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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Is it not the case that there are certain toilet facilities which are known as paedophile meeting spots? That being the case I would say it was appropriate to have cameras to identify that old men were taking young boys into cubicles. That way there could be no argument about guilt or otherwise.

    So if the question is............would I approve of cameras in toilets to catch paedophiles? You better believe it.

    I'm quite happy to lose a little bit of privacy if it helps catch and convict these sick b*stards.

    I have no tolerance for the sick perverts preying on children, but your argument stinks as well. This is the same kind of logic that in short 8 years turned US from the land of the free into fortress America. The old wisdom that people who are willing to sacrifice their freedom for security deserve nither is as true today as when it was stated at dawn of the American republic.

    Yours is the logic that the propagandised populace used to accept the warentless wiretaps, indefinite detentions without charges, rutine strip searches at the airports, suspension of habeas corpus, and many other Orwelian exesses of a totalitarian regime over its own people.

    The fact that you're commenting on Thai Visa tells us that you chose to live in Thailand away from the overreaching authorities of the West and yet, here you are espousing the same stupid attitude towards unchecked surveliance. If you crave the militarized nanny state you're welcome to head on back home, the rest of us want to remain free men.

    Well spoken! Totally agree! If everybody would fall for the "but that will make our world safer" trap, next step perhaps will be a pinhole camera with a direct video link to the CIA installed on mens' d!cks... Fact is that if anyone wants to commit a crime, he will - regardless whether there are one million or one billion cameras out there.

    Outre99 could not be more spot on, and drew the correct line back to Orwell... For the ignorant, superficial and obedient "Yeah, but I have nothing to hide, so what?" guys out there here my tip: Read Orwell or watch movies like his 1984, or Soylent Green, or the rather new and modern flick (have forgotten the title) where the possession of art, music or books suddenly is illegal and people get killed for having a book at home...

    Yeah, giggle and call me paranoid, but can't you see what is going on all around the globe today; every so-called "free" country is turned into a 24/7 surveillance police state. You might say "What's wrong with that, after all they go after the bad guys!" and here again I have to disagree: Crimes are up and not down in most countries when you read statistics, especially in Europe, the US and Britain (surveillance super-police-state with one camera per 14 citizens)... You think they would have less burglaries, violence, rapes, drugs, killings? Answer is NO!

    So who can guarantee that painting a picture of an angel, or playing a blues song on your guitar might NOT be a crime in your country in a few years from now?

    However, coming back to the topic. While I strongly condemn the American's deed, it is just a sad matter of fact that many teenagers in Thailand provide "services" like that for money willingly, just to make some extra cash. In this title story there is nobody "behind" and most certainly the boy has not pimp or anyone forcing him to do what he did.

    The human trafficking of children for sex is well hidden from our "Farang" eyes and is in the hand of well-off Thai/Chinese people who keep all that stuff "in the family" so to say. I doubt that any foreigner (even if he wants to) will find his way into such a child slave "establishment" in today Thailand. It's hidden from public. One can say what he wants about Thailand, but in my opinion Thailand did a good job in getting rid of that Pedo-Land stigma it still had in the early 90s.

    Of course child sex trafficking has not been rooted out by a 100%, but I doubt that any country in the world managed to do just that, since there are many influencial, rich and famous people into pedophilia, what actually is a sickening thought...

    To round it up: It's a sick world we live in and and sick people will always get their way, even if ten CCTV cameras per citizen are installed. You have to change the mindset, the heart and the spirit of people if you want to change the world! Changes to the better need to come from within, but not from outside - implemented by high tech. It's bound to fail.

    • Like 1
  2. Have to go to sleep, but all of a sudden, I have this two burning "off topic" questions in my head:

    Where was the movie "Men in Black" produced? ... And is "BlackWater" actually a sports drink available in Thailand?

    Just asking smile.png

    They say a murderer likes to return to the scene of the crime. I say some just like to leave hints in the form of notes, names or scribbles, or riddles...

    Good night!

  3. Also here, it takes two to Tango, even though thousands were involved...

    To figure out the truth a simple question helps: "Qui bono?" (who profits from it?)

    Well the democrats did cling to power long enought to approve the military budget

    And there are many on Tvisa that are confident that the management of the protest has cast no shadow on Abhisit, so no political benefit, as regards the electorate

    So what do you think?

