting people.

    And why do you think she has a 'gender/identity crisis'? She hasn't indicated that she's unhappy being transgender. She just wants to be addressed with the female pronoun rather than the male. Is that too much to ask?

    I try to be very open minded and tolerant of all people.

    However, I DO think that 55Jay is correct on the issue of gender/identity crisis...

    While I respect a persons right to live their life the way they want to, I think if you are so unhappy with your gender that you have surgery to add tits and cut your penis off so you can post sexy selfies on the internet, that pretty much qualifies as "gender / identity crisis" in my book.

    I don't see any contradiction between those two things... You have every right to express your crisis the way you choose... but that doesn't mean you don't have a crisis.

    Just sayin'...


    Maybe crisis was not the right word, but it certainly manifests itself as a conflict for the individual, which draws criticism and adornment. Acting out satisfies the need for attention and acceptance. Criticism/non-acceptance, such as with the BKK Post, allows him to highlight the issue, raises debate, which also serves the need for attention and, if nothing else, gains him reassurances of acceptance from his social circle, and often new, external sources.

    I'm no professional, but in my own direct experience with my Thai nephew in a gender conflict, I sussed out a possible connection to the fact he's a product of a fatherless upbringing, and the mother left him to the grandparents in the NE to raise as she worked in BKK (not the bar scene). He was a wicked smart super star in school but I felt for him, rudderless in life, no guidance, seeking attention and acceptance wherever and however he could get it. Having a Japanese surname and looking the part (not a typical looking Thai kid), made him different from the average kids around these parts, no real support at home to speak of, so acceptance was desperately needed.

    He was very discreet as an early teen, hiding his gay porn and selfie penis shots of his mate, but incrementally became more overt around the house, and put up cross-dressing selfies on his FB page - but kept this part confined to his bedroom, never around the common areas of the house. Once the wife and I finally moved to LOS full-time, he was just 16, still living in the house, so we finally confronted him. He told my loving but disapproving wife that he wasn't sure what he wanted to be. We tried to encourage him, and for a while, like hitting a light switch, he started dressing as a boy. He was shockingly good looking too, white skin, great hair, he looked like a Koran pop/music star, which is all the rage and probably what he was shooting for. He had a girl friend but still seemed confused about it all and broke up - not sure who initiated.

    That lasted about a month or so before he flipped back - stronger than before, again, like hitting a switch. He moved out of the house after about 7 months, been gone for 6 months now but has visited twice - as a boy. He still has a feminine air about him but doesn't seem to be so transfixed on his sexuality anymore.

    That was my only beef. End of the day, do what you want, but the selective, over-acting as a female was very irritating. Every time he would say "Ka" with this fake, whiny, nasal girly tone, instead of Khrup, drove me up the wall. So contrived, plastic, and over the top. Sexual tastes and preferences are an important part of life, but when they become the focal point in one's overt life, trying to let the whole world know what your preferences are, whether they care to know or not, there's something (else) going on there.

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I am with you! "Every time he would say "Ka" with this fake, whiny, nasal girly tone, instead of Khrup, drove me up the wall." This can only be topped by an overacting Ladyboy who eats fried chicken and sticky rice with the little finger spread straight up (right hand) while moving through "her hair" every 5 seconds or so with the left hand (eyes scanning the surroundings for a financially sound victim)...

    I have a lot of respect though for the ones who truly (even to third persons) seem to have been born in the wrong body, but who can contain themselves to really look, feel and talk like a woman. I know, well, knew some, but they are rarely found.

    What pisses me off is the whole gay, lesbian, transgender, hype at the moment where everyone is so proud to be different, is that It almost feels like you are outing yourself when you "admit" to be straight. I believe people should be allowed to do what they want to do if it makes them happy as long as it is within the boundaries of the law and implies common sense. But most of the ladyboys here in Thailand are simply overdoing it, consequentually making them the laughing stock of Southeast Asia, including our little school brat here.

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  11. Humane would be in such instances to let the parents of the victims decide what to do with that pervert. If I were the father to one of the raped and killed little girls, I would assure that "Nui" wouldn't make it into a court room alive. Said should be too, that I would not leave my underage daughter behind alone in our car to watch a concert...

