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Posts posted by samuibruno

  1. really great if they actually do something about this scam

    the immigration visa number is pretty much all thats [needed] required [and copy of passport ]

    what happens if the people that take your passport get robbed/burgled ?

    ive seen passports thrown into the draw of the desk /counter along with all the other passports

    hopefully they will start the crackdown on samui soon as well

    where foreigners[and thais ] [running vehicle rental businesses] do the same thing

    i never use any rental business that uses this practice for my guests

    and ive not had any problems hiring cars or bikes

    stopping this practice is at least a step [a small one maybe ]

    in the right direction

  2. i run a small hotel/bnb on samui and its always been the law here [for 12 years ] to register all guests

    with immigration

    nothing new here to complain about

    my understanding is it is for tourists only [not legitimate long termers]

    if you have been here for years on a tourist visa , your already breaking the law

    if some some of my guests break the law / break a part of the property/ damage the rental car etc and dont pay up

    we simply call immigration and those offenders are not leaving the country

    its simple protection on property/hotel owners part as well

    also in case of death by accident [or not as the case may be ]its a simple check to find a missing tourist

    this policy is also enforced in many other countries of the world

  3. hi all

    Antica locanda restaurant in bangrak has a large aquarium in the place

    perhaps ask the owner where it came from

    been there many times and its not leaking

    Supot electric also has a new aquarium in thier shop , might be worth inquiring about

    • Like 2
  4. Now we got some numbers.

    High season: 700-800 drivers in Patong, each getting B4000. That's B2.8M to B3.2M each day.

    In one month totaling as 100 million baht.

    Low season this drops B25M per month.

    wow these guys earn loads

    4000 baht per day x 6 days a week =24,000 per week

    times that by say 6 months = 624,000 for a half year

    falangs legal wage@ 50,000 per month x 6 months =300,000 for half year

    these guys are minted

    are they all paying their taxes is my next question ?

    • Like 1
  5. hi all

    my understanding of the yellow book was that ,as a foreigner is allowed their name on it so you dont need to visit the immigration all the time for their endorsement of your registered address

    supposedly free but on samui around 10,000 baht is asked /demanded/requested

    with the immigration charging 500 baht each time , they surely dont want you to have one

  6. On 10 January 2008, Thailand announced further restrictions that came into force on 10 February 2008, in that smoking would be banned (indoors and outdoors) in establishments open to the public, including restaurants, bars, and open-air markets. Members of the public face a 2,000 baht fine for not complying, and establishments face a 20,000 baht fine for not enforcing the ban (including not displaying mandated ‘no smoking’ signs). In addition to fines, those who fail to comply may be arrested. Most legal bars comply with these regulations, but in establishments that operate illegally or semi-legally they are mostly disregarded.

    maybe the BIB will realize there's a lot of tea money to be made by enforcing this law and they could also claim to being more environmentally friendly at the same time

  7. hi all

    i renewed my work permit earlier this year and had the same problem [accountant asked by labour department for 4 employees]

    as i dont employ 4 employees is asked the accountant to return to the labour department and ask them if they were requesting our company to break the law by registering false workers?

    she did that and was told ok just 2 employees then

    which i still dont have , so i asked the accountant to please ask again the question if this was actually a written law in thailand

    and if so could the labour department give us a copy ?

    still no joy , need 2 employees, so finally i asked the accountant to cancel the work permit [as im retirement age ]

    she came back and listed our 1 [actual] employee [and only part time at that ]

    will wait for next years debacle,and worry about it then

  8. yes agree with above post

    lots of people working with no work permits

    get them all out so us legal ones can do better business

    hopefully they will turn up on samui as well and nab all the timeshare touts , hairdressers,realestate agents that work here illegally [thats just naming a few as well]

  9. had dengue myself and did a lot of research

    mossies which transfer dengue usually live /prefer to live inside ones house and as posted above usually feed [suck blood] during the daylight hours

    only female mossies suck blood and for the sole purpose to gain enough energy to lay eggs

    the biggest problem with dengue is people don't isolate themselves once they know they have it , as there is no cure many dont bother doing anything and they are meanwhile still able to transfer the virus by socializing with other people

    mossies are not born with the virus , they have to bite someone with it ,then bite another person to make the transfer

    check this very informative website and educate yourself a bit more



    • Like 2
  10. Look - water is dangerous. We cannot breath in it.

