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Everything posted by khunPer

  1. However the "roller coaster rides" are actually quite amazingly pleasant, can even be same feeling as teenager-love...???? –and they might sometimes last similar short time...
  2. No, not after your death. However, you can for example make a shared bank account instead, and eventual write in your will - or just hand write as an extension with date and signature - that any funds in a shared account are belongings of the other part.
  3. Drinking alcoholic beverages, including beer, by healthy people seems to reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Moderate alcohol use (one to two drinks per day) reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, and heart attack by approximately 30% to 50% when compared with nondrinkers. Source link HERE. Though beer is often viewed as empty calories, it contains some minerals and vitamins. In addition, both types contain small amounts of potassium, calcium, thiamine, iron, and zinc. The content of B vitamins and minerals is a result of beer being made from cereal grains and yeast. Source link HERE.
  4. Just buy the house with land; agree on paying transfer fee and eventual stamps, or share stamps 50/50, when transferring the title deed to the Thai name takes place. Let seller boxing with taxes and how to close a company, it's nothing you, or the new Thai owner, needs to worry about...???? PS: Don't buy a company, it can be costly to move the property out, and it's costly to continue to run a shell company without any other purpose than being property owner.
  5. Moderate daily drinking - i.e. not more than two a day - is actually healthy for elder people, according to science. It seems that a small amount alcohol in itself is healthy, however often red wine is mentioned, but also beer is considered healthy, as beer contains lots of vitamins and minerals...???? Before you jump too high, and can't get your arms down again, it's moderate small amounts that the scientists are talking about, double amount is not double as good, so it's not a six-pack or several a day...????
  6. Originally I could not see myself to retire from work, even at age 70, until I discovered a paradise island in Gulf of Siam and asked myself: »When is enough, enough? Is it worth working so hard to pay high taxes, and only save up a little? And when I’m finally old enough to retire, and enjoy my tiny savings, I may be too old to enjoy?« No, visits to Thailand had changed my view of life: »I am single, no ties are holding me; enough is enough!«... I pulled the work-plug when I was 56, to instead to enjoy my life, so far for 16 excellent years on a paradise island. However, predicting, especially the future, is extremely difficult, so until I find the "Fountain of Youth", I need to plan realistically - luckily the scientific news mentioned that a longevity pill might be available within the next decade - and also include worst case scenario in the planning, i.e. in case I outlive the statistic average, which I'm actually planning for, so I need to budget my funds to last, so I don't need to die because I'm running dry of funds...???? In "worst case scenario" I will live more than 100 years, so I better keep myself both fit - because a 100-years birthday will be fun - and keep some savings for a party; and probably most important, I must mingle with folks younger than me, so I have a guest list for my cool party...???? Until then I need to enjoy a funny life for another 28 years, and after the major 100-turn, I believe that every birthday is worth celebrating with a party, as they are gifts from someone high up above us, whatever that flying monster is...???? Note: Many mentions that being positive and look forward increase the possibility of longevity. Furthermore family genes might also have some weight, as well a what lifestyle one choose to live. So if planning a long retirement - I do, because I wish to have some of my tax-money back as government retirement pension - it might be a question of finding an acceptable balance, keeping in mind that happiness is the major portion to fulfill. I hope I've inherited some genes from my father - seems like that the more birthday parties you celebrate, the better odds you have to get old - he happily played tennis twice a week until he was 104 yeas old...???? –Perhaps I should consider to play tennis...????
  7. I wonder what price-level the hotels will charge post Covid? On the island where I live we have four prices: Off season price (where some resorts used to close due to monsoon and lack of tourists); Low Season price (the typical periods with only few tourists, actually the best months of the year in my view); High Season price (where everywhere is loaded with tourists); Peak Season price (when the island is overloaded from tourists, i.e. Xmas-New Year)...???? I would love if the Off Season price will be it, the where you could book a bargain candlelight dinner for two on the beach, including "house wine", for the modest amount of 16,900 baht, and stay bed-and-breakfast for only 116,000 baht a night...????
  8. I'm not sure continuing news about police cleaning up places serving alcohol will increase tourists' interest in entering the available sandbox-areas...????
  9. In my modest view, it's a question of balance. Western foreigners might require little more service than Thais - as for example one poster mentioned, "expectations that hospital staff speaks English language" - and might thereby costs little more to handle, so a modest difference is acceptable. The question is however, what is "a modest difference"..? 10 percent, or perhaps little more, would in my view be Okay, but when it comes to 50 percent, or double price, or even more, the balance begins to slide away from reasonable explanations...????
  10. Some might have believed in the 120 days promise, but I will be surprised if it's "many", it was not an official firm reopening date...????