    I just hope that "Nui" has to face the firing squad. But taking the latest developments in this case and the huge publicity coming with it into account, I fear that police already did offer him a deal to talk about all the other rapes and murders to have the death sentence reduced to life in prison. So all we can do is wish that he will be put to death by some of his inmates after being gang-raped, allowing him to reflect on what he did to all those little children.

    I also think that what Brit1984 says is right. Whatever reason a person claims made him/her become a pedophile, mass murderer, rapist, etc. - fact is that it is in their head, in their blood, and you can't get it out! I even believe that some of them want it to stop, but they can't help it. True crime books about mass murderers often write that the culprit in the end was kind of relieved to be caught and "happy that it's over now". Some of them get sloppy in the end on purpose, some of them get the impression that they can do whatever they want and will never get caught, making them feel kind of superhuman. So it's better to take such animals down by lethal injection right after their first offense or better, find ways to detect their mental defect before they even get their chance.

  12. Not sure where to even start on this......I have a three year old daughter. At no point is she

    EVER out of the sight of either myself or my wife. Monsters roam the world, it is the job

    of the parent to protect your child. In the case of the father, it was a truly epic fail to leave

    his daughter in the truck to go drinking with his friends. It is hard for me to even get my

    head around such a flawed decision.

    I firmly believe he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for such criminal

    neglect that it led to the death of his daughter. So at least

    when he is punished, he can serve as an example to other fathers in Thailand that it is not

    a good idea to leave young children alone in a truck while you go drinking.......

    What a load of rubbish you have dumped here! The job of the law is to punish "the monsters", not a father who just lost his 6 year old daughter and whose life (because of that) already is going down the drain, a father who most certainly will get his daily load of blaming from his wife and other relatives... He certainly does not need the law to get down on him in addition. Are you still on planet earth, or have you already departed to Banana-Space????

    Btw - regarding your "example to other fathers in Thailand" silly talk; The "average Thai father" leaves his 12 to 15 year old pregnant girlfriend at the very instant the belly shows, to continue his "Thai fatherness" in another Changwat with a new girlfriend. I am not defending the father since he certainly is guilty of neglect, but by reading your lines, it looks to me like you are not actually living in Thailand, or at least have no idea what is going on here. With 2.000 plus posts under your belt, please allow me to say that yours was one of the most senseless, insensitive and downright stupid comments I have ever read here on Thai Visa. You should be ashamed of yourself!

  13. On tonights news the perp has admitted to 4 child murders,

    On Thai TV they said he was out of jail after a prison sentence for a similar offense. He was out on the streets again for a year by now and has raped admittedly ten underage girls of whom he killed four - all on his work trips as "roadie" or something touring with music bands. The f#$ing swine said that he can't help it when he gets drunk. The urge is too strong and the job made it too easy for him with parents leaving kids unattended at such music festivals... Well, I would know what to do to free him of his "urge"...

    I hope that he will face the firing squad or better - a policeman in duty allowing the parents of the killed and assaulted children to take care of him personally at the policestation to make sure he will not have the chance to be sentenced to death but later get pardoned to a life sentence in jail. May he rot in hell for eternity.

    Blaming the parents does not help. But putting such child killing animals down directly after their first offense, and not listening to psychologists, trying to blame it all on "he had a tough childhood, blabla", and not giving such swines the chance to get lucky and get one of those dogooder judges that find every person, even the most sinister one, deserves a second chance. I wish so much that Dexters would suddenly appear all over the world, not as a fictional figure, but for real. If I were the father of one of those girls, I would make sure this pervert would not make it into a court room and if it would cost me my own life!

  14. Looks like Garry had to learn it the hard way that the status of an expat police volunteer is not similar to that of a "real" Thai policeman. A fine example you set, Garry, for all expat volunteers who do the job because they truly want to give something back to the people and the community. I am sure they are very proud of you!

    Drug dealers in my opinion already are the scum of the earth, but a person who uses a certain status or official rank to sell drugs... how low can you go?

    Guess we can be sure to see the headline "crackdown on expat police volunteers", in the news soon, because of scumbag Garry. Sure a lot of your colleagues will happily volunteer to be drivers and co drivers on your transport from Bangkok Hilton to the airport. May god have mercy on you.

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