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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Perhaps about time to have a proper health and eye check before handing people in Thailand a driving license...

    Computer says that a proper epilepsy test requires a spinal tap, what would be a bit drastic to enforce on every person who wants to drive, but wouldn't it be possible to sort out some severe cases by exposing them to flashing disco lights/stroboscopes and loud trash metal music or something?

    In the end - this is Thailand and nothing's gonna change anyway... Most likely accidents caused by epilepsy are common all over the world...

    RIP to victims and families! Quick and thorough recovery to the injured kids.

  2. Looks like "Potty Mouth" got what she deserved...

    Hopefully it will teach the rest of the so-called HiSo Thais a valuable lesson. Good looks and money (whereas I would rate her looks as slightly above average) do not necessarily come with a license to babble stupid and dangerous nonsense in public and leave the stage unpunished.

    • Like 2
  3. Suthep admitted ordering troops to shoot at rioters with real shotguns but at below the knee level

    Oh, that's OK then. What a fine upstanding gentleman.

    Some buildings still upstanding thanks to him putting an end to the ludicrous terror and rioting, looting and burning.

    The rioting, looting and burning started after people were shot -- below the knee. Having friends, family and coworkers gunned down tends to make decision making less of an intellectual exercise and more of a berserker rage. Even better, the mall that burned down was the only mall downtown that had insurance to cover "uprisings". I know some insurance investigators that would have LOVED that case.

    Yellows and Reds are equally vile liars, cheats and murderers.

    Anyone who falls in love with their own opinions is taking a shortcut to simple-mindedness.


    WRONG! Whybother's reply has the answer! And bearboxer actually summed it all up for you:

    "The PIRA and INLA used hidden snipers throughout the troubles in NI. In urban contexts they could be firing from a block of flats,someone's house or business premises. Here, the red shirts had so called "men in black" snipers similarly positioned and taking pot shots both at the military and innocent by standers.

    The red shirts employed the tactics of intimidation, snipers, petrol bombs and grenade attacks in 2010 to get their own way and/or provoke a more serious conflict. They employed similar attacks in 2013/4 on anti-Thaksin protesters - random grenade attacks and shootings. In 2010 they were entrenched rioters and were warned live firing would be used. In 2013/4 the military dealt with their much smaller number and fragmented grouping without firing shots; despite the rhetoric from certain individual leaders promising mass uprisings and violent confrontations.

    PTP approached things differently. A PM calling for peace and non-violence and CAPO seemingly able to predict when and where random attacks would occur but unable to prevent these attacks or catch the culprits. Although murder charges were filed against Yingluck and Chalerm and have to be investigated.

    At least now, with the clear out of ineffective or "influenced" senior police officers and the military keeping a watchful eye, the violence has reduced considerably."

  4. Reading your post whining about 5 or 6k perhaps lost, and not being able to accept a month-to-month handshake agreement (whereas you should be happy that you did not have to pay 12k as security deposit), my wild guess is that you will not last even 6 months in Thailand. If I were you, I'd take very good care of that return flight ticket of yours...

    Good luck!

  5. Here we go. All the "all Americans this, all Americans that" statements. As a Brit is winds me up when a Brit is hauled up and we all get tarred with the same brush. I KNOW it will wind up the Americans on here as they all get grouped in together. I know it winds up the Australians on here when the same happens to them, etc, etc

    How about we discuss the issue and not the nationality this time round? That kind of conversation is only the domain of the knee-jerkers with nothing to add on the subject.

    So far nobody but you mentioned it

    Sorry I didn't reply, busy morning. Mine was a preemptive strike!

    Seems to be a British thing then, huh? The preemptive striking, I mean - thought this was solely reserved for Americans smile.png

  6. Will we have some "wait, let's establish first that he's guilty" dogooder posts again or can we for once agree that he's a sick f#$ker and deserves being manhandled in Bangkok Hilton?

    Disturbing is that the boys seemed to have agreed on the 1.000 Baht thing - they did not expect that he'd invite and pay them to play Spongebob on his PS2 and eat crisps, no? Why did they follow him in the first place? In addition, two on one would have had the chance to fend off Fatty Boy if they would have wanted to, right?

    Despite the fact that he's a sicko, this case looks like a classic "takes two to tango" case...

  7. RIP to the victim, condolences to family and friends. Such a waste - only 19 years...

    The case looks pretty much like an open and shut. Thus dogoodering and trying to find excuses for "Whitey" are inappropriate here. And hellyeah, he sure looks like a cold-blooded F#$k and I have no sympathy for him at all. Hope he gets everything he deserves shoved up his butty in Bangkok Hilton.

    so on a brief newspaper report you consider it an open and shut case. when i read comments like yours i really feel ashamed to be a human bieng.

    He confessed and was the only and last person seen with her in that room, before she ended up dead in a bag.

    Dogooders and "hey wait, let's make 100% sure he really did it, even though he confessed" people like you are responsible for hundreds of thousands of subsequent dead victims because notorious killers were released due to "reasonable doubt" and senseless pussy babble and whining like yours.

