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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Some folks don't know when it's time to quit, do they?

    The purpose of this coup was to root out the Shins and the many other lying, stealing, and corrupt subjects once and for all. And hell yeah, of course General Prayuth will allow an exile-based "government" led by one of the biggest deceptive crooks in Thai history to step in and "save" the country...

    Guess there are several more containers full of stolen cash and gold here in Thailand Thaksin needs to get his little greedy hands on to pay for his and his families' expensive life style and to grease the political players that have been spared (so far) from Gen. Prayut's long overdue mass sacking of rotten apples.

    Keep up the good work, Gen. Prayut - you have a lot of supporters in Thailand's expat community, I believe even more than you might think!

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  2. If it smells like a rat, it most certainly is...

    Better this than seeing the Reds and Suthep's Sheeple clash in the city of angels and chop each others' heads off.

    Thanks Mr. Army Chief for calming everyone down, even if this requires telling white lies.

    Thanks also three times to the Shin family, Suthep and all the others involved for ripping this beautiful country apart. May you and all your followers receive punishment that fits the crime.

  3. Apologies for bringing some facts to this sad story.

    But there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that any form of cannibalism took place in this murder. That was a classic case of sloppy, stereotyping as beloved by the tabloids.

    For a fuller version of the story have a read of this article from GQ (seems like GQ has some excellent people writing for it):


    Thanks, Folium!

    Even though I fear that very few of the T.V. keyboard clowns lacking empathy read that article, it at least might help the forum members who were tempted to laugh at all those stupid and insulting jokes to think twice...

    R.I.P. Stefan (he's not a "German dude"and actually has a name), and may Heike find closure and a reason to live on. Hope the two of you will be reunited in heaven and that Arihano will receive the punishment he really deserves when he dies.

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  4. The Washington Post article in question is about a situation in Thailand. The Washington Post editorializes on a wide range of issues, including of course domestic issues. The Washington Post is not a U.S. government organ. It is independent. There is no American Putin in Washington that controls all the press. This topic is not about the United States just because the editorial comes from there. Therefore, anti-American rants are certainly NOT called for on this particular thread.

    Keep on dreaming - you thing that in the US there is something like a free press? Mainstream media worldwide is controlled by large corporations and super rich influencial people. Putin is the only one showing the US of A the finger, and I love him for that!

  5. Look who's pointing fingers... The waterboarding world bully condems the treatment of Rohingya in Thailand... ok - perhaps there is area for improvement, but: Why is not the whole world condemning the US of A for:

    Using depleted Uranium ammunition in Afghanistan and Iraq?

    Invading countries in the middle east they have no business in to "free the people" and kill hundreds of thousands of civilians, including women and children in the process?

    How about condemning how the US of A treats their captives at Abu Ghraib and the hundreds of other secret detention facilities illegally implemented all over the world?

    The Kandahar Massacre? Or - going a bit further back in the past - the My Lai Massacre, or using Agent Orange, Napalm, etc. or the concentration camps where approx. 2m Japanese were starved to death? Then - going all the way back, Yankees - building a "Free Nation" on land that has been stolen from the Native American Indians, committing the largest ever genocide in recorded history?

    Yeah, you go on condemning others for mistreating people while murdering hundreds of innocent people worldwide in your fake "war on terror".

    You are a disgusting, lying, backstabbing nation and YOU are the twisted Firestarter, plunging the whole world in dismay. Send your troops back home and start to clean up your own backyard!!!!!!!!

    Interestingly, you do not mention the utopia you are from.

    Blunt and clumsy attempt to steer the focus away from this thread's headline. It appears that you are having difficulties to think logically, so I'll explain something of importance to you: Thailand and the US are the two nations in dispute in this article. The US is accusing Thailand of mistreating an ethnic minority while they are not only mistreat, but murder and torture innocent people worldwide by the hour. Logical consequence is a rant against the US, because they have more than enough skeletons in their closet - thus it is of no importance where the rant originated from in the first place. Write something substantial or otherwise keep it shut.

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  6. Look who's pointing fingers... The waterboarding world bully's media puppet condems the treatment of Rohingya in Thailand... ok - perhaps there is area for improvement, but: Why is not the whole world condemning the US of A for:

    Using depleted Uranium ammunition in Afghanistan and Iraq?

    Invading countries in the middle east they have no business in to "free the people" and kill hundreds of thousands of civilians, including women and children in the process?

    How about condemning how the US of A treats their captives at Abu Ghraib and the hundreds of other secret detention facilities illegally implemented all over the world?

