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Posts posted by flare

  1. I did my last extension a couple months ago (I'm American).  I had shown my proof of overseas income last year (a bank statement in addition to the income declaration letter from the consulate) for my initial visa and didn't provide it this year under the assumption that it wasn't necessary to provide it again (though I did hear the rules had changed, when I submitted my application I was told it wasn't needed and that the income declaration letter will be sufficient this time)- sure enough, I later received a call from immigration asking me to provide an income statement (from a foreign source) just like last year (which I gave them and had no further issues, and received my extension).

  2. If you're trying to eat 5-7 (seven is tough;)) small meals per day to build muscle mass, added one or two protein shakes to the mix is about the only way to do it.  Shakes (and some simple foods like egg whites) are digested in a couple hours or less (and you can have one before heading to the gym without feeling full and bloated).  Shakes are 'supplements' that should be used in addition to regular meals, not 'replacements' (unless you're on some sort of weight-loss diet, and even then they're not the best nutritional choice)- for convenience, they're hard to beat.

  3. Same thing happened to me in Rimping Mae Hia Market yesterday- I bought one of their canvas bags for 50 baht (I was also offered a box).  My wife chatted with the cashier in Thai- apparently, they also have the option of 'borrowing' a canvas bag and returning it for a refund on your next trip, which I thought was fair enough.  It was a sturdy, good-sized bag, and I'm going to start using it (though there are days I need 4-5 bags instead only one like yesterday- I guess I'll need a few of them).


    I don't complain about having to bring bags when I go to Makro, and every little bit helps.

  4. 7 hours ago, Grumpy Old Man said:

    "Road Pizza" is a reference to what the human body looks like after being hit / run over by a large vehicle; not everyones taste of humour.    

    When I lived in Tokyo, 'road pizza' ( or, more commonly, 'platform pizza' if it was seen in the subway station) was the term for pile left on the ground after a drunken 'salaryman' lost his dinner after a night of drinking.;)

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  5. This thread makes me chuckle- while I can't comment on the specifics of fish-and-chips, I understand the sentiment of the U.K. posters exactly- it's like when I hear people talk about 'NY-style pizza'- you either know, or you don't- there's no 'middle ground'.;)

  6. You can enter your USPS tracking number in both USPS.com and ThailandPost.co.th to see where the package in currently situated (probably somewhere awaiting customs duty).  If the most recent update says 'Delivery Attempt', it means it's sitting at the post office- which one will mostly depend on whether customs duty is due on it- you'll most likely have to call them (in Thai) and they'll tell you where it is, or you can stop into your local branch for the info (and maybe you'll get lucky and it will be there).

  7. 2500-3500bt (they vary in quality) at Pantip- there are a few places on the third floor that will do it.  Since it's a '2' you might want to consider buying a new one- they start about 10K.  Once the screen is replaced, it's never quite the same.

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  8. There are hip-hop classes in the dance school at Airport Plaza (near the skating rink on the 4th floor, opposite the food court entrance).  Frankly, you should send the boy there- my four-year-old daughter took some private classes, and the group classes constained a couple dozen lovely teen-aged girls and maybe two guys.  If my wife would allow it and I were a few decades younger, I'd be taking classes there daily.;)

  9. On 5/18/2018 at 1:00 PM, Andrew Dwyer said:

    How much did you pay for the Bovril ?, if you don’t mind me asking, I’ve not seen it in Thailand and bring 4 back from Uk .

    I saw all three in Rimping Mae Hia Market today and snapped a pic this time (I'm not sure the 'Imported from the USA' label is accurate, though...)




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  10. 8 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    How much did you pay for the Bovril ?, if you don’t mind me asking, I’ve not seen it in Thailand and bring 4 back from Uk .


    Sorry, I just noticed it on the shelf (I didn't buy it- I just noted how many they had in stock), and I had read this thread in the morning before going to the market- I have no idea how much it was.



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