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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. some 250k people "vanish" in the UK every year and are reported to the police. Some turn up after months/years, some never to be seen.

    the case of Donie is just 3 days old and sensational title from the daily mail made up as he was abducted by aliens, is just to sell paper

    If myself or a loved one disappeared, I would hope that someone would notice and not shrug it off so lightly.

    I read an article some time ago of a similar disappearance. The missing person had suffered a medical emergency, gone of the roadway in his car, crashed down a ravine and was trapped for days before searchers located him. The news papers did a great job publicizing his disappearance which aided in his rescue. No aliens were involved or even mentioned.

    Well, then let's go and check the whore houses near Cock'n Bull bar, shall we? Perhaps we can rescue that poor soul...

  2. Given the catchy headline, I expected to read something about a person who actually has "magically dissolved" in front of eyewitnesses... Thousands of people "disappear" every day, so what's the news? Mentioning him walking towards certain bars after an all night drinking party in the article also did not really help to make this specific case sound "pressing" or "heart wrenching". Most likely he's spending some more drunk nights with a bird of his choosin' to magically reappear at work with a "sorry, I did not feel so well" excuse...

    Had a scuba instructor employed once who was super, hard working and usually very reliable. But every three to six months or so, he would suddenly and without warning be on a pi$$ over a three days' stretch to then return for work. Despite his overall professional and helpful attitude and him being an instructor students simply loved, I kicked him out after him ignoring my second warning, because you never knew when he would zone out again.

    How a story like this could make headlines is a miracle to me. Theres a f#$$ing whole airplane missing right now with over 200 people who disappeared along with it - and after the first media hype is over, nobody seems to give a toss... Why not report about that and investigate what really happened - that would be journalist work, but not copying a story about an Irish bloke who got lost after getting completely $#itfaced. Man, it's a crazy world out there...

  3. Let's hope so. Yes, last time there were bombs down town there was an extremely visible (and alert) police and army presence on the streets for weeks. Cars entering shopping centres were being searched properly instead of just being waved through because you weren't a Muslim.

    How could they tell who is and who isn't a Muslim? ermm.gif

    This is getting better and better - is it first of April again?

  4. Why don't this bloody cowards show their faces and fight their cause in the open, utilizing their brains (if any brain tissue is left) instead of bombs? The question however always is, same as in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, and Ucrania: "Cui bono?"

  5. Peter, I am quite sure you will get a lot of downright stupid answers here to this question, like, "Transfer the cash into my account!", etc... My two cents, and my honest opinion here is: Get (or keep) property with a good rental income that you can also utilize yourself if needed and invest the rest (the preferrably larger chunk) in life and travelling (alone and also with your family) before the $#it hits the fan, something that will certainly happen in your lifetime, given all those power-addicted, warmonger idiots at the helm of those "calling the shots governments" and the global economic situation. Travel memories and memories of heartwarming moments with loved ones in your life can't be taken away from you by anyone, and you can always recall/relive them; but house, land, money, assets of any kind can be snapped from you instantly and are worthless in the end. Also look into farming for self-sufficient living like I actually do.

  6. I have attended two of these festivals at my wife's home town, near Chumporn - and after what I have seen, I am amazed there are not more incidents happening like this. After all this is Thailaeeennn, and any efforts trying to implement further safety measures will be done in vain. Best advise is to stay away from houses and people building these rockets and those festivals for good. I will try to find a video I made and post it later if I can find it in my archives. This is some frightening $#it, people!!! Especially when the big ones roar off...

  7. I feel this story is the best evidence to verify the saying (or should I better say - natural law) of, "What goes around, comes around"...

    Equally suitable to this story would be the saying, "You can't polish a turd"...

    The perfect time for your "friend" to sit back and reflect on his past life and all the people in help he ignored, the chances he flunked, the promises he did not keep, the shortcuts he took, the rides on other peoples' backs he took, the responsibilities he refused to face, the love he failed to give, the "THANK YOUs" he failed to say, the love he forgot to invest...

    With 63 years under his belt, he's not too old to make a change - this change has to come from the inside, he himself is the only person who can help him. The best help you can give "your friend" is to leave him to his own devices and let life teach him how to tackle problems that HE ALONE is responsible for!

    Better give the 20k for his overstay to a home for mentally challenged kids in Thailand, a school for Burmese workers' kids or something else useful.

  8. Ignorant tourists. If they did their homework properly they would have known what to expect. In my experience of German tourists they expect to be treated as special people instead of the same as others. The old 'Germanic Superiority Complex' it seems.

    How a post with such cheap and dumb racist remarks could become popular and remain here undeleted is a miracle to me. Best jump under a Train, trainman - but before you do, I suggest you to invest a few bucks and take some extra lessons in English grammar...

