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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. My sincerest condolences to the victims - throw in some Prozac, grab your walking sticks and wheelchairs to explore the rest of the City of Angels... However, the sheer amount of red light options and the offered variety might be shocking at first. Hence, in addition please throw in some bloodpressure reducing pills too and be easy on the little blue ones smile.png

  2. A serial killer is someone killing many persons,

    A serial Robber is someone robbing many places

    Is a serial masturbator someone who masturbate many people?

    No, I think they messed up the spelling - It's cereal masturbator, someone who likes to masturbate into his morning cereal... usually on mornings after the nearby 7Elevens ran out of yoghurt laugh.png

    Sorry, I just can't help it - this topic is so refreshingly funny after all those slayings, rapes, stabbings and muggings... LG - life is good!

  3. Always find it funny that all drug smugglers believe they will never get caught. Do they really think that police and governments (worldwide) don't know exactly where their... ahemmm... where the drugs are coming from and going to? From time to time a few patsies have to take the fall in the acclaimed "war on drugs" - what actually sounds like one of the shortest jokes in world history. Strip the average citizen of drugs, booze, cigarettes and TV for a few days and you'd have a worldwide revolution going. Sad having to say this, but there will always be at least one guy willing to do the job... always been this way and most likely it always will...

    • Like 1
  4. I know of a similar case that happened in Krabi about 7 years ago. The expat business owner claimed with tears in his eyes that he was wrongfully accused of performing lewd acts with some of the neighbors' daughters. Looking at him weeping and whining like a toddler, claiming that he was set up by a neighbor who wants to steal the business off him, you'd think "Look at that poor fella, he has been set up"...

    Wouldn't think that anymore after the investigators went through his hard drives... Don't know exactly how he did it, but he got away with a suspended sentence and was not deported...

    Even though the 93 year old German born (liked the dropped in question about his whereabouts during WWII) Australian's story seems to be somewhat inconclusive, I tend to believe that there is at least a bit of truth in the accusations made. However - every man is innocent until proven guilty it says in the "civilized world" - thus, If he is innocent, I wish him quick recovery from this shocking episode. If not... then justice should be served. Simple as that.

  5. Honestly, I am surprised that not more serious incidents happen frequently during those Full Moon Parties. Too many "bound to fail" factors come together, creating an explosice mix: Teenager with very little life experience, misjudging the "kindness" of locals often and in case of foreign girl / Thai man, the returned friendliness of the girl is often misinterpreted as an invitation by these oh, so "kind and friendly" Thai Jet Ski boys who have nothing else on their minds than getting laid with as many white girls as possible, Ganja, and ripping off tourists with their jet ski scams. Then - the teens boozing like crazy and willing to experiemnt with any offered "cool trip", may it be mushrooms, Mosquito Coil cocktails, Jaa Baa, Crack, or whatever. The girls of course come, dance and go back in their bikinis, since proper clothing would be judged by friends as "uncool" and most possibly many single girls are on the lookout for a one night stand anyway, thus show off what they have to offer...

    So it would not come to me as a surprise if some locals or Burmese workers get specialized in hunting for victims on FMP nights, respectively early mornings. I believe that the low incident rate indicates that Thailand truly is much safer than most other countries. On top of all that, every incident involving foreign tourists is blown up beyond reasonable proportion by the mass media in Thailand and gets lots of attention. As one member here wrote: Similar incidents would not even make news in your home country.

    Have to finish again saying that in my 21 years here I was threatened and (financially) harmed only by my own fellow countrymen, but not by Thai people. And please let's stop these useless discussions about which destination in Thailand is the worst or best one to live at or visit. We all have different opinions on this and different preferences. A Pattaya lover will most likely become insane if forced to live in places like (for example) Khao Lak, Pai or Trang and vice versa. Let's agree on the fact that we all (or at least most of us) love this country beyond words - at least I do!!!

    I am grateful for being allowed to live here and for being able to enjoy a far greater deal of "freedom" than I could "enjoy" in my home country. I thank Lord Buddha for this every single day!

    My previous post is still valid

    I am quite sure "Jambo" that 99% of the forum members are now carefully browsing through your mere 58 past posts to determine your level of.... intelligence??? I am also quite certain that not even the remaining 10% of forum members you judge as "sane" would be very sad if you would leave this forum for good.

  6. Honestly, I am surprised that not more serious incidents happen frequently during those Full Moon Parties. Too many "bound to fail" factors come together, creating an explosice mix: Teenager with very little life experience, misjudging the "kindness" of locals often and in case of foreign girl / Thai man, the returned friendliness of the girl is often misinterpreted as an invitation by these oh, so "kind and friendly" Thai Jet Ski boys who have nothing else on their minds than getting laid with as many white girls as possible, Ganja, and ripping off tourists with their jet ski scams. Then - the teens boozing like crazy and willing to experiemnt with any offered "cool trip", may it be mushrooms, Mosquito Coil cocktails, Jaa Baa, Crack, or whatever. The girls of course come, dance and go back in their bikinis, since proper clothing would be judged by friends as "uncool" and most possibly many single girls are on the lookout for a one night stand anyway, thus show off what they have to offer...

    So it would not come to me as a surprise if some locals or Burmese workers get specialized in hunting for victims on FMP nights, respectively early mornings. I believe that the low incident rate indicates that Thailand truly is much safer than most other countries. On top of all that, every incident involving foreign tourists is blown up beyond reasonable proportion by the mass media in Thailand and gets lots of attention. As one member here wrote: Similar incidents would not even make news in your home country.

