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Everything posted by mrfill

  1. Perhaps this is what 'moved to an inactive post' actually means....
  2. Indeed. Often political parties promise tax cuts - which are basically of huge benefit to the rich and of little value to the not so rich. These are usually funded by some imagined future growth but are essentially a hand out of money - lots to the rich, a little to the poor. This is really not much different, except it is of benefit mainly to the poor. A rich person with billions in the bank is hardly bothered about 10000bt whereas most of the population of Thailand would benefit greatly. Keeping it as a fixed amount also considerably reduces the cost of administering the idea. Of course, those with money (who stand to gain only a little), will complain bitterly about 'them' getting more than 'ME' and will use as much propaganda as possible to squash the idea.
  3. Since when has 400-700 a day been 'thousands'. It looks a lot more like 'a few hundred' to me.
  4. Not seen him since he took that holiday in Isaan...
  5. Also, from the linked article "Another grandson Klint Ludwig said that he was estranged from his grandfather because of the 84-year-old’s right-wing views. He claimed that, during the Covid-19 pandemic, Mr Lester had shared a “crazy” conspiracy theory about Dr Anthony Fauci. He said his grandfather also used to make disparaging comments about Black people, gay people, and immigrants – and kept a large number of guns in his home. Another relative, who did not want to be named, said Mr Lester spent “considerable time at home in a living room chair, watching conservative news programs at high volume”.
  6. Neither compare to the £37bn wasted on the faulty Track and trace system or the £30bn hit to the economy for the scrapped Kwartang budget, or the £10bn covid loan fraud loss or the £100bn hit to the economy caused by brexit. Sometimes £100m doesn't seem so much...
  7. When a politician tells you to 'remain calm', its usually time to start worrying.
  8. Its called a shataf and was invented in the Middle East, not Japan. The earliest recorded use of a device similar to a shattaf was in 1386.
  9. And yet, according to the linked article he was not convicted of possession or dealing but 'abetting by engaging in a conspiracy to traffic' because an old, supposedly lost, phone had the number of convicted dealers on it. It does seem pretty flimsy evidence to kill someone for.
  10. Because he can. Remember, this is the man who frittered $44bn on a shouting website he didn't want. This failed firework cost about 5% of that - small beer to Mr Moneybags who has only really acquired such immense wealth because a lot of punters believe nearly everything he says and are willing to put their money in his vastly over-valued companies. Tesla is 'valued' at more than the combined values of VW, Toyota and Ford so it is priced as if in a dream world - in 13 years the price to asset value has never been lower than 44 times and has been up to 181 times. Imagine if you can, buying a house for 10m Bt and then borrowing half a billion Bt against its value. What could possibly go wrong?
  11. An article that answers the question 'Is there an election coming up?"
  12. "Accused of sabotage" No they haven't. The accusation is the 'intelligence' services think that the russians might consider sabotage. No such sabotage has been reported from the North Sea. Just another case to demonstrate the first casualty of war is the truth.
  13. Or it could be that the UK has allowed the generators to maintain and even increase substantially their dividends by setting a very high price cap and making the public suck it up. Thailand has chosen to cap at a much lower rate.
  14. A similar fire occurred to 18 racing electric motorbikes a few years ago in Spain. That was put down to a short circuit. https://www.motorsport.com/motoe/news/motoe-cause-of-fire-disaster/4353463/
  15. It's an odd world when a party that makes itself an accessory to treason and misleads millions of people by continuously lying, gets a fine and can then continue spewing its filth, whereas a party (Wikileaks/Assange) that distributes the truth (albeit some very inconvenient truths) gets imprisoned without trial for years with a possibility of being murdered by the state.
  16. Oh my goodness, they may infringe a patent. And what does the US intend to do if they DO touch the technology? Send them to bed without supper? Write a stern note to someone in charge? I've noticed that politely worded requests have very little effect on Russia.
  17. MDMA is crystalline. And its not new. It was initially invented in 1912, 111 years ago. It was described by the UK's 'drug czar' as being no more dangerous than horse riding. And it doesn't put you to sleep or deaden your senses so it cannot be described as a 'narcotic' However, while the substance itself is basically harmless, the crude method of production and general carelessness means that a badly prepared batch can be harmful because of impurities (MDME), similarly if it is mixed with a more dangerous substance (which is very much a Thai way). I would suggest that Ecstasy is rather sophisticated and too 'low key' for the enthusiastic locals but an ideal thing for a politician to start trying to spook uninformed people with.
  18. So they get caught in a conspiracy to commit murder and the Governor politely suggests they resign. Am surprised the offenders didn't just get moved to 'inactive posts'... Oklahoma behaving just like Saudi Arabia in its treatment of journalists.
  19. They sell ecstasy tablets and disguise them as coffee? That requires some monumentally stupid customers...
  20. So the great 'I reckon' index has risen a liitle. Whoopee-doo... ????
  21. I believe the problem can be summarised thus: Cost of solving problem - lots Cost of suggesting people wear a mask - nothing.
  22. This escalation should be suppressed or it could lead to an outbreak of cynicism. Scary
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