In the cases of Savile and Prince Andrew, going to the police had no effect, owing to the protection afforded by their position. Reports were shelved/lost and it was only when a victim went to the papers that an investigation would start. I believe this was also the case with Epstein and Weinstein. Only when exposed in the press will the police then act as they are then unable to just sweep the matter under the carpet. Wealthy people have a number of ways of silencing accusers in the courts. Some injunctions are so severe, it is even illegal to report that one exists and then there is also the possibility of paying off the victim so the perp can continue without facing justice, as we have seen.
The deference paid to the rich and famous allows them to do what they like, cheat on their tax and get away with it and if anyone dares to challenge them, they have usually been brushed aside by the authorities protecting them or they bleat that they cannot get a fair trial as they have been exposed. I don't believe that is a valid excuse to let them continue their deeds unchecked as has happened so many times in the past.