    The Kandahar Massacre? Or - going a bit further back in the past - the My Lai Massacre, or using Agent Orange, Napalm, etc. or the concentration camps where approx. 2m Japanese were starved to death? Then - going all the way back, Yankees - building a "Free Nation" on land that has been stolen from the Native American Indians, committing the largest ever genocide in recorded history?

    Yeah, you go on condemning others for mistreating people while murdering hundreds of innocent people worldwide in your fake "war on terror". Send your troops back home and start to clean up your own backyard!!!!!!!!

    • Like 1
  7. Yeah, right! Go on, fingerprint all these foreigners who conduct the majority of violent crimes in Thailand, such as shooting girlfriend and mom in law at point blank in a pimpup my car waiting room (the dance away murderer), raping and killing at least 6 innocent children (Nui), crashing into and killing countless police officers and other people who were at the wrong place at the wrong time (the rich Bangkok brats in their luxurious racing cars who never get proscecuted), bomb the hell out of noodle shop owners and bystanders (muslim separatists in the south), selling parts of Thailand's infrastructure to foreign countries and run with the cash AND tax (Shin clan), bring the country to a standstill, raging like Heinrich Himmler live on TV and making political demands that only idiots would meet, stating he is talking for the majority of Thais while having a few arrest warrants out on himself including involvement of murdering a foreign journalist (Suthep), supressing underage girls into prostitution (Thai Nama Sans for their Chinese/Thai child lover clients), illegally gamble like there is no tomorrow (90% of the Thais? - just a wild guess), push drugs, guns, and other illegal stuff like Thailand is the hard copy of Mexico (majority of Thai businessmen), accept bribes for almost any of their performed work (Thai officials and police), kill their foreign passengers with an axe on camera over a 60 Baht taxi fare.... should I go on, or is it enough?... to show you = the Thais, what hypocrites most of you are - to an extend that it makes any open minded person who has learned to think for himself wanna puke. Nothing more I have to say to that, I am too disgusted. Need to go to the toilet.

    Enjoy your meal.

    it went down the toilet - people who can read are clearly in favour here...

  8. Yeah, right! Go on, fingerprint all these foreigners who conduct the majority of violent crimes in Thailand, such as shooting girlfriend and mom in law at point blank in a pimpup my car waiting room (the dance away murderer), raping and killing at least 6 innocent children (Nui), crashing into and killing countless police officers and other people who were at the wrong place at the wrong time (the rich Bangkok brats in their luxurious racing cars who never get proscecuted), bomb the hell out of noodle shop owners and bystanders (muslim separatists in the south), selling parts of Thailand's infrastructure to foreign countries and run with the cash AND tax (Shin clan), bring the country to a standstill, raging like Heinrich Himmler live on TV and making political demands that only idiots would meet, stating he is talking for the majority of Thais while having a few arrest warrants out on himself including involvement of murdering a foreign journalist (Suthep), forcing underage girls into prostitution (Thai Nama Sans for their Chinese/Thai child lover clients), illegally gamble like there is no tomorrow (90% of the Thais? - just a wild guess), push drugs, guns, and other illegal stuff like Thailand is the hard copy of Mexico (majority of Thai businessmen), accept bribes for almost any of their performed work (Thai officials and police), kill their foreign passengers with an axe on camera over a 60 Baht taxi fare.... should I go on, or is it enough?... to show you = the Thais, what hypocrites most of you are - to an extend that it makes any open minded person who has learned to think for himself wanna puke. Nothing more I have to say to that, I am too disgusted.

    All this said, I by no means want to implement there are no rotten apples in the "farang basket", but please put an end to this "farangs are bad and need to be monitored all the time", while the majority of your own country people act worse than outlaws in the wild wild west... You need to look in the mirror first before you can start pointing fingers!

  9. Why not try the "Average Siamese Husband Diet" ?

    Eat nothing but Thai food, spread over 4 to 5 small meals a day, sex only with Mia Nois and Karaoke girls, refuse to work and let the missus earn the money to hand it over to you, sleep most time of the day, do absolutely no exercise and wherever you go (even if it is 10m to walk) use the motorbike, smoke at least a pack per day, drink Lao Khao and water only, indulge in cock fights, bird singing contests, and playing cards with your pals - and miraculously within a few weeks you will have a chiseled body like most of them have...

  10. Rest in peace, Mr. Prakob. What a waste, what a tragedy, the life of a family father and skilled man taken for just 300.000 THB...