    I believe someone (invisible force/entity) was working all sides simultaneously to simply let the situation escalate. In the end neither the so-called "freedom fighters" nor army, nor new or old government were standing in a positive limelight. I believe it was a try to destabilize Thailand as a whole and push it into a civil war. The plan (luckily) failed. I have a few theories, but believe it is pointless to discuss them here. Don't want to end up as the TV forum's conspiracy theorist... Certain to me is that the strings were pulled from overseas.

  4. Unbelievable that such a crappy newsfeed could reel in 57 posts (including mine)... Starting off by religions mixing up with races, etc. and the whole text comes accross like a 5 year old tried to copywrite a newsthread about something he read and misinterpreted at teenvogue.com

    Why is this news and what point they are trying to make? That muslims use condoms, even though the Q'uran forbids it, or that muslim women are not only a "special" religious group, but a special "race"???

    Did Hindu Thai women make a statement here claiming their racial superiority and explaining why they prefer Strawberry flavor condoms over Banana?

    Will the world spin faster or slower because of these "news"? I believe no... coffee1.gif

    Will there ever be Nutella flavor condoms? I certainly hope so smile.png

    Like you I was not going to post but here goes!

    It is said that there is no such thing as bad publicity.

    I bet this whole thing was cooked up by Durex and they must be very happy to receive all this free publicity.

    Yupp! And I still keep my fingers crossed that Durex comes up soon with the Nutella flavored ones thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  5. One post mentions the implausibility of this being an accident. My father died from this same kind of fall onto a table corner. That said, it does seem like a lot af farangs leave Thailand in a box. From accidents.

    Yupp, accidents happen and fatality seems to be random... Some F1 drivers survive without a scratch hitting a wall at 300+ km/h and some people die of a broken neck stumbling over some plastic packing strips left on the sidewalk... Unnecessary death though, fighting over how to get home - what a waste!

  6. Unbelievable that such a crappy newsfeed could reel in 57 posts (including mine)... Starting off by religions mixing up with races, etc. and the whole text comes accross like a 5 year old tried to copywrite a newsthread about something he read and misinterpreted at teenvogue.com

    Why is this news and what point they are trying to make? That muslims use condoms, even though the Q'uran forbids it, or that muslim women are not only a "special" religious group, but a special "race"???

    Did Hindu Thai women make a statement here claiming their racial superiority and explaining why they prefer Strawberry flavor condoms over Banana?

    Will the world spin faster or slower because of these "news"? I believe no... coffee1.gif

    Will there ever be Nutella flavor condoms? I certainly hope so smile.png

    • Like 1
  7. The religion of Islam has more followers in the world than any other religion, so Muslims form the largest religious group in the world and as they tend to propagate more this will only increase.

    Muslims are or will be your neighbours, your fellow students, or co-workers. So get over all this hate and learn to live with them and their religious views. Read the Quaran, open your eyes a little. I think many of you people are homophobic about Muslims. I think that if you read their holy book you may change your views. Some of the nicest people I have met in the world are Muslims. Salom Ali Kum.

    ... some scary $#it you're posting! What really worries me is that you really seem to believe reading that pile of junk will make anyone love or understand this backwardly religion which is forced upon this world by Imams whose only job is to brainwash people from toddler age onwards by just preaching hate phrases every single day.

    Doesn't mean that the Jewish or Christian "holy book" is better, but at least these religions don't have leaders preaching to hate and kill everything non-jewish or non-chiristian on a 24/7 basis. YOU need to open your eyes and understand that this religion and a relatively small but brainwashed percentage of blind followers are a serious threat to the remaining 5 billion people who have chosen to opt for a less violent and more tolerant religions and to the ones who have ultilized their freedom of choice and speech to opt for no religion at all.

    The fact that a shoddy movie, that most people not even knew it existed, made by some amateurs, evolves in a crisis of global scale with muslims killing people who have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the whole thing, burning down embassies, including a German one (what the heck has Germany to do with that movie???) and a hate preacher Imam putting out a Fatwa, ordering to "kill each and everyone involved in making this movie - kill them all!" should by now have woken up the majority of 5 billion people and make them understand that we have to be aware of what might be coming...

