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Everything posted by mrfill

  1. Check the figures for Israel and Mongolia. Infections in both places are plummeting down. Check 'Daily new cases' .... https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/mongolia/ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/israel/
  2. Its doable but it will require the invention of the rapid PCR test. The 15 minute tests are lateral flow tests. There is no 'rapid' PCR test as they need to be analysed in a lab.
  3. Yes, let's look at Israel, Infections are FALLING and they are NOT locking down. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/with-boosters-masks-green-pass-israel-sees-covid-19-wave-retreat-2021-10-15/
  4. I think you may need to renew your history recall. There was never a time when Attlee was UK PM and Eisenhower was POTUS. Attlee was voted out 1950, Eisenhower did not get in until 1952. And you had to put 4 pennies in. The 3 penny boxes (STD) were introduced much later and had no Button A. Are you sure you renewed? Best check......
  5. Err... just one thing.... If the first named 'Whisky a gogo' bar opened 'n 1947, how did they get the name from a film that wasn't released until 1949?
  6. No problem - they'd get hit by the truck being driven by some idiot who isn't looking because he's too busy filming...
  7. 1 Father Ted 2 Father Ted 3 Father Ted 4 Father Ted 5 Father Ted
  8. Its one of those No Claims policies..... You don't claim, we don't pay...
  9. The excess noise is just power being wasted on vanity rather than being used to drive the wheels. Nothing to do with engine size especially - I mean, have you heard any deafening Gold Wings? F1 cars are now much quieter than 10 years ago because they now waste so little power making noise. They also have broken virtually every lap record at every track they visit because they are so much faster - even though the engine is half the cc it was.
  10. Judging by the picture, the word 'Sport' presumably refers to sumo wrestling. Its hardly a racy looking lump but it does look supremely impractical for any urban use.
  11. The UK administered its vaccines primarily when locked down. By the time restrictions were lifted, about 40% had been double jabbed (including most over 50s), 60% had one jab. This resulted in a huge drop in hospitalisations and deaths, although the infection was still (and is still) romping around. Thailand has still not got 50% first jabbed and only about 30% double jabbed but never mind - fling the doors open and we'll worry about it if it happens...
  12. Gosh! It must be as exciting as the day when I dug up several coca-cola bottle tops from the 1960s. Some of those were worth over a gazillion baht.
  13. You're getting dangerously close to TAT level stats there. Remember, the 2 billion includes the hotel and the cost of tests. Also, I know its heartbreaking, but the tourists didn't all stay for 97 days. The TAT spend per person figure is about 48000Bt and most of that is likely to have gone to the hotels. Mrs Somchai will still not have enough from her banana fritter stall to buy the Merc she feels she deserves. But do keep repeating ',,,hang on, these are TAT figures', until the infection clears...
  14. Awwww Isn't it lovely to have the good old loony forecasts back.......
  15. Last week we were told they were racing against time to build protecting walls. They lost.
  16. Sounds like snake oil version 2. Is it a copy of ivermectin or something equally useless. Hospitals are busy dealing with overdoses of ivermectin so they should prepare for more patients from this.
  17. Perhaps they mean that everyone will eventually be exposed to the coronavirus Sars-cov-2, but not necessarily infected with covid-19.
  18. Does the USA not count as part of the rest of the world now? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_alcohol_laws_of_the_United_States
  19. Perhaps they're hoping for a massive rush to arrive on Thursday...
  20. 'Blocked on MILLIONS of phones' Well, at least several dozen .....
  21. What will they play? Roll out the barrel? Whiskey in the jar? Red red wine? Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps?
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