    Australia has some of the most stringent laws about pool safety that I have ever seen and yet in 2011, in Queensland swimming pools alone -

    "28 Australian children under the age of five have drowned." (http://www.abc.net.a...ed/3765840.html) I could not be bothered to search any further.

    That's just kids in one state.

    Laws/warnings/signs will not really help. People will still do what people do - because 'it looked ok'.

    Death by drowning is unpleasant and in lots of cases preventable. It is sad when it happens and most of us feel helpless/frustrated/angry etc. However, we cannot tell people what to do.

    A lot of vistors to Samui cannot read English or Thai. (Russian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese etc). In my experience - their understanding of spoken English or Thai is very limited - with the majority having no English/Thai skills.

    How on earth can we protect these people? Behave like surrogate parents and say "be careful if you go near the water"? No way. Whilst I am frustrated that needless lives are lost - I cannot see a solution in the environment that we operate in.

    But thats just it isn't it! Avoiding all loss of life can never be prevented. But, just a few extra flags, a few lifeguards and a bit more collective responsibility and it will be a whole lot better.

    I can't see the issue. No ones to blame for lives being lost because as rightly said, the seas very dangerous but there is blame if all that could be done as prevention isn't done.

    just a few extra flags ,then some life guards, then a fence around everyone's pools ,then 9 cm gaps required in the ballautrades and minimum heights on your balcony , then we may as well go to Australia

    if you step off the footpath and get hit ,then we will need life guards there as well ,not sure what coloured flags to use there tho

    maybe red white and blue

  11. hi all

    very sad situation

    one of the many reasons we moved to thailand is that you have to be responsible for yourselves in this country

    instead of having to blame somebody/others for your own mistakes

    there should be this, there should be that ,they have to do this, the government needs to do this ???

    part of the problem with western society is that one can never blame yourself you have to point the blame onto something/someone else

  12. i just renewed my thai licence and had to do the perithural [spell check not working ] vision test

    try passing that test with a full face helmet on???

    i think samui should be a helmet FREE city and then the BIB could concentrate on catching the smokers who ruin our dining experience

    that way the authorities could rightly claim to be environmentally friendly as well and promote samui as more eco friendly

    the BIB would also be able to make a huge amount more tea money as the fine for smoking in unauthorized place is 2000 baht and 20,000 for the establishment

    and they wouldn't have to stand in the hot sun either to make their quota

    they could do well by starting at the arrivals area at the airport

  13. hi all

    ive had an update

    the friend i spoke about who got their licence last year has contacted their solicitor and asked the question

    whom has been given the reply something along the lines of

    the 10,000 baht that they paid to the TAT was for the licence to operate the business with out a website

    if you operate a website which generates an income via the internet you will need to pay an additional 100,000 thai baht

    the article is posted on TripAdvisor site under tour guides[link below]


    again im just trying to find more info about this

    thanks for your replies

    • Like 1
  14. hi all

    thanks for replys

    yes i have my own villas for rent

    we have our own website as well as advertising on tripadvisor ,sawadee etc

    have a friend who last year applied for TAT licence for their tour operation and was only charged 10,000 baht deposit/bond and 2000 thai baht annually for upkeep of registration

    which to get TAT liscense if needed wasn't too bad

    however 100,000 baht is a large chunk of cash

    and it doesn't really explain exactly if personal websites/parties would b required to register

    thats why i asked if anybody else had any info/insights into this


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