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Everything posted by mrfill

  1. Is that the best place to go for protection? Sounds like protecting yourself against a dangerous lion by getting in the same cage...
  2. 'Hundreds' (883) since October 1, 148 in last 12 days.
  3. A 'source' said “Glitter is suspected of trying to access prohibited material online. It is thought those attempts were unsuccessful, but that in itself is enough to reach the recall threshold. However, his phone will now be forensically analysed to determine exactly what he might have been searching for.” Knowing the Sun, a 'source' means a bribed cop.
  4. The 'value' is calculated assuming a price of 3558Bt/gm ($103/£85) which is why the words are in speech marks. They're illustrating a terminological inexactitude with a large helping of hyperbole.
  5. It doesn't follow. Accessing, or attempting to access the dark web was one of the conditions of his licence that would mean an immediate recall (like getting into a relationship with anyone who has a child under 18). He attempted to access the dark web, he got recalled. The Sun and Fox are very much related. Both being Rupert Murdoch's organs (for the time being) and devoted to the lunatic fringe of society.
  6. Sad but not surprising. For 10 years from 2007, I had a company that supplied caretakers for closed pubs and dealt with nearly 1000 pubs. Reasons for closure were not that many and tended to fall into three groups 1 - The property company that owned the place increased the rent hugely (+100% not unusual) driving out long established landlords. 2 - Feckless landlords who thought they could make a fast buck. These tended to wreck the place and move on leaving power bills unpaid, business tax unpaid and then disappearing. The high rent and hard work required was beyond them 3 - Places where the locals though it was dreadful that they were losing their pub but when asked if they were regulars always answered 'no, never go in there'. There were other factors such as the smoking ban (started 2007), cheap supermarket booze and the advent of cheap big screens (which made visiting the pub to watch a game unnecessary. You could sit at home with mates, drink cheap supermarket beer AND smoke). In about 75% of cases, the pub closing was no real loss to the community and nothing needed to replace it as it wasn't used anyway...
  7. OK. Answer me this - if it had been a tourist whose visa expired the day before, would you blame the tourist for being smashed into by a drunk pick-up driver? After all, he shouldn't have been there and if he had left it would never have happened.
  8. Perhaps these very poor countries don't have the machinery to plough back, after all, the total wealth of all 3 countries combined is barely a fifth of Thailand. The small farmers have little choice. Added to that there will be an element of burning for illegal purposes (logging, clearing etc) in all 4 countries and Thailand cannot be expected to clear up illegal activity in its neighbours but it could use its wealth to donate ploughing machinery to its neighbours rather than buying military hardware and then complaining they have smoke in their eyes. But that won't happen....
  9. Rubbish. They were hit from behind by a pick up truck whose driver was drunk. And you blame the parents???
  10. Wonderfully trivialised by describing it as 'dust'. A quick once over with the Hoover to solve it perhaps?
  11. Pad Thai Looks like two words to me
  12. Never mind the wife's family, what about the dogs?
  13. Relax Be like two fried eggs....
  14. From the same source that brought you "Iraq has the capability of launching weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes". Lots of people believed that until the truth emerged.
  15. And yet, in the Olympics, the only individual sport where there is equality is equestrianism. Sailing used to be but they separated that in 2012.
  16. I don't know - you just close your eyes for a little relaxation and some nutcase starts shouting the odds about a tree ....
  17. Figures from 2017 it seems. Not like there has been any kind of economic wobble since then...
  18. On your first thought - my first thought was you had not read the linked article as it has more details.
  19. Incoming passengers are requested to arrive at least 10 minutes before their aircraft to avoid queues
  20. He has very suspicious looking eyes
  21. Surprised they didn't try for a 6000 month delay
  22. That's what SHOULD happen but the grass roots of the tories are the ones who select/deselect and they are huge fans of Boris. Sunak only has big support among the MPs, with the obvious exception of the ReformUK wing of the party (Rees-Smug, the idiot Dorries, Truss, Boris and the other nutters) who shout louder than the rest - as empty vessels usually do.
  23. Is that the same BBC that is chaired by a friend of a previous tory PM who he assisted to get an £850000 loan as that PM was incapable of living within his means? The same friend who after doing that big favour got appointed as chairman of the BBC.
  24. I thought the Thai 'manly' way was to get a dozen or so mates and jump the other guy when he's not looking.
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