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Everything posted by mrfill

  1. Its banned for people under 20 and banned in schools under current laws. What new legislation is required to prevent school kids from buying/selling at school? A super double ban?
  2. Who's playing the part of Elon Musk?
  3. You don't need permission to fly the Cayman Islands flag if the boat is registered in the Cayman Islands (which it is).
  4. The vessel is registered in the Cayman Islands, hence is flying the Cayman Islands flag.
  5. With 13% of the nations hospital beds (42% in Bangkok) occupied with covid cases, the 'trying to ensure the cases do not get out of control' train has left the station some time ago.
  6. Disappointed that there's no pic of them all 5 travelling together on the Honda Wave
  7. Then the death penalty should also apply to drunk drivers who kill
  8. Shall we check out which so-called First World countries actually operate Heathrow? Heathrow Airport Holdings (formerly BAA) owns and runs London Heathrow Airport, Britain's aviation hub. It is in turn owned by FGP Topco, a consortium owned and led by infrastructure specialist Ferrovial (25.00%) [Spanish], Qatar Investment Authority (20.00%) [Qatari], Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) (12.62%) [Canadian], GIC (11.20%) {Singaporean], Alinda Capital Partners of the United States (11.18%) [American], China Investment Corporation (10.00%) [Chinese]and Universities Superannuation Scheme (10.00%) [British]. In other words, not very British.
  9. Most of them have been on a long holiday since about 1996
  10. Doubt it. He means Association Football - a game you play with your feet and where you get penalised for using your hands to play the ball. Otherwise it would be Handandfootball.
  11. Is this not normal? When the problem first surfaces, burst into action with grand plans and then forget about them 2 weeks later when the next populist campaign comes along. Like flood defences, zebra crossings etc
  12. Isn't that like watching live videos of Thailand rather than visiting? No fuss with entry requirements, mystery fees, baggage handler strikes or dual pricing. Save a fortune...
  13. The rods have been slipping out the holes, so use paper to pack the holes and the fit will be tighter without any need for glue, silicone or any other gunk. It does work - I've had a couple of these wardrobes for 10+ years
  14. No, its not a mistranslation of crooked, it is a synonym.
  15. I'm assuming 'High-speed' doesn't refer to the time its taking to build.
  16. Beijing is around 2500km from the Thai border. I suppose they could install a bicycle path but a high speed train would be rather more effective.
  17. Except cases had been surging in the UK for a couple of weeks before Glastonbury.
  18. There is a shortage because a lot of the airport workers were laid off and found other jobs. Its not like baggage handlers are exactly well paid. If they want more workers in a hurry, they have to pay more to induce them back - which they won't. Supply/demand...
  19. Not a problem - the plebs can continue to get their travel info from Google. At least it has a chance of being up to date...
  20. Yabba is incredibly cheap to produce and is highly addictive. There is little point in cutting it with anything as whatever could be used is likely to be more expensive than the yabba itself. It would be like diluting lao khao with finest Napoleon brandy.
  21. Try South Africa. Known as nyeope or whoonga. Nasty stuff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whoonga
  22. Don't spend as much?
  23. Sounds like one of those 'we're all in it together' rants, meaning the lower paid have to lower their living standards so the elites don't have to.
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