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Everything posted by mrfill

  1. and identitarian - one whose diet is exclusively identities.....
  2. Speaking fluent Thai and driving terribly will be necessary...
  3. I understand that he was pressed into offering the referendum to counter the perceived danger from UKIP who were expected to hit the tories badly because their primary objective was to offer a referendum. Cameron never believed the referendum would go to Leave and he thought he had all the bases covered. He could beat UKIP, beat the referendum, stay in the EU and continue to make his fortune and entertain his porcine friends. But then it all went wrong for him.... The referendum was UKIPs baby - Cameron stole the idea and ran with it as he had been assured it would fail.
  4. Cameron didn't want Brexit and when he lost the referendum, he immediately resigned.
  5. They weren't happy having to vote for a serial porn watcher or one who sexually assaults boys. The by-election results indicate this... Perhaps if the tories put up some half decent candidates it might help them..
  6. Oh. like that Austrian chappie in Germany in the 1930s you mean? No respect for any laws. Let corruption rule..
  7. Check the timestamp on his Angry Birds high score.....
  8. ... because armed and violent drunks are often to be seen lying on their back in smart casual...
  9. You mean forty hundreds...
  10. You would have said the same thing when prohibition was lifted. At least now some of the billions wasted on chasing and imprisoning users can be put to far better use.
  11. It's you. There's a semi-colon after 'cars' delimiting the phrases.
  12. They have gone remarkably quiet after their wild predictions of 6 months ago....
  13. Turkey can say what they like. They are not in the EU and will probably never be. History show us that 60 years ago the US deployed nuclear missiles in Turkey and Italy. Kruschev retaliated by installing nukes on Cuba leading to the Cuban Missile crisis of 1962. Fortunately diplomacy won and both sides backtracked. Probably the closest the world ever got to a nuclear war. Be careful what you wish for.
  14. Some years ago in the UK the official figures showed something like 12 deaths from cannabis. When looked into a little, one of them proved to be a customs officer who was searching ships for drugs at Felixstowe docks. He fell between 2 ships and was crushed. Put down as a cannabis related death....
  15. mrfill

    spanner size?

    Go find someone who fixes Japanese cars and/or bikes. They can lend you a 18/19mm and a 20/21mm open end spanner and then you have the full choice.
  16. No surprise there considering it is effectively synthetic heroin.
  17. It was over 500p per therm in March. Gas companies kept very quiet about it dropping such a vast amount... https://inews.co.uk/news/gas-prices-uk-hit-record-high-500p-per-therm-war-in-ukraine-impacts-markets-1499259
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