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Posts posted by flare

  1. It's the same in the US- Amazon sellers are mostly out of masks (especially for kids) until March or April.  The ones that have the decent 3M masks in stock are playing games like jacking up shipping rates.  I think the best current deal that didn't entail waiting at least six weeks was ~USD$40 for a pack of five 3M masks- they should be half (or less) of that.  If you can wait, the price will be coming down, but if you want it now you have to allow yourself to be robbed.

  2. I'm sure the electronics shop in Big C Mae Hia (called 'Amorn', I believe- it's in the section to the left side of the complex near where the banks and phone counters are)- their prices are low on that kind of item.

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  3. 1 hour ago, WaveHunter said:

    Originally I did subQ but have now switched to IM.  From everything I've read and from discussing this with my doctor, I really think the efficacy is the same either way.  My reason for switching is that sub-Q leaves bumps under the skin, and occasionally a bruise.  It just looks a bit unsightly is all.  Shooting deep into the glutes results in none of that.  


    You might interested to know that when I did subQ, I used an insulin syringe (i.e.: 31ga !).  Most everybody I know that does sub-Q does ti this way since it is virtually painless and leaves no scarring at all; something to be concerned with if you are injecting multiple times per week.


    25ga is what i use now for IM (1.5 inch long needle).  I can't imagine using 25ga for sub-Q.  That must not be too comfortable.  Where do you inject, and how often do you inject weekly?  I'd be a little concerned about scarring over time with such a large needle.


    If you want to try 31ga, you'd need to draw with something like an 18ga (what I used) and then transfer to the insulin syringe.  Injecting with 31ga takes about 45 seconds due to viscosity but no big deal.

    Yes- I draw with an 18g as well.  I'm surprised you had an issue with a lump- what volume were you injecting?  Less than 1.5ml shouldn't be a problem.  It's possible that a slightly longer needle may have made a difference- I believe the max length for an insulin needle in 0.5", with some being shorter.  If you're really lean that would be OK, but I find the 5/8" works well- it's very rare that I get a bruise, and never a lump- everyone reacts differently, of course.


    31g is the narrowest needle I've heard yet for shooting T- I have a friend who uses a 29g, and he says it takes ~20 seconds- I don't have the patience to leave the needle in for 45 seconds like you????, and like to get it over with as soon as possible- the 25g really isn't bad (I shoot about 2" left or right of the navel).

    I go to the gym most days, and the mild soreness of the IM shot (which I wouldn't have noticed without exercising) was exacerbated when I lifted weights and was bothering me, and subQ took care of that.


    I do believe in the research re: level variation being less with the slower absorption via the fat layer, but, as I inject twice per week, it's not really a big concern- if I injected once per week, I think going subQ would definitely make a difference.

  4. Anyone currently using the IM injection method should do a little research on the latest info regarding injecting testosterone (cypionate or enanthate) via the subcutaneous route (the recommended needle being 25G 5/8"- that's 15.875mm).


    Both methods ultimately provide the user with the same average level over time, but the subQ injections show less variation (T level tends to spike and ebb between injection days) over IM due to the slower absorption rate of fat vs muscle- it's also way easier to inject yourself.  

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with going IM and I'm not trying to start a big argument over how T should be injected- it's just that subQ is another option that's become popular over the last five years or so, and has shown some possible benefits.


    One clinical test- http://www.bioscience.org/2018/v10e/af/825/2.htm

  5. The 'Small Animal Expo' is coming up at the exhibition center at Central Airport (I believe it's the first week of November- you likely want something before then, but I thought I'd mention it).


    There will be snakes, spiders, various rodents (including hamsters) for sale, lots of fish, dogs (every day is dedicated to a different breed, and there's a show), cats, and possibly some interesting animals from the zoo or Night Safari.  It's a fun, free exhibit- we go at least two days every year as my daughter loves it.

    • Like 2
  6. Yup- I went there last week to find them closed (the handwriting was one the wall as they'd been moving stuff out the last couple of months)- the one in the same parking lot as the Amway building on Mahidol Road is very nice, though, and it's got two classrooms for barista training.

  7. The Gillette Fusion Power razor is the best I've ever used- the vibrating handle makes a huge difference- the blades are pricey, but last a long time with care.  I used to have issue with skin irritation from shaving, but not anymore.


    I'm surprised to hear so many people complaining about Gillette quality.

  8. Think twice before doing that- while the old-wives tale of 'three grey hairs replace every one that's pulled out' is false, what can definitely happen is that the hairs you pluck might have their follicles damaged and not grow back- it's much better to cut them short (though it's more time and labor intensive).


    It's WAY preferable to have white/gray hair that needs to be cut or colored than a bald patch of your own making.????

    • Like 1
  9. I'd bring something like that with me rather than having it shipped if at all possible- 10K in duty sounds pretty low for that keyboard, and I'd imagine you'd end up getting hit way harder than that when it arrives...


    I've brought some fairly fragile stuff in from the States as checked baggage, and it's always arrived in good condition (I ask for a 'Fragile' sticker when I check it in- maybe that's hoping for too much, but so far, so good...;))


    Don't forget it would also go through an unpacking/inspection upon arrival by Thai customs if you have it shipped, and will likely land at a couple of different stops on the way to CM from Bangkok and be moved from truck to truck- not everyone is going to treat it like gold, and the fewer hands on it, the better.


    Good luck whatever you decide upon- that looks like a fun thing to play with.

  10. 15 hours ago, carbon007 said:

    I Think this shop has been closed for some years nov. There is a motor bike shop instead? Or are you thinking of another shop?

    It's just before (second or third building back) the intersection of Suthep Road on Huay Kaew on the left side heading toward the zoo.  It's a big building with decorative vintage gas pumps out front- you can't miss it.

  11. Decathlon in Tesco HD has some pretty large sporty-type shirts (I wear a US XL and their largest size is too big for me).  Like the shirts at the import shop on Huay Kaew previously mentioned, though, while they fit OK in the shoulders (an issue for me- I don't have a big gut, though), they tend to be on the short side if you're tall (I'm 187cm)- I'd like them to be a bit longer.

  12. You can try Chang Moto- https://www.facebook.com/changmoto


    Helmet2Home usually has a small selection of leather jackets, boots, and pants and a bigger choice of helmets- https://www.facebook.com/Helmet2home/?rf=1497587383790250


    Panda Rider is in BKK, but they ship all over LOS- they're an authorized Rev'It dealer and have some really good prices- I believe they're affiliated with Chang Moto and you might be able to order through them- http://www.pandarider.com/Revit/index.htm

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  13. This post might end up being useless, but I'll put it up anyway.;)


    There's what looks like a US-style storage space rental place (24-something?  Something-24?) on the Middle Ring Road (on the right side as you head toward 118 from the Promenada area).  I passed it this morning while on my bike, but took no specific notice of it as I hadn't seen this thread.


    It might be a complete wild-goose-chase and perhaps isn't even close to what you're looking for, but if you're in the area, keep your eyes open for it (or maybe someone else knows about it and can provide more info).

    • Like 1
  14. I could kinda see Doi Suthep from the Night Safari area about 20 minutes ago, but it's disappeared again.


    At least the air quality has gone down to a mere bright-red 'unhealthy' level- the wine-colored 'hazardous' reading was getting old.

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