    It's time for the rest of the world to make a stance here and united say "Stop!" to muslim violence and hate preachers! We have to put our feet down and help to grind this to a halt before it's too late. Those percentage of muslims, who really are good and sane minded and who are able to divide reality from what muslim hate preachers teach and who truly believe that their religion is righteous and a religion of peace now also have the duty to help the rest of the world by condemning intolerant hate speeches and Imams who openly order muslims to kill non-muslims.

    You, Colabamumbai, are on duty here right now as well and instead of dull babble about how super the Quran and it's religion is, you need to put your feet down too out there, in the open, and fight united with well-mannered, educated and humane muslims and non-muslims to stop this crazed and relatively small percentage of extremist muslims from making that religion become the most violent, untouchable opression tool this world has ever seen.

    We all have the right to chose and the right to fight and I say NO! to muslim hatred and muslim violence! As simple is that!!!

    • Like 2
  8. Anyone can make a case against an entire group be it a religion, the people of a country or even blacks in the US for having the highest percentage of murders or whites for the damage they have done throughout history but to do such is is sick and sad when the purpose is to justify racist, bigoted or intolerant views of those different than themselves and that they are too ignorant to understand.

    That's certainly one way of reading the statistics. You ignored the 80+ percent of Egyptians who approve of attacks on US troops in Muslim countries. Your point doesn't change the bottom line which is that in some Muslim countries (and not in non-Muslim Thailand, Canada, China, Argentina, etc, etc, etc.), extremely large percentages of the populations support executions, murders, and assassinations as legitimate for simple transgressions. That is not seen in the respective cases of any of the other world religions I'm aware of. Islam is in serious need of reform, and if reform is impossible, the religion will become the singular enemy of the secular, free world. Islam is, right now and though it has not always been (the Turks saved some of Plato's dialogues from the zealous hands of the medieval Catholic church), a fundamental threat to world peace and human advancement. Take note of the fact that the significant Islamic population using Bumrungrad Hospital is the UAE elite and government officials. The UAE is progressive enough to recognize that religious restrictions in their own country prevent the possibility of basic healthcare, especially for women.

    I'm so sick of seeing the "racism"/"prejudice" card being thrown out there to threaten objective observation of particular ethnic groups. This is precisely how Israel muzzles international criticism of its clear breaches of decency. It is you who proffers a grave threat to freedom of speech. If the statistics show black people are more likely to commit crimes than white people, are the statistics racist? Is it racist then to 'infer' that black people are more likely to commit crimes than white people?

    It's really cute that you are so intent on "understanding" other cultures and ways of life. It's too bad that none of these cultures would even bother to return the favor. Your views are incredibly idealistic, verging on quixotic. They are nice, and I certainly wish you were right about all this. It would make for a much better world.

    Couldn't have said it better myself! Bullseye!!!!! Good night to ya all, pro muslim or not smile.png

  9. And how many people's warped views on right or wrong results in killings of others in the world be it a movie theater in the US or kids on retreat in Norway? These views are in the minority just as Sharia law is but people are welcome to believe whatever makes their boat float and justify the hating of entire groups it the people of a country or an entire religion.. while of course condemning other who do the same on the other side.

    Nisa, as much as I appreciate your previous postings and views which mostly are quite alright, I believe that by now you have lost your bearings here in this discussion. You add too many things to the mix and it all is by now a twisted and bizarre wall carpet of pro-muslim and pro-Sharia stuff that has nothing to do with school and cinema shootings, or with what happened in Utoya...

    For me it's time to leave this thread now as it is pointless to continue. It is a fact that - at least to the stunned eye of the beholder - in these times most unrest, lawlessness, and hatred origins from muslim countries and muslim persons. The sick Sharia law just adds the missing topping cherry to the perfect horror cocktail called Islam. You can try to polish feces, but you'll not make them shine...

    • Like 2
  10. Wow, we need to look no further to see how easy it is for ignorant people to condemn entire groups on either side of the equation. Some people are so far gone they have no clue how ignorant, wrong, extreme and dangerous their views are. However it does make it easy to see how just how ignorant people can be when they are misinformed be it Hitler's Germany or extremists in the middle east or the nut job racists and religious freaks in the west.

    But you got to love the attitude (if you have serious issues) that the west should not be held accountable for the actions of a few but all the people of the Islamic faith should be.

