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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. 01. The abuse from all of you is partly funny, partly tragic. Is this the best you can do?

    02. If one can't survive in Thailand with work, FL projects and 2 million Bath in backup, one can wonder how the locals do it. Surely it's then "possible".

    03. Neither of you can't use math properly. European stock-market rose 8.3% average during the last 20 years. Inflation 1.5%. Net difference makes for an "interest-based" living 11125B for beginning of year 2, excluding the income for the current work, let's say 20000B/month. So that would make for an average living of about 31000B/month, which I would say is "fair" giving a cheap living standard.

    04. One should never compare how other survive or live, coz it can me done in 10 billion different ways. Some people live for the day. Other people try to survive. Either way, it's up to you.

    05. If I had 2 million in reserves I would invest them in a living of some kind. Because population growth is faster than allocated global resources, property will always increase in value.

    06. If you want love in life, get a woman and a baby. If you want to stay cheap and trouble free, don't.

    07. Some of you have been in this forum so long that cynical and dystopic answers come automatically. Isn't it time for you to move on? Or you really feel your input is making this forum better?

    Take care out there.

    Think you missed the point here, Mr. Yang. This thread and all the (partially) insulting posts are a result of the ignorant, arrogant, aggressive and naive childish attitude the author of the original post has expressed in this and other, previous posts. This all, combined with an early retirement plan on a mere 2m THB of backup stash is just hilarious.

    You can crunch numbers as much as you want, but the result will still be: "mission impossible". You also should do a bit more research and get down NOT to inflation rates presented to you by puppet politicians and so-called market researchers, but the true numbers which are downright shocking, due to banks and governments creating money out of thin air and simply printing more if the river runs dry.

    Our Mr. Leo Sun Time here will certainly have some rough 20 years ahead, taking into account that he hardly will find an employer since he might tell the future boss in his job interview that he will piss on his grave, as soon as the boss says something, he don't wanna hear...

  2. A parental "guardian" who leaves a 7year old girl to her own devices near a place like that deserves some kind of punishment too in my opinion. Poor little soul - with drug dealing parents in jail and a guardian like that her fate is basically pre-set in concrete, unless she's adopted by a decent couple that really cares about her. Unfortunately just one story out of millions, happening all over the world on a daily basis...

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  3. R.I.P. to victims and condolences to families and friends. Unfortunately not the first and not the last of tragic, fatal road accidents in Thailand.

    Looking at all the mess, the lax safety regulations, the masses of unserviced and road-unworthy vehicles, the aggressive and relentless behaviour of mini van, taxi, lorry and bus drivers, the brain- and fearless crack-addicted "Wai Loon" on their pimped up Honda Clicks, bad or damaged road lighting and road markers, etc. it is no wonder that Thailand - with 72 road fatalities per day - is one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to traffic death toll statistics.

    As far as I can see, only education can solve the problem. In Europe, in the 70s it was quite easy - a few shocking videos and photos and people would step on the brakes. But how should such a method work with a population that is as heavily into Gore and Splatter as a kid is into candy??? If you show them a few cracked open heads of motorcyclists who refused to wear a helmet, you'll get "Oohs, and aaaahs!" instead of one of them saying, "Naa, I don't want anything like this happening to me, rather drive careful and wear a helmet." Most feel invincible and think, "Won't happen to me anyway."

    Perhaps increasing fines tenfold and cracking down hard on Thai bikers and motorists, as hard as they deal with foreigners without work permit or visa, might solve the problem? But this country obviously got other priorities, i.e. showing foreigners that they are 2nd and 3rd class citizens on a daily basis, and (most importantly) opposing and demonstrating against whom or whatever is governing the country at any given moment...

    • Like 1
  4. I think you're wrong.

    Most of the Thai ladies I have met that are selling themselves, do it because they are too lazy to work.

    That's what they all appear to have in common, lazy.

    Not desperate, lazy.

    You say they would like a well paid job, well yes they would, but they wouldn't be bothered to turn up to work every day and put in the hours.

    They're too lazy.

