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Everything posted by mrfill

  1. What will they play? Roll out the barrel? Whiskey in the jar? Red red wine? Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps?
  2. Also, make sure you get the correct IDP. There are 3 types 1926, 1949 and 1968. You need a type 1949 for Thailand, Lao and Cambodia (lasts 12 months). For Burma or Vietnam you need a type 1968 (lasts 3 years)
  3. Could your solicitor pay the proceeds directly into your account at the London branch? Bangkok Bank 2, 33 St. Mary Axe, The City, London, EC3A 8AA Tel 020 7929 4422
  4. In January 2012 I stayed at a hotel very close to the archaeological area. The place has been decorated after the big floods a few weeks earlier but the walls at the side had not been repainted and the water mark was clearly visible. It was 2 meters high. These walls they are building are going to have to be very high and very, very strong to resist the sort of flood as pictured in the lead photo. A few breeze blocks just won't work.
  5. I only suggested it would be simpler. If you wish to make things more difficult than necessary then up to you. Your choice.
  6. Simpler to use the Google facilities which happen to come with Google Android... .
  7. Compare the figures of more recent times. 95% of Thai deaths are since April 1st. That figure is 16049 whereas the UK figure for the same period is 9459 (Figures from Ourworldindata.org). Positive tests are much higher in the UK, but the testing is far more intense. Again, since April 1st, Thailand has conducted 9.96 million tests. UK has conducted 153.82 million. With similar populations (around 68m) you can see that Thailand have nearly 60m who may, or may not be infected. We simply don't know as they haven't been tested. In the UK, most cases have been identified as 15 times as many tests have been conducted.
  8. Except the road to herd immunity has been blocked by Delta. When a virus can easily re-infect people the concept of herd immunity goes out the window. You can suppress the effects but you can't stop the spread in reality. And then, after a while the effectiveness of any vaccine declines so the spread can increase. Delta is the first really rampant variant, it is unlikely to be the last. https://www.gmjournal.co.uk/covid-19-is-it-still-possible-to-achieve-herd-immunity
  9. 41 victims at 5000bt = 205,000bt Enough to buy a BMW, a tablet and designer bags? Well well, the price of living has taken a bit of a nosedive... unless its a BMW keyring, a yabaa tablet and they are BigC carrier bags
  10. Trumpet fanfares / dancing girls / gigantic cheap nasty shiny plastic trophies / red plastic lino walkway all the usual trappings.....
  11. They did when Thailand (and Montenegro) were added to the Red List, and in some detail .. "Thailand and Montenegro will be added to the red list from 4am on Monday 30 August 2021, reflecting the increased case rates in these countries and the higher risk that travel from these countries poses to UK public health. The high rates combined with lower levels of published genomic surveillance in Thailand and Montenegro than other countries mean that an outbreak of a new variant or existing variants of concern (VOC) or variants under investigation (VUI) cannot be easily identified before it is imported and seeded across the UK." https://www.gov.uk/government/news/international-travel-update-new-destinations-added-to-government-travel-lists
  12. Much of the problem is that a lot of people do not realise that humour should actually be funny.
  13. Let's complete that quote from Oscar properly, shall we? Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit but the highest form of intelligence.
  14. I wonder if the man in the OP photo who is relaxing "on Karon beach as Phuket gets ready to open to overseas tourists from July 1 allowing fully vaccinated foreigns to visit the resort island without quarantine" is still there waiting for July 1st 2022....
  15. Did I read it properly? He denied the report because no report had been received and then confirmed that a report had been received.
  16. The old chestnut of the 'gateway drug'... just like a drink of beer will lead you to start drinking methylated spirits.
  17. Read my comment about when The Lancet data was gathered and where. It is ancient. Published 6 months ago and relating to the first five months of the pandemic in Ireland. It is highly misleading when compared to today. It has also drifted way off topic.
  18. So, which part of the 20% who didn't survive are these in? Or should you have said that 92.5% survived and 7.5% perished. If so, could you now explain how, worldwide, there have been 230,920,739 cases (Worldometer figures) and yet only 4,733,350 deaths? If your figure of 7.5% fatality were correct the death figure should be nearly 18 million. The figures you quoted also were gathered from one country (Ireland) and from the first wave of the pandemic between March and July 2020 - way before any kind of vaccine was available. Hardly useful data for the current situation, although possibly indicative of what may have happened if no measures had been taken and no vaccines were available.
  19. If anti-vaxxers were refused urgent hospital treatment because the wards were filled with unvaxed patients gasping for breath, would they complain? I think we know the answer to that one....
  20. But this is not pop (see headline). I guess this comes under K-rap.
  21. Anyone who has lent things will be familiar with the 'will return .. later' concept. It's rather similar to the 'free beer tomorrow' plan.
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