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Everything posted by mrfill

  1. Could it be that despite getting 324 votes out of 550 cast (58.9%), they lost? The rules meant that abstentions counted for the against side.
  2. While there may be financial irregularities, the main reason it fell down was that it wasn't put up properly..
  3. Who pays for the stock? I doubt the franchise owner provides it for free.
  4. The vote was lost because 199 members abstained and their votes were effectively counted with the losing side, giving them victory. Its quite easy to win elections when the rules are so slewed.
  5. In another survey it was found that 97% of people don't believe surveys.
  6. The main thrust of the story is that man leaves wife for mistress, says he will marry mistress, gets mistress pregnant, drops mistress, goes back to wife and promises (haha) to pay maintenance. Hardly earth shattering. Presumably the maintenance was never paid (although the mistress did get 1m Bt), all of which is not in the slightest unusual. And then tucked away is that she alleges he was dipping his hands in the till, which is actually a crime.
  7. You didn't mention that the current UK price for 6 free range medium eggs is around £2 (90Bt) i.e.15Bt/egg
  8. So he confessed to being a gunman in place of being paid. Although he was paid. And he was a soldier in an unofficial army. Well, that's what it says, unless the words 'in lieu' and 'mercenary' have been inappropriately deployed, which is possibly the case as it just doesn't make any sense.
  9. In the words of Mandy Rice-Davis ..."He would say that, wouldn't he?"
  10. 324 for 182 against Therefore the against win. That's Thai democracy for you...
  11. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/mps-sexual-misconduct-allegations-westminster-26784786 56 MPs under investigation for sexual misconduct allegations a year ago and how much more of this have we heard - about nothing. Certainly not over-zealous. There has recently been allegations of rape (from an anonymous very detailed email) against George Osborne but the story has disappeared in the wake of the Edwards story. https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/george-osborne-wants-police-investigate-111700562.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAEZ9mMXQwZr4XvvkqNa6jNlkpvdt1q-_zoBJ5eO92ihByIiM9oORkhyIPsjSVhoueyObRp6Uzs2SjGJZZHy8FydukueNaIv7Ag6TcoDW4SRhj53UBG5ZMftqgBhjljq2wLZuXnX-FAhpgCzh5FKvaqy4O2ZZnwdO46sH5tWovVzc
  12. If they "curb all forms of crime and drug trafficking", they will do themselves out of a job. No crimes - no need for police.
  13. Perhaps the wrongdoings of Sun employees needs to be investigated - and the other newspapers. When did you last see any sex scandal attached to a newspaper employee? Is that because it has never happened or because they're far better at hiding it away? Bear in mind also the The Sun is still owned by the filthy Murdoch - as is TalkTv and Talk Radio, two utterly garbage stations who feel they would be excellent as the state broadcaster, despite having the appearance of being run by schoolchildren. Trying to get rid of the BBC so that colossal money can be made has been a dream of Fleet Street for many years. The Edwards story is unpleasant but is just a distraction for much more sinister goings on.
  14. Just looked up an old post of mine from March 26 "Presumably he will return post-election only if his lot wins so he can return and forgive himself and live happily ever after..... " It was in response to his interview where he said... "Now I've served 16 years already in the big jail because they prevent me from staying with my family," Thaksin said, referring to his life away from his home country. "I've suffered enough. If I were to suffer again in the smaller jail, it is OK." Apparently not "OK" any more..... ????
  15. On that technicality then Ayutthaya is on the coast
  16. Just wondering if the bank has a copy of your passport. If so then they already have you 'biometrics'.
  17. London is coastal? I lived there for 32 years and it definitely wasn't on the coast.
  18. Correct name for this dish is Swineherds pie. Cottage pie is, by definition, made with beef and if made with lamb becomes Shepherds pie.
  19. Possibly Spanish - Snr Juan Quer
  20. The purpose of the recycle bin is to be a holding place for deleted user files. You see, some people aren't perfect and delete files by accident. These can be recovered from the recycle bin if needed again. A restart clears out temp files which are temporary system files created by programs as workspace while running. When the program is closed the temp files often hang around but they do nothing and just occupy space so removing them is quite a good idea. A restart will not 'fix all the problems' but it does make the machine a bit more efficient. If you want to fix all the WIndows problems, use a different operating system.
  21. It is worth noting that because of poor design, it is necessary to restart Windows from time to time to clear temporary files. Failure to do this will eventually slow down the machine and fill the drive with unnecessary garbage.
  22. Not really a cultural belief but just the story put around by the uber rich and their pals in the media world. The same happens in a lot of countries which explains why the uber rich get away with paying so little tax.
  23. UK is similar except they also do the same for nurses and doctors, a lot of whom are decamping to Australia and need replacing by others, probably from countries like Thailand, leading to shortages in those countries.
  24. Is that source one of the many fake twitter accounts?
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