    Much easier to sit around all day doing exactly what they want, when they want, while some guy pays for it all.

    The guy, doesn't matter, how bad can 5 minutes out of your life, now and again, possibly be? No matter what he wants to do.

    As one working girl told me, half the foreigners she goes with can't even do anything, easy money.

    It isn't about desperation or hunger, it's about lazy girls and greed.

    As much as I agree with the original post and the nice story (since I found a couple of diamonds myself in those past 23 years here), as much I have to object to this another American...

    It's not the girls that are lazy, but very often the families. Most girls end up in bars, because - firstly - they get banged at young age by some useless crackhead Thai boy who can't achieve much more in his life but a wheelie on a Fino, and who takes off to another provice as soon as the belly shows, while - secondly - mom and dad, or aunt, uncle, grannie, brothers, etc. pressure the girl to reel in as much money as the neighbors daughter, who has a job as "healing massage practitioner" in Pattaya and who rolls into the village, hung with gold, handing her family some 10 or 20 grand, show up a little to then return to work.

    Usually in scenarios like this one, parents and family use phrases like: "You see, Nong... Goong - the neighbor's daughter - she really loves her parents! She is working hard and brought them 20.000 Baht today!!! She really LOVES her parents, you love us too, don't you? Can't you ask Goong if she can get you a job at where she is working?" And off the good-hearted Nong (who until now worked hard in a sewing factory for a pittance of 6k per month to provide for herself, the fatherless kid, and the parents, living on Mama Soup to save up) goes to talk to Goong and we know where it all goes from here...

    You, Another American, have no idea about all the stories behind, about Thai life, Thais in general, Thai "traditions" and all the weird and often sad stories behind each and every bar girl out there... It is sad to see how you judge a book by its cover, but perhaps you are able (and willing) to learn.

    What I can say here is that most of the so-called HiSo girls are by far worse, greedier and meaner than the average bar girl in Thailand. Those shopping Barbie b$#%es truly gonna bleed you dry and have far more complex ideas and more subtle (yet far more effective) ways of draining your wallet. Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt...

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  5. The saddest thing about the whole story is, that this is only the tip of the iceberg... As far as I see it, Buddhism as such is not existant anymore in Thailand, given that if it ever was. To me, most Thai men use the orange cloth to simply leave all responisibilities and dirty deeds they have commited so far behind to live an easy life, have food on the table and a roof over their heads, receive cash and goods for murmuring some Sanskrit phrases which meaning don't even understand, a couple of times per day and otherwise watch telly, play facebook, buy a new laptop, go shopping, hit on school girls and boys at KFC or even on temple grounds (have witnessed it myself in Chumporn and Phuket), and do a lot of other bad things (like the title of this thread) while ordinary and hard working people bow in admiration and submission in front of them. Time to clean up not only politics in Thailand, but the "orange crowd" as well which is poisoning and ridiculing Buddhism on a daily basis.

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  6. Very nice from that side, not sure if I've ever seen a bike that looked so great on one side and so weird on the other side.

    Hang on - just checked, it's not so bad on the red one, seems like it's the black frame on the picture above that contributes to making it look like a dogs dinner.


    Well spotted! The red frame makes a big difference for the better - would be worthwile to Photoshop just the frame red on the black one, to see how it looks. I bet a thousand times better.

  7. Hahaha.

    This is becoming a complete and utter circus. How many heads are they going to cut, until there is a backlash?

    Ignoring politics - try hard for a minute.

    Was this man really suitable for the job and was he carrying out the duties of an ambassador to a major country to the required high standard?

    I have no idea, do you? But I suspect the Thai Foreign Ministry do, and are probably free to voice that opinion based on facts now Thaksin's cousin has been removed.

    Doesn't look like a circus - that was a good description of what was happening before, with all the cabinet reshuffles and doling out of plumb jobs to relatives and cronies. Look more like a very well planned operation to return to reality.

    Well said, Baerboxer! I'd sign that!