    That (the idea that killing in the name of Islam is a minority opinion) is just patently false. There is widespread support for applications of Sharia law that include execution for a wide range of offenses. In countries like Egypt and Pakistan, honor killings have at least the tacit approval of the vast majority of the society. I'm sorry but Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism simply do not happen to coincide with medieval punishment methods and an interpretation of religious texts that borders on fanatical for the MAJORITY of adherents. Find me a Muslim that doesn't believe the Koran is the word of god and is not open to the consideration that it is an ancient text that has questionable application, in many regards, by a modern political standard (the Koran has very specific political prescriptions that the Torah and Bible simply do not have). You can quote the Bible endlessly but you can't find me a modern Christian crusade/jihad/whatever. Islam is different. Period. Your insistence on trying to show how every religion is equally violent is so obvious and so clearly misguided. It just doesn't comport with basic empirical evidence.

    There are 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world and to subscribe to the beliefs than any more than a tiny fraction are involved in terrorism is both idiotic and dangerous. And it is not only Sharia law that has sentences of death but also countries such as the US and Buddhist countries such as Thailand. In fact between China and the US, the number of people killed in all regions with Sharia law is minuscule in comparison.

    Those who want to ignorantly condemn all Islam for the acts of a few are dangerous too this world but thankfully most of them only talk the talk of wanting others to wipe them out and don't have the balls to put match their actions to their words.

    Not sure if it was a good idea to place Sharia law on the same shelve together with other international laws that are NOT interwoven with religion... This comparison stinks and will backfire if anyone (and most certainly will) posts here the full content of Sharia inhumanity such as permission to stone small girls to death if they got raped by a family member and $#ite like this that MUST - in the mind of any sane person - simply CRY "WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!! WRONG!!!!!" What world are you living in? Are you blind?????

  11. Wow, we need to look no further to see how easy it is for ignorant people to condemn entire groups on either side of the equation. Some people are so far gone they have no clue how ignorant, wrong, extreme and dangerous their views are. However it does make it easy to see how just how ignorant people can be when they are misinformed be it Hitler's Germany or extremists in the middle east or the nut job racists and religious freaks in the west.

    But you got to love the attitude (if you have serious issues) that the west should not be held accountable for the actions of a few but all the people of the Islamic faith should be.

    That (the idea that killing in the name of Islam is a minority opinion) is just patently false. There is widespread support for applications of Sharia law that include execution for a wide range of offenses. In countries like Egypt and Pakistan, honor killings have at least the tacit approval of the vast majority of the society. I'm sorry but Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism simply do not happen to coincide with medieval punishment methods and an interpretation of religious texts that borders on fanatical for the MAJORITY of adherents. Find me a Muslim that doesn't believe the Koran is the word of god and is not open to the consideration that it is an ancient text that has questionable application, in many regards, by a modern political standard (the Koran has very specific political prescriptions that the Torah and Bible simply do not have). You can quote the Bible endlessly but you can't find me a modern Christian crusade/jihad/whatever. Islam is different. Period. Your insistence on trying to show how every religion is equally violent is so obvious and so clearly misguided. It just doesn't comport with basic empirical evidence.

    I believe that Nisa says this with one eyeball turned towards world history... agree though when it comes to the modern day timeline - then it appears that the muslim religion is the only one that still got stuck in the dark ages. And of course, Shariah law sucks big time!!! Does anyone in this forum know that there was a German politician who openly stated that the Shariah law should of course be considered to be woven into the German constitution (if there is any, what still is unclear) and that The Q'uran is a part of Europe... I think it was Einstein who said that only human stupidity is infinite...

  12. The same point with posting quotes from the Koran.

    The people who use these books to justify killing are in a very tiny percentage of this in any faith. This who condemn an entire faith be it Christians, Jews or Muslims are the dangerous ones. And if people want to ignorantly believe 9/11 and the vast majority of terrorist attacks around the globe are because of religion then others have the right to think just as stupidly and believe that wars in Iraq and Afganastan are because of US religious leader's beliefs.

    Dude, think all you want. Assume that the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan was done by a 'religious leader'. Blame Bush for everything even though he's no longer president.

