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Everything posted by mrfill

  1. 10 million! Well, that's not to be sniffed at...
  2. Its much the same as promising to cut tax to provide people with more money. This way though means that using already collected money, the Thai GDP figure is boosted making the economy appear to be booming. So just the usual smoke & mirrors....
  3. Just had a look at an old policy and its not only winter sports that require an extra premium. The list is Golf cover (covering loss of equipment, hire of equipment and green fees), Business cover (covering business equipment, samples, money and replacing staff), Wedding cover (covering outfits, gifts, rings and photographer), Natural catastrophe cover (covering cancellation, being stranded, car parking, kennel fees and travel expenses to get home) and Cruise cover (covering missed port, cabin confinement and unused excursions).
  4. Try googling "all inclusive holiday Thailand" - I got 28 million results. It's all in the name. These sort of holidays are not exclusive to the Chinese visiting Thailand and are common.
  5. Glad to have the helpful pic to show what 'only 4 in the back' looks like
  6. If Trump had anything to do with the figures it would be 18 out of 10
  7. The actual UK Government advice is "The public should remain vigilant, but not be alarmed"
  8. ... most of which goes on the 'right' tasselled jacket/trousers/boots/gloves/t-shirt/after shave(even with compulsory beard) and of course the obligatory branded sunglasses and almost useless branded helmet. That and many, many tubes of chrome polish (probably branded but which does at least keep them off the road for a while).
  9. OK. Then the answer is I would expect a speed in excess of 200mph on this Thai proposed railway, based on other modern high speed railways of 84km or less. Any less than that and the nomenclature would need revising.
  10. Well, the Shanghai Maglev train system is 30km long and the trains reach speeds of 268mph.
  11. If there's that much 'dust', perhaps people should stop sweeping their houses so vigorously.
  12. Or even as much as $44bn... And then he must be incredibly dumb if he believes the company could be worth £250bn and even dumber if he sells such a huge 'profit' on to others. p..s. I never considered him smart, just reckless and lucky. He reminds me of Thomas Newton (Man who fell to Earth) and will probably end up in a similar fashion.
  13. Presumably he will return post-election only if his lot wins so he can return and forgive himself and live happily ever after.....
  14. Not just pension age. France's state pension is around 50% more than UK.
  15. What a terrible choice..
  16. But they were massive Indians apparently...
  17. And what about the other 81 countries who also outlaw homosexuality?
  18. Hark!!! What's that sound??? Why, its the sound of a can being kicked down a road...
  19. Current advice by HMG (pre-strike) is that it takes up to 10 weeks. And that's when it is claimed to be working just fine.
  20. Does ice come in any other format? I always thought unfrozen ice was water and that frozen water was ice, or has basic physics been changed to suit the culture warriors?
  21. It;ll probably end up in a som tam salad
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