  9. Wanted to type "Thailand, hub of safety demonstrations", but then I saw LemonJelly's Glock video - good one! Thanks for sharing this thumbsup.gif

    "I'm the only one in the room professional enough to handle this Gun. I'm the o..." BAM!!!!! cheesy.gif Hilarious!

    Almost forgit - quick and thorough recovery to the victims and may the person responsible be punished accordingly...

  10. The soft target is Nana - full of westerners, a fairly closed environment..... surprised it has not already been targeted.... In Europe or North America the soft target might be a train station, but here it would be that location.

    Believe they will very much appreciate your valuable input - is there a better word for "moron" ? Yupp: Cacruden, whatever that means... Quite sure also all Nana lovers will certainly buy you a beer for this idiotic pointer...

  11. Do people here not believe in Karma?

    Do you realise he is a sick person?

    Have you no compassion?

    Wishing anyone harm is against the tenets of Buddhism but perhaps you are Christian - what would the carpenter say?

    Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I want to see your level of compassion if your own small, 6 year old girl has been raped and killed by a sicko like Nui... I can't hear all this dogooder crap anymore. The believe in Karma is for people who can't hack it in the real world. Time for you to get real and face reality - and reality is ugly and brutal. I believe in what goes around, comes around, and I very much hope someone will come around for Nui armed with a crow bar and beat a K-shaped dent in his f#$&ing skull - K for Karma...

    • Like 1
  12. Let me see...

    He is given a death sentence for killing 2 kids.

    Than he confesses in killing 7 more and commuted to life.

    How many should he have killed to be let out?

    Especially if he leads the Police to their bodies - he will be saving the Law a lot of money in investigation...

    I hope the inmates will make his life not worth living.

    Yupp... there is a saying: Steal a horse and hang, steal a herd and they will negotiate with you! Applies also to most criminal cases and investgations in Thailand as in most other countries. Best example was how the Thaksin case was handled... If a local tour or dive operator here would f#c$ up his yearly tax audit and gets caught, he would be handled by police and authorities like the lowest scum on earth and face penalty far above reasonable measures. A person like Thaksin tax evades Billions - and "they" even consider changing laws to let him get through with it...

    But to see that this rather disturbing rule is applied now to the Nui child rapist case is downright shocking. I very much hope that one of the inmates gets paid by a friend of one of the kids' parents to do what needs to be done.

    Only penalty for Nui that I would regard to as suitable would be what John Doe (played by Kevin Spacey) did in the movie Se7en to the child molester and drug dealer to punish "Sloth" out of the seven sins... he kept the molesting $wine alive strapped to a bed for a year while torturing him on a daily basis, taking frequent photos of the deteriorating face for the world to see... This is the youtube link:

    or type in "sloth scene Se7en" doing a youtube search. I believe Nui would perform well because he seems to have some aditional pounds of body weight that could carry him further than a year.

    Oh man, how much I wish I could lay my hands on that guy, what fun I would have, what shattering experiences "Nui" would go through...

  13. If everyone would catch such incidents on film and post it on youtube, a Tsunami of such videos would rumble through the internet, international media would report and heads would roll... then a brief calm would set in before everything goes back to normal (Thai cops asking for bribes), because at the end of the day this still is Thailand. The cops can just have it their way because poeple (like it says in the article) simply pay, even though they have their affairs in order, because they are afraid. Don't be afraid and simply say "NO!" By experience I know that this is the only way to make the cops go away, but this requires guts, but the most expats here simply don't have what it takes... So don't whine then if you become a victim just because you are "afraid". It's your own choice!

    Life's what you make it (Talk Talk)

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  14. Biggest load of bull$#it the TAT has ever dared to unload in public... If the TAT were to build a house they would start with the roof first. How about lobbying officials in charge to make Thailand become a united and safe nation again and restore visitor's trust in this destinaton, instead of Trying to "bribe" tourists to visit a country which reputation has been ruined by its own people... And let's be honest, the loud screaming and rude Chinese we see here in the South are definitely NOT what I would call quality tourists. Does that mean the louder and the more rude you are the better your chances for a visa here become? You must be f##$ing kidding me!

    TAT = Hub of Monty Python alike stunts.

  15. welcome to our country, you are welcome to spend all your money, use it to build up a business, live here for the rest of your life, marry a thai person but you are not allowed to have an opinion different from ours.

    Bull$#ite! Everyone knows that foreigners, including long term foreign expats, have no right to vote or to participate in Thai politics unless they managed to be granted Thai citizenship. This is just fair since it is THEIR country, not ours!

    Having strict laws against foreigners mingling in a country's polit realm is something many European countries like Germany should have implemented for immigrants as well long time ago, but failed and they will take the ultimate fall for it in return... Staying with Germany for example, Germans will (and this is simple math and not a conspiracy theory) will be a minority in their own country in 2034, and by then probably have Sharia law implemented with a hardcore fundamentalist Turk at the helm of the German government...