    I know that it takes two to tango, but am I alone when I say that I simply hate those Muak Gan Nok loan shark debt collector f%#$#rs on their motorbikes to the extend that I want to simply force them off the road with my car whenever I see them to then stop and take em out for good with a blunt object?

    Whenever I see those lowlifes (always on a 2-stroke street bike, always two, always long sleeves, gloves and helmets while the one in the back carries the money belt) passing by I can't help it but to think about all the tragedies behind the people they gonna "visit" today, squeezing horrendous interest rates out of their "clients", threatening them, threatening their families, hurting them, etc. I just hope that all of those lowlife scumbags including their loan shark bosses go straight to hell when they die.

    I know of a story from a nearby village here, where the mother of a 15 year old girl was in debt to an extend that she saw no other option but to run and (this is the shocker) simply left the girl behind. The next day, those Muak Gan Nok f%$#$ers came back and tried to beat and rape the girl as "compensation" what they called it, but instead received a nice beating themselves from the men in that village. They made their point using sticks and iron rods, and the debt collector motherf#$#$rs were just lucky to get out alive. No one ever returned to ask for payment.

    The mother however, would deserve similar treatment for leaving her own flesh and blood behind if you ask me...

    This is only one sad story regarding those loan shark scumbags. Think of all the other hundreds of thousands being in debt, knowing that they can never pay it off unless they hit the jackpot in the lottery. Education would help and explaining people what interest and compound interest, etc. really means and that - in most cases - it is impossible to pay the money back.

    Also at car dealers, I have never seen a Thai making the calculation - adding the downpayment, plus 72 times whatever they have to pay monthly together, minus the cash price to see how much they lose on interest. Usually it is a number close to what the downpayment is - all down the drain, straight down the greedy throats of the financing companies.

    Best advise: Keep away from bank loans, loan sharks, automotive loans, etc. and try to work and earn money first before spending it. But Thai people will never listen to advise given by a "stupid farang" anyway, do they?

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  11. “Lots of nationalities come to Thailand on tourist visas but they come to work. I really want them to do the right thing, not try to dodge around the law and evade taxes."

    Isn't evasion of taxes, dodging laws and corruption what the Thai people (politicians, police, officials and businessmen alike) teach foreigners by example on a daily basis?

    Thai citizens and officials - let's start with the man in the mirror, shall we?

    And in addition: Does Thai law make it easy for companies to officially and properly employ greater numbers of foreign employees and thus "do the right thing" ? Answer: NO!

    Does Thai law make it easy for foreigners to officially obtain workpermits, non-immigrant B visas so they can "do the right thing" ? Answer: NO!

    Does Thailand want foreigners to work here at all? Answer: NO!

    Is Thailand on a suicide mission? Answer: YES!

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  12. If you have a bit of dignity and style in you, you'd walk with a shirt on (this means NOT a wifebeater shirt which is even worse than none) in LOS. Driving on a bike without shirt and protective clothing is simply stupid. I have nothing but intense disgust for shirtless foreigners roaming this country and I feel that shirtless white man with nothing on but flipflops, a Speedo and a fanny pack in banks and restaurants should be shot at sight without trial, because they are a disgrace to humanity.

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  13. Coincidence?

    I laid the most amazing brick this morning - it had the shape of a Banana and was of a greenish-brown at the top, turning into a black chocolate color at the lower end. Thus I predict a very good Banana season and the worldwide rennaisance of the Banana split.

    We don't want to know that.

    But there you have it :)

  14. "Maybe Dungtrin was not directly referring to the state of politics, but perhaps his words can be taken as a warning. Perhaps, it is time for us to stop, look and listen for a change instead of making judgements."

    There is not THE time to stop look and listen - if men in general would act wiser and with a bit more empathy every day, the world (and Thailand) would not be in this mess in the first place. But better late than never...

  15. Coincidence?

    I laid the most amazing brick this morning - it had the shape of a Banana and was of a greenish-brown at the top, turning into a black chocolate color at the lower end. Thus I predict a very good Banana season and the worldwide rennaisance of the Banana split.

  16. Wow, obviously no Russian or some other "illegal" foreigner around at the time of the accident to blame it on...

    How about checking the motorists' blood for traces Lao Khao? There we have it - after all it was a ghost: Genie in a bottle!

    It also helps to keep the road sides tidy and refreshen the reflective stickers and paint on "sharp curve" signs from time to time. Legend has it that this alone drives out ghosts quite effectively.

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