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Everything posted by mrfill

  1. Not at all. But not using them does save considerably on their wear, so they last much longer.
  2. Except we know that deaths from omicron are few, so the infection levels (which in all similar sized countries has reached well over 1%) will never be known. ATK tests are used widely yet the number of positive reports is considerably less than those from PCR tests which suggests either a) the ATK tests don't work or b) +ve ATK results are not fully reported. Or both.
  3. I used to get dragged down the Fairfield Hall every Tuesday to watch it live as well. Hilarious to see the old ladies having a go with umbrellas. Mick McManus was one of their favourite targets...
  4. A puzzle. Lots of people have to do ATK tests for flights, entry into places or just checking. Yet each day the +ve figures are around 3000, lower always than the expensive PCR tests which are used by relatively few. So how are ATK tests reported ? Because its quite clear that most are not reported at all. My guess is the process is: Get ATK test from 7-11 for a few bt. Do test If -ve, smile and go out for a drink if +ve, stay at home a bit more for a couple of days. Say nothing, report nothing. And then it goes away.... (maybe)
  5. Reading the link we find "Chatham House published a research paper in 2020 concluding that Sri Lanka's debt distress was unconnected to Chinese lending, but resulted instead more from "domestic policy decisions" facilitated by Western lending and monetary policy, rather than by the policies from the Chinese government." and "A 2019 research paper by Bräutigam found that most of the debtor countries voluntarily signed on to the loans and had positive experiences working with China, and "the evidence so far, including the Sri Lankan case, shows that the drumbeat of alarm about Chinese banks' funding of infrastructure across the BRI and beyond is overblown" and "On March 2018 report released by the Center for Global Development says that between 2001 and 2017, China restructured or waived loan payments for 51 debtor nations, the majority of BRI participants, without seizing state assets" and "A 2019 report by the Lowy Institute said China had not engaged in deliberate actions in the Pacific that justified the accusations of debt-trap diplomacy, at least based on contemporaneous evidence, and stated that China had not been the primary driver behind rising debt risks in the Pacific, but warned the scale of its lending and the institutional weakness of Pacific states posed risks of small states being overwhelmed by debt" and "A 2020 article by the Lowy Institute called Sri Lanka's Hambantota International Port portrayed as the "case par excellence" for China's debt-trap diplomacy, but stated that the narrative was a "myth" and that the project was proposed by former Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, not Beijing.[37] The article added that Sri Lanka's debt distress was not caused by Chinese lending, but from "excessive borrowing on Western-dominated capital markets." Doesn't seem to fit the fashionable narrative. But don't let a few truths get in the way of a good Sinophobic rant.
  6. The first case of omicron in Thailand was reported on December 5th so the figure is unrepresentative anyway. Most countries noted a doubling of cases every 2-3 days, except of course Thailand where it appeared to gradually increase for a few days and then start dropping... conveniently.
  7. The Chamber of Commerce has its own university? Does TAT have one too???
  8. Your gladness is somewhat premature.... https://www.thaipbsworld.com/ghost-ship-in-gulf-of-thailand-sinks/
  9. Just wondering. The UK reports over 90% of new cases are Omicron. These are determined by PCR testing and subsequent genomic analysis. If the PCR test doesn't detect Omicron, how can 200,000+ a day omicron cases be reported? If the PCR tests do not work then shouldn't the figure should be nearer 20,000?
  10. Goodness - a Flock of Seagulls. Haven't seen them in a while...
  11. 'Walkways' or to put it more correctly, motorbike race tracks.
  12. I'm baffled by this advanced science. What is the connection between a bi-cranial snake and the numbers 27 and 72?
  13. And, of course, paying them a bigger salary means they can borrow even more!!
  14. I think you have to wave your arms around a lot and do an interpretive dance
  15. That would make Thailand world leaders... in having 75% of their population in jail. Do you work for a prison building company by any chance? ????
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