    You claim it's a small percentage of crazies and yet we have whole countries that are ruled by these crazy Islamists and the craziness have trickled down to the people. Iran anyone? Afghanistan before spiritual leader Bush invaded. We have countries like Egypt and Libya in danger of being taken over by the same crazies. So no, only a fool dismisses the barbarians as just being a 'tiny percentage' when they're taking over entire countries.

    rrrrrright... So it would be ok then if the US of A (holes) takes over the whole world? Cool!!!! That would actually be great, since then we all could get the chip installed and watch Oprah all day, while having Mc D. deliver our daily food until we die with 45, max. 50 because we all weigh a minimum of 300kg, and have our bodies removed by fork lift. Everyone who dared to live healthy and has the nerve to try and live beyond 50 will be sent to Guantanamo Bay or simply get his chip deactivated. Wouldn't that be a world worth living in? Wouldn't it be pure bliss?

    Not saying here that the Stone Age world envisioned by muslim extremists would be more tempting, but the New United Mickey Mouse Order frightens the $#it out of me just as much...

    I don't love the Americans but I'd sooner get fat eating McDs and watching Oprah then living in a country where I can only watch whatever the government tells me to watch and am not allowed to have booze, eat pork or fuc_k unmarried women or face getting stoned to death. But who knows? They're always people like you that are into 'disciplined' living.

    No, but disciplined sex, perhaps? thumbsup.gif

    However, US of A also has no right to kill everything non-Mickey Mouse, just like the muslims don't have the right to kill everyone who is non-muslim...

  13. The same point with posting quotes from the Koran.

    The people who use these books to justify killing are in a very tiny percentage of this in any faith. This who condemn an entire faith be it Christians, Jews or Muslims are the dangerous ones. And if people want to ignorantly believe 9/11 and the vast majority of terrorist attacks around the globe are because of religion then others have the right to think just as stupidly and believe that wars in Iraq and Afganastan are because of US religious leader's beliefs.

    Dude, think all you want. Assume that the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan was done by a 'religious leader'. Blame Bush for everything even though he's no longer president.

    You claim it's a small percentage of crazies and yet we have whole countries that are ruled by these crazy Islamists and the craziness have trickled down to the people. Iran anyone? Afghanistan before spiritual leader Bush invaded. We have countries like Egypt and Libya in danger of being taken over by the same crazies. So no, only a fool dismisses the barbarians as just being a 'tiny percentage' when they're taking over entire countries.

    rrrrrright... So it would be ok then if the US of A (holes) takes over the whole world? Cool!!!! That would actually be great, since then we all could get the chip installed and watch Oprah all day, while having Mc D. deliver our daily food until we die with 45, max. 50 because we all weigh a minimum of 300kg, and have our bodies removed by fork lift. Everyone who dared to live healthy and has the nerve to try and live beyond 50 will be sent to Guantanamo Bay or simply get his chip deactivated. Wouldn't that be a world worth living in? Wouldn't it be pure bliss?

    Not saying here that the Stone Age world envisioned by muslim extremists would be more tempting, but the New United Mickey Mouse Order frightens the $#it out of me just as much...

  14. The same point with posting quotes from the Koran.

    The people who use these books to justify killing are in a very tiny percentage of this in any faith. This who condemn an entire faith be it Christians, Jews or Muslims are the dangerous ones. And if people want to ignorantly believe 9/11 and the vast majority of terrorist attacks around the globe are because of religion then others have the right to think just as stupidly and believe that wars in Iraq and Afganastan are because of US religious leader's beliefs.

    Ex f#$ing actly!!!! Thank you, Nisa!!!! Sadly there are still people out there, blind to the fact that most of the so called "extremist terrorism acts" are inside jobs. But unfortunately, 90% of the world's population is made up by lazy, submissive and ignorant cowards who chose to believe in mainstream media only and reject any sane scepticism by repeating mainstream media's mantra "Conspiracy theory", a phrase that unifies insult and ridicule, once spoken out cornering the truth seeker as a crazy looney not even worth of entering a discussion.

    To all those ignorant, sheepish "don't speak, don't look, don't listen" monkey cowards who are too obedient and lazy to use their six senses, I can just say: "Wake up you idiots and think outside the box!!!"

    For Pete's sake, do make these doss "hahahaha, another conspiracy theory" babblers me angry! F$#% !!!