    In addition, here the question - who dares, and why, to mess about with Thai politics? Everyone can see that it is a big kindergarden and people here are not ready for true democracy. Thus, a big pulk of sheeple follow an anarchist dictator who puts himself and his followers above the law and boldly instructs that his opinion is the opinion of all people of Thailand, basically taking the whole country hostage, assaulting Thais who want to vote, and abusing the Thai colors that belong to ALL Thai people as "logo" for their own, questionable cause.

    So here again my question: Which foreigner would be stupid enough and why to join in and participate in this mayhem that is not helping at all, but splits this wonderful country in half at alarming rate? If I would have a say then it would be, "Yes, send active foreign protest supporters home - now!"

  16. Capital punishment is wrong and barbaric no matter the crime. It will be a great day when Thailand join the ranks of countries that abolishes the death sentence.

    Doogooders like you are responsible for a lot of $#ite happening in this world. Someone who kills two people in cold blood in front of witnesses and dances away thinking that he's untouchable, needs to be taken down to set an example to the rest instead of being fed and accommodated on taxpayers' money, or otherwise been thrown in a Gulag where such criminals have to work 12 hours a day until they eventually die.

    Same goes for that child rapist and murderer who already had a chance given by a judge (who must be a dogooder like you) with a mere 3years 8months jail sentence after raping and strangling another girl some years ago. So what did he do after his release? Raping 10 and killing at least 4 of those unfortunate children... What that animal deserves is not mercy, no, he deserves being ripped to pieces by the kid's parents and relatives in front of the biggest audience they will possibly be able to gather, so that other, similar crooks can see first hand what will happen to them if they lay hands on another child.

    What people like you need to understand is that some humans are simply bad and that nothing, no psychiatrist, no "good Samaritan" will be able to change and rewire their brain to all of a sudden change them to the better. Some people are animals and always will be - they need to be taken down as such.

    You will think very different, Mr. Examinator, after one of your beloved family members has been shot dead or was raped, I am sure of that. Take off your pink colored glasses and start to face reality; and the reality is that there is something wrong with human nature (Gary Clail) and doogooders like you will never change that, but relentless and unforgiving justice for murderers can at least assure that such monsters will have no chance to repeat their dirty deeds after being caught.

    There is no evidence to support capital punishment is a deterrent to murder/rape etc etc

    Feel free to produce real info from a proper country to disavow me of my stance

    Obviously you haven't been reading me post thoroughly - the death penalty might not be a deterrent, but at least it assures that animals are rooted out for good as soon as they reveal their true, sick and violent character. Psychiatrists, judges and lawyers responsible for releasing such predators into this world again after having raped and murdered so they can do it again should be punished accordingly if their fosterlings for whom they claimed whiningly in front of a jury that they had "oh, such a difficult and abusive childhood" wander astray and kill/rape/torture again. As another member here posted before: The liberalist dogooders are the first to duck for cover if the bullets fly to then crawl out from under the rubble to be the first in pointing fingers. You dogooders and "show me proof that the death penalty is a deterrent" babblers simply sicken me!

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  17. Capital punishment is wrong and barbaric no matter the crime. It will be a great day when Thailand join the ranks of countries that abolishes the death sentence.

    Doogooders like you are responsible for a lot of $#ite happening in this world. Someone who kills two people in cold blood in front of witnesses and dances away thinking that he's untouchable, needs to be taken down to set an example to the rest instead of being fed and accommodated on taxpayers' money, or otherwise been thrown in a Gulag where such criminals have to work 12 hours a day until they eventually die.

    Same goes for that child rapist and murderer who already had a chance given by a judge (who must be a dogooder like you) with a mere 3years 8months jail sentence after raping and strangling another girl some years ago. So what did he do after his release? Raping 10 and killing at least 4 of those unfortunate children... What that animal deserves is not mercy, no, he deserves being ripped to pieces by the kid's parents and relatives in front of the biggest audience they will possibly be able to gather, so that other, similar crooks can see first hand what will happen to them if they lay hands on another child.

    What people like you need to understand is that some humans are simply bad and that nothing, no psychiatrist, no "good Samaritan" will be able to change and rewire their brain to all of a sudden change them to the better. Some people are animals and always will be - they need to be taken down as such.

    You will think very different, Mr. Examinator, after one of your beloved family members has been shot dead or was raped, I am sure of that. Take off your pink colored glasses and start to face reality; and the reality is that there is something wrong with human nature (Gary Clail) and doogooders like you will never change that, but relentless and unforgiving justice for murderers can at least assure that such monsters will have no chance to repeat their dirty deeds after being caught.

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