  8. Yet another conundrum. While you don't want to encourage individuals to just go rogue and decide for themselves which government security secrets to divulge ( after all we all have varying judgements on this), on the other hand we would hope that individuals would take it upon themselves to publicly denounce government wrongdoing. So, where to draw the line? Had there been an effective, protective shield for Snowden to have come forth internally, I could condemn him. As it is, while I cannot call him a hero, I also cannot condemn him for exposing this over reach by a U.S. Government agency. As an American, I condemn the taking away of Constitutional Rights ( yes, I am fully aware of the Supreme Court rulings) in the name of security. This distroys the very thing we are supposed to be protecting...freedom for the individual against government control.


    Freedom already has been destroyed, or better put - wiped out for good in the western world. And there's no turning back, and it will get worse!


    I think that Snowden is a traitor, but if he volunteered to go back to the USA willingly, he would also be a complete imbecile. Run Ed, run!


    Ulysses my definition of a traitor is someone who gives secret information to the enemy. As I would imagine it is for most people. What you are saying is because Snowden passed on secret information to the American public then the American public must be the enemy of the American Government wub.png

    The only reason the USA is very Pi##ed off is because they have been exposed as spying on not only their own people but supposed close allies. And for Kerry to say he needs to man up just shows him for the clueless fool he appears to the world at large.

    The British Government do exactly the same and have been along with the NSA for decades. 

    Google Echelon. A joint listening post at Menwith Hill in the UK run by both Americans and the British to listen to every phone call, fax, email and sms etc.

    It is what Governments do. they just don't like the stupid minions finding out just how much though.

    I used to regularly go there to install fibre cables which allowed them to do the above

    For me the guy is a whistle blower and not a traitor and should be treated as such because after all what the NSA was doing was illegal so why has nobody from the NSA facing charges ?whistling.gif



    "What you are saying is because Snowden passed on secret information to the American public then the American public must be the enemy of the American Government"


    Pipiffs - you managed to hit the nail on the head without knowing (nor believing in) it !!!


    Ridiculing someone who wanders off the beaten path is easy. Nothing to be proud of.

    A lot less effort than trying to refute imaginary nonsense though.



    You, quoting George Orwell as your signature, should now better. Time you seem to have a lot with 35.000 posts - get a life!

  11. catweazle. Yea, pretty much alone. Your thoughts have been floated out before. Personally I don't trust where those 'thoughts' came from. No way they could have dumped all that info at once and had the impact, what little it has. Hang on and wait, there is a list coming out of those under surveillance by NSA. Unfortunately most Americans didn't believe big brother was watching and had been for years. And far too many believe (still) the old crap about if you didn't do anything wrong you have nothing to fear. Bullcrap and I can testify to that. Too bad he wasn't able to reveal info on the Fumbling Bureau of Idiots, Fusion Centers and others on their spying on innocent people. While the info released by him has stirred a bit of a debate, it is too little and too late. Congress just makes it worse. Nothing has changed and nothing will unless the sheeple find their hind feet, which they show no sign of doing. He outsmarted the feds this time, but should have waited until he was in a country that would give him sanctuary until he and Greenwald released the info. As I've said, Snowden is a walking dead man and Greenwald etc. better watch their 6.


    Nice answer, Sargeant Sabai - something I can live and work with! Most of what you have written aligns with my major concern which is that we all are being watched. I am very much with you when you mention those ignorant "as long as you don't do anything illegal" sheeple, and yes - perhaps I underestimated (or should I better use a Bushism; overunderestimated) in my text the average ignorant American. Most of the Europeans are the same, and while many post even the most intimate details about themselves on "farcebook and titter", they can't get their heads around the fact that every single bit they upload is being copied for savekeeping...


    Guess you are right and Snowden really is genuine and made a lucky escape. In that case, he certainly is a dead man walking. And hellyeah, will he man up and go back to big daddy to receive a lethal injection (or worse)... did Kerry grow up in Disneyland?


    Love your synonym for the Effen Bee Aye by the way! Good post! Thanks!


    Am I alone with my thoughts?


    No, no, no....the Easter Bunny concurs, and the leprechauns  are leaning toward a similar point of view.