    Have to finish again saying that in my 21 years here I was threatened and (financially) harmed only by my own fellow countrymen, but not by Thai people. And please let's stop these useless discussions about which destination in Thailand is the worst or best one to live at or visit. We all have different opinions on this and different preferences. A Pattaya lover will most likely become insane if forced to live in places like (for example) Khao Lak, Pai or Trang and vice versa. Let's agree on the fact that we all (or at least most of us) love this country beyond words - at least I do!!!

    I am grateful for being allowed to live here and for being able to enjoy a far greater deal of "freedom" than I could "enjoy" in my home country. I thank Lord Buddha for this every single day!

    • Like 2
  7. Slow down a bit. Who said the stab wounds caused his death? Who said he was stabbed by a local ?

    Assuming is a very bad business, so is crucifying the place without having facts.

    May he RIP.

    Thank you for this thoughtful reply. It is prety rare in TV to see soemone say, "Get the facts BEFORE you get the opinion" Well done!

    This thread did exceptional it went a full 5 posts before the first troll had a go sarcastically saying it was an accidental stabbing and more or less insinuation a police cover up.

    Some are continuously telling all how dangerous Thailand is. They seem totaly blind to the fact there are somewhere between 60 to 75 million people living in Thailand and incidents like this are singled out as they happen in.

    As I have pointed out before on here the Crime rate in the UK is 11 times that of Thailand The USA is over 20 times that of Thailand.

    Even if you say a lot are not reported here and you trebled the fugures which is ridiculous Thaland is still a safer place to live.

    It doesn't surprise me that some farang who continuously slag Thai people and telling the world how stupid they are end up in incidents like this one.

    Not for one minute am I saying this was the case here and agree with you whole heartedly until we know we should keep the guessing to a minimum.

    Guessing an trolling are done without any concern about the guys family members who might be looking on and these people should be jumped upon from a great height.

    RIP and condolences to his family and friends.

    My words... well said!

  8. I would think highly likely passed out due to blood loss whilst fleeing. Stab victims often dont know they have been stabbed.

    Don't know they have been stabbed?? I was stabbed in Vietnam and felt every milimeter of that bayonet........most likely he was pretty drunk, and the flight or fight reaction was slow to kick in, IF the BiB do a proper investigtion and it doesn't rain, there will be a blood trail to follow - that will determine if he was kniced at the Bar or where they found him, if where they found him, the perp would have at least took his wallet to make it look like a robbery.........thumbsup.gif

    How do u knowwhat they would have done as you do not know what was done. As for following a blood trail back to the bar this is not Hansel and Grettle. Even if he ws stabbed in the bar they use a thing call soap and water to vclean tthings now days so unless they like sitting and drinking in blood they porbably would have cleaned the place pretty quickly. i dunno i am sure more facts shall come out as time passes

    Serious crackdown on drunk posters please w00t.gif What exactly are you trying to say or not to say, or do you say so and what is said or not said was basically meant to simply quote a Shakespearish "To say or not to say, that is the question!" ??? Or did you opt to do and say what better should not be said or done...?

  9. Funny how this half-baked story managed to again spark another heated discussion about which place is the worst to live in in Thailand. Liked the info about stab wounds though... Will be pretty difficult to ride away on a bike after receiving several stab wounds to head and neck... Listen to TunnelRat - he's been there, done that...

    However - the German news article says that most likely the wounds were inflicted by the road fender that (on the photo) itself looks more like a deadly weapon than anything that would help to make the road safer. Look at the broken surface of the road next to it, put 2 and 2 together and there you have it: Another day in the office, fatal motorbike accident like they happen by the dozen every day.


    In addition, Samui is most likely one of the worst biker destinations in Thailand, whereas Koh Phangan also is very demanding with steep hills and bad curves, and lumps and bumps all over the place...

    Just came back from the bike week at Phangan, thus know what I'm talking about.

    ...and RIP to the poor guy and his family of course.

  10. Another Santika. The press will report the first findings, everyone in an uproar and then nothing further once the tea money is paid. It will all just cease to exist.

    Google is your friend
    On Sept 20, 2011, Thailand's Criminal Court found two persons -- Mr Wisuk Setsawat, the pub owner, and Mr Boonchu Laorinath, the light and sound company's owner -- guilty of negligence. Mr Wisuth and Mr Boonchoo were given three-year jail terms. Boonchoo was also ordered to pay Bt8.5 million in compensation to five plaintiffs, relatives of the victims.

    I really like it when stupid babble is degraded and silenced by a bit of simple online research. A job well done, Soupdragon!!! clap2.gif

  11. Another pathetic article. Don't know why some people just can't grow up.

    I found the article rather witty, informative, and refreshing... Mr. Dave Jones - please would you be so kind to post here a sample of your own copywriting (1.000 words should be enough for a proper assessment of your writing/journalism capabilities), so the whole forum can enjoy your poetic wisdom?

    Putting down someone else's work is easy, but can you - Mr. Dave Jones - do it better? Please give us some proof!!!

    Idiots point fingers and rant. Idiots laugh at others when they fail. Great people do great things in silence, changing the world for the better.

    • Like 1
  12. You have to laugh, dont worry about the lifelong problems of drinking to muchlaugh.png

    Perhaps a better plan would be to tip 20 million litres of whisky into the flood waters and tell them to drink all they can?? That should get the flood waters down!! just like the boats scheme .

    How about lining all drunks up in the water and letting them burp upstream - given the high percentage of alcohol abusers in LOS (including foreign expats) that certainly would help to prevent Bangkok from becoming flooded... cheesy.gif

  13. your paranoid, may I humbly suggest you put down the spliff before posting in future, the NWO is coming my dear chap and there is nothing you can do about it and dont forget about the illuminati and the "reptiles" who are in power

    Ignorance and denial can be a terrible thing... Helped the Nazis back then to get into power. Switch on your telly, watch Oprah and go back to sleep!

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