    By the way, how do you feel walking this planet as a human BIENG - is it chinese or french?

  8. RIP to the victim, condolences to family and friends. Such a waste - only 19 years...

    The case looks pretty much like an open and shut. Thus dogoodering and trying to find excuses for "Whitey" are inappropriate here. And hellyeah, he sure looks like a cold-blooded F#$k and I have no sympathy for him at all. Hope he gets everything he deserves shoved up his butty in Bangkok Hilton.

  9. I'd say the plane collided with Santa Claus who - with his sled - was on his way to summer vacation in the Maledives. Sorry kids, no presents this coming Christmas sad.png

    "It’s not even really a thump sort of a sound ? it’s more of a dull oomph," Alec Duncan, a senior marine science research fellow at Curtin University near Perth, who has led the research, told The New York Times.

    Great advertising for the German Elektro-Industrial Band Oomph : http://www.oomph.de/us/home

    Perhaps the oopmh they heard was a Humpback whale farting... coffee1.gif

  10. Congratulations to the shop owner for shooting that violent idiot dead - well done!!! Should be a warning to others. Quick and thorough recovery to Mr. Chavalith!

    But then: "Police said he suspected the intruder might be an addicted gambler and decided to rob the gold shop so that he would have money to settle his old debts so that he would be able to bet again at the forthcoming World Cup tournament." here the question - do we really care? Wouldn't have been a sentence about the chances for Mr. Chavalith's full recovery been a more useful and wiser choice?

  11. Geng, strong little man with such a big heart - you are my hero! I am sure my kids could learn a lot from you and I salute you for your bravery and for being there for your parents despite all odds. Your story restores my faith in humanity. As much as your story makes my eyes well up with tears, as much my heart rejoices to see that there are such strong and passionate children out there.

    Thanks to TV for sharing this story!

    I had a long essay here about how to help with nanny employed fulltime for 8 years, TV member funding and all, but after reading Suradit's wisely put post, I erased that part since most likely what I suggested there will not happen anyway, letting alone to carry the fund through for 8 years until Geng is 18. I must say that Suradit has given the best ever and down to earth reply anyone could give in such a situation, foreseeing all the odds and pitfalls. He's also right with what he said about the local communities. What I'll do is to simply chip in to the proposed account and hope that it will be spent wisely and that it helps Geng.

    You're a wise man, Suradit69 - well spoken! Thank you for taking everyone's pink sunglasses off and for telling the truth!

    • Like 1
  12. OP - You can't be serious asking such a question here in Thailand. Man up, go out there and talk to girls that appeal to you - and do that wherever you go, skytrain, bus stations, food courts, shopping centers, etc...! In Thailand things work quite different, approach is easy, rejection (if any) is handed to you in a sugarcoat... Very different from western girls, who get off on "rejection by total humiliation of the approaching (poor) guy". You have to train your dating muscles, man - in real life situations, and the more comfy you get by talking to them, the more this wonderful place will open up to you, just like a flower.

    Plus get rid of those "good girl, bad girl" kind of thoughts - I have met many bar girls that were funnier, more honest and more down to earth than most of the so-called HiSo, college or office girls. By experience I can say that the lower paid a position they work in (cleaner, sewing clothes, 7Eleven, shopping center sales), the better and more pure the character is. This all said, try 7Eleven for starters, as you HAVE TO communicate with the cashier girl - easy to continue from there.

    Good luck!

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  13. To OP:

    I say again Leosuntime - No matter your question or thought - you and any member are always welcome to share your thoughts. It might be naive, childish, arrogant and maybe even stupid - but the combined maturity and level of expertise far exceeds any emotional "uprising" some might have here. Because that too, could be the result of a bad hair day.

    Catweazle -> Your assumptions about me will fail you. But don't let us start getting into polemics, for that there are far better contestants in this thread already spoken.

    Don't bite off more than you can chew, Mr. Yang Newbie with a 9 meager posts under your belt! You're off to a bad start here. Time to hit the brakes my friend, before things turn sour!

    You write that I am making assumptions about you, what I actually didn't do. Assumptions were made about Mr. Laosomething... this leaves the question if you are not simply a 2nd fake identity to "rescue" your first one which is LaoSunWiener or something... ? Whereas the writing skills of this 2nd avatar are not as poor as the first one...

    You also forgot to tell LaoSunBeamer that it is perfectly ok at any given time to tell members here that he will be pissing on their graves. Can't really see the point why anyone, especially a newbie, would try to stand up for someone who obviously possesses neither brain nor manners.

    ...because I don't like oppressive people like you that subordinate "newbies" with nonsense.

    I sent you a PM answering your questions. Better you continue going bananas through a private channel, this is already far off-topic anyways.

    ??? you seem to pick words that are rarely used in day-to-day life and sprinkle them into your text to sound a bit more educated, but you can't fool me, LaoBoy... Don't like oppressive people, huh? But you seem to very much like aggressive, emotional unstable, naive and verbally abusive Trolls and even stand up for them... respectively there is a big chance that you are a carbon copy troll yourself. Ever wondered why nobody likes your posts?

    This is fun! You just got me warmed up...

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