    Other than that. you should be aware that "they" are probably monitoring your thoughts as well, so in this sense, you're never

    really alone.



    Ridiculing someone who wanders off the beaten path is easy. Nothing to be proud of. Morch on !!! (cancelling the >ch< solves the riddle)... 

  13. Honestly, I don't really know what to make of this whole Snowden thing... He popped up from out of nowhere and announced that he has a truckload of insider $#ite about the US government and secret organisations incl. the NSA to unload that would turn the world upside down. So far, so good...


    Then we learned something that any person with a brain and open eyes already knew or at least suspected: Everything typed, copied, sent, received, clicked on, downloaded said on the phone etc. has been collected and saved somewhere and most likely, each and every person that ever had an email address or used a mobile has a massive electronic file about him/herself somewhere on a server in the US of A, in which can be found anything from sexual preferences, general interests, hobbies and political orientation to complex personal and psychological evaluation results, and any "illegal" deeds ever performed in the past 20 or so years since the internet exists, to be pulled out of the digital library whenever needed - may it be to eliminate a possible political or industrial opponent or to ridicule, and put someone to shame who might become an obstacle to "their" hidden agenda in the future, etc... So it's nothing new there to be learned by open-minded people (who manage to think outside the box and who gather their information from any other media but mainstream) from this. E. Snowden.


    The big bang is missing! The information that should shake the world never has been given, and if it ever will be, then whohooo, it will be done in tiny baby steps, some here, some there... almost like this fake wikileaks thing... If anyone truly wants to wake up and unite all people in the world and disclose something such drastic, you do it right away before ending up in an airport waiting hall, and you do it with a big bang, resulting in the highest impact possible! But one would definitely NOT apply it to the public like a body lotion, a tiny little rub a day... and perhaps another one tomorrow...


    This all said, I believe that Snowden himself is not a genuine person, but a part of the plan behind this hidden agenda, whatever it is. Perhaps his job in form and appearance of a sympathetic bloke was simply to break and confirm to the public what most deep inside already knew - we are being watched, every day, every minute, every second of the way and soon also the times of cash money will be over so that we can be perfectly monitored, and can't even "consult" a hooker without big brother knowing it, letting alone the doobie you wanna buy from your favourite Bob Marley beach rasta boy...


    So was that all, Snowden? Do you have anything more to disclose but info most of us already knew or suspected?


    And if he really was that US of A enemy number one, the big traitor, etc. - he would be lying dead in some airport toilet by now and would not even had the time or chance to make his name public. Does anyone really believe that someone who has worked in a secret government organisation who decides to run and disclose top secret information would make it to some airport alive anywhere in the world? Come on, people, wake up!


    Its all just a big show "they" are putting on display for us here, perhaps it was to simply distract freethinkers and lead them in the wrong direction, while a completely different deck of cards is being played behind the curtain, while we are being blinded by a dummy named E. Snowden - I very much doubt that this is his real name. If he returns, he'll most likely will be discharged with honor for a well-performed worldwide disinformation propaganda campaign, living on his very own private island in the Bahamas while the rest of the world thinks he's getting gangbanged in Super Max...


    Am I alone with my thoughts?

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  14. I just love the photo; Suthep's "nobody can touch me" grin gone, the stages gone, the 0-point-whatever percent of Thai nationals representing "all the people of Thailand" gone... All he has left is his stupid whistle to hold on to.

    Would be nice to know if 7Eleven will be ordered to remove Suthep's pathetic book from their shelves and especially from the cash counters, since the sheer sight of him makes me wanna throw up whenever I pay for my soda and crisps...

    Post 666 by the way - I knew it would turn out evil smile.png

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  15. Finally, Thailand is led by a person with a brain!

    If anyone still believes that the coup was a bad thing should think twice now.

    The farmers and fields are the blood, the livelyhood of this country - how could any of those crooked politicians think they could get away with not paying their own HARD WORKING (and not HiSo shopping, selfie-loving) folks?

    Go ahead General Prayut - I salute you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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