  11. 22nd september Samui +4 cases Phangan No new cases Koh Tao +7 cases
  12. Chinese tourists are the biggest spenders in Thailand - they love to shop, especially expensive brand name products - average consumption in 2017 was $193 per day for Chinese, while Americans spent $143 and Europeans on the bottom with only $125...????
  13. It is Global House opening in Ban Mae Nam when Covid-restrictions ease...????
  14. There used to a well reputed place called The Dogfather, a link to The Dogfather's home page is HERE, and to their Facebook-page HERE.
  15. Isn't that what I'm saying, one week is too short time for hordes of tourists to arrive, a firm date ahead -where one knows that the vaccination targets can be met - is far better, like my suggested 1st November, or 1st December - or even 15th December, then the important Xmas-New Year peak season can be included...????
  16. Official stats, your neighbor might be included in tomorrows stats...????
  17. Your are right, and some of my comments are written with a ????, and an according amount of sensible humor, which most people accept and understand...????
  18. I also moved to LOS 16 year ago, and in the always unbearable crystal bright light of hindsight, I would still move to LOS if I'm same age, and in similar financial situation as back then...???? However we are all different, and might have different view on things, and what happened during the last 16 years, in my view... 1. Bangkok was a great experience for 3-4 days, and then I wished to get out; Bangkok is still a great experience for 3-4 days. 2. There are more developments, and that counts for almost everywhere in the World, in both Bangkok, and where I live, development also means better infrastructure, so it's a benefit. 3. Thailand is still cheap, the consumer price index equals the same of my home country, a night out - apart from under Covid-lockdown - is still affordable in same relative level; I'm never bored. 4. I however haven't been having a night out in Bangkok for a number of years, but presume I would have to spend around same increase, as in the - by many considered very expensive and overpriced - tourist area, where I live. 5. "House for sale" comes without land, but there are ways around it, if you insist to own your house, and also the land under it. 6. Land prices haven't increased much where I live in LOS, but in the "right location" is relative expensive, and gone up in price; while, land prices are now absurd in my home country. 7. Fun cars are prices similar to fun cars in my home country, so both here, and when I live there, I had affordable new cars and secondhand fun cars...???? 8. Sky Trains and Metro are great improvements for easy and affordable transport in Bangkok. 9. I've been treated fine by the government as guest in the kingdom, they even gave me free Covid-vaccinations. 10. There has been some change in mix of foreigners over the years, with relative less so-called Westerners like Europeans, Americans and folks from down under, as the number of incoming aliens have more than doubled, especially due to increase of other nationalities, and during the same period a tiny drop in number of Westerners. 11. I have always had good neighbors and others around the place where I live, and I still have, except one nearby house, but you cannot always expect everything to be 100 percent perfect. 12. Still affordable food, however pork meat prices have almost doubled, while beef meat is about same price, so relative cheaper, therefore I can relative afford more beef now than before. 13. The Thailand I moved to is still the same, if not better. 14. Immigration is no hassle, once you get used to the yearly paperwork and have you cash deposit in order. 15. I never looked for Western expats to mingle with, but I seems like I meet more of them now, than before. I'm still extremely happy here and don't regret my choice of moving...???? PS: Never forget that everything was better before, and the usual girls were also younger...????
  19. That's unfortunately how it is - no money, no honey - if you cannot accept that, you should stay home in you home country.
  20. And what figure was Thailand a couple of years ago..? There's a worldwide pandemic going on, how did other tourist areas around the Wold manage..? 11,062 room nights is 11,062 times better than 1 (cannot say 0)..????
  21. “Sinovac had one major advantage over the other vaccines, it was available in large quantities,” said the official on condition of anonymity...???? And even Sinovac might not be as efficient as other vaccines, it was better than no vaccine, much better, and it might have saved lives, many lives. From the so-called Black Cluster on Koh Samui, none of the vaccinated with either two jabs Sinovac, or only one jab Astra Zeneca, got seriously ill, only mild symptoms or asymptomatic positive, so Sinovac seems to have some positive level of efficiency.
  22. Living as a foreigner in Thailand you are on your own, if you cannot accept - or afford - that, you should not stay here. It's sad, really sad, when people gets into financial troubles over business, and sad if they cannot afford the little less than 500 baht a month to continue the voluntary Social Security-fee, or afford an insurance, or have some savings for emergency matters, but that's how the rules are, and we know it advance before we come. We aliens are on our own, and we must face it or leave. But it's correct that some foreigners might consider to keep low profile if they are Covid-positive, but asymptomatic or hardly sick, due to the fact that they are financially on their own to cover the expenses. Perhaps the government should have considered that situation - or parhaps they already have - to avoid situations like this, and the negative comments, which might result in others think twice about investing their savings in opening a business in Thailand; or just come to live here.
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