    That video was done only to stir up trouble and everybody willingly jumped on the bandwagon including most of us members here. Can't you see what's going on? The real enemy is invisible and has a good laugh while all of us are having a go at each other... It's neither THE muslims, THE jews, THE Christians... it's the people who throw this bull$h!t at us with their "holy scriptures" written by insane entities to ignite hatred and war. Perhaps it's a trick to separate the wheat from the chaff, whereas the chaff are the people who unconditionally believe in a pile of $#!te written thousands of years ago by some lunatics on mushrooms...

  15. Why can they say "kill infidels" or "kill Americans" and nobody is protesting, burning their embassies, taking them into account for inciting violence? But if I said "Mohammed was no prophet" not to say "kill Muslims" the hell would break loose? Can't these people learn the lesson about themselves first before they try to teach and convert the world? And anyway, what's so good about being a Muslim and about Muslim countries that they want so passionately to export? Real Crusaders of the 20th/21st Century! All what they know is HATE.

    Signed: Anders Behring Breivik

    With 883 posts under your belt I would expect something more "brainy" than this downright stupid and superficial comment. 1:0 for notime.

    The muslim religion has become untouchable to the western world and we all played our part by keeping our mouths shut when they kept pushing the boundaries farther and farther. If nothing is done now to guarantee freedom of speech for non-muslims and western governments back down and even lower themselves to the point of offering an apology, then the time will come where muslims feel it would be ok to kill an "infidel" just for pronouncing or typing the word muslim. There is still a chance to put and end to this, but this chance fades by the day.

    This of course does not mean that drastic measures like the ones performed by that Breivik patsy would be justifiable... Hatred can't be fought with hatred.

    Which was exactly the point of the signature.

    P.S.: The number of posts is irrelevant. It's the content that matters.

    Fully agree and now know that I misinterpreted your comment. Sorry wai.gif

  16. Why can they say "kill infidels" or "kill Americans" and nobody is protesting, burning their embassies, taking them into account for inciting violence? But if I said "Mohammed was no prophet" not to say "kill Muslims" the hell would break loose? Can't these people learn the lesson about themselves first before they try to teach and convert the world? And anyway, what's so good about being a Muslim and about Muslim countries that they want so passionately to export? Real Crusaders of the 20th/21st Century! All what they know is HATE.

    Signed: Anders Behring Breivik

    With 883 posts under your belt I would expect something more "brainy" than this downright stupid and superficial comment. 1:0 for notime.

    The muslim religion has become untouchable to the western world and we all played our part by keeping our mouths shut when they kept pushing the boundaries farther and farther. If nothing is done now to guarantee freedom of speech for non-muslims and western governments back down and even lower themselves to the point of offering an apology, then the time will come where muslims feel it would be ok to kill an "infidel" just for pronouncing or typing the word muslim. There is still a chance to put and end to this, but this chance fades by the day.

    This of course does not mean that drastic measures like the ones performed by that Breivik patsy would be justifiable... Hatred can't be fought with hatred.

    Sorry, Yakov - saw some of your other posts and figured you just wanted to add a little sarcasm, which I find is ok. Your thoughts on counter protests are of course correct. 1:1 for all involved smile.png

    btw - wrote this the same you wrote your reply. We are parking in the same garage, thus sorry for the confusion.

  17. Why can they say "kill infidels" or "kill Americans" and nobody is protesting, burning their embassies, taking them into account for inciting violence? But if I said "Mohammed was no prophet" not to say "kill Muslims" the hell would break loose? Can't these people learn the lesson about themselves first before they try to teach and convert the world? And anyway, what's so good about being a Muslim and about Muslim countries that they want so passionately to export? Real Crusaders of the 20th/21st Century! All what they know is HATE.

    Signed: Anders Behring Breivik

    With 883 posts under your belt I would expect something more "brainy" than this downright stupid and superficial comment. 1:0 for notime.

    The muslim religion has become untouchable to the western world and we all played our part by keeping our mouths shut when they kept pushing the boundaries farther and farther. If nothing is done now to guarantee freedom of speech for non-muslims and western governments back down and even lower themselves to the point of offering an apology, then the time will come where muslims feel it would be ok to kill an "infidel" just for pronouncing or typing the word muslim. There is still a chance to put and end to this, but this chance fades by the day.

    This of course does not mean that drastic measures like the ones performed by that Breivik patsy would be justifiable... Hatred can't be fought with hatred.

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