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Everything posted by khunPer

  1. 17th February 2022 Samui, +18 new cases Phangan, +32 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  2. Agree, prevent that the case to go to Court, it might both take long time and be more expensive than having quote from car painters and just pay for the damage.
  3. I've mentioned it before that Khun Anutin could well end up as the kingdom's next prime minister...
  4. For some destinations taking the train is great - like taking the sleeper to Chiang Mai - for other destinations it makes the journey too complicated compared to travel by air, for example if you wish to travel from Bangkok to Phuket, or even worse to koh Samui, apart from considering the trip as an experience...????
  5. According to other posts, no more Covid extensions are available on non-immigrant O-visas.
  6. 16th February 2022 Samui, +37 new cases Phangan, +32 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  7. 15th February 2022 Samui, +10 new cases Phangan, +23 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  8. 14th February 2022 Samui +21 new cases Phangan, no data Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  9. As you haven't changed your address, there is no need for a new TM30.
  10. In some cases a "/x" to a house number can mean a lot. I had my changed from NNN to NNN/x as there were several houses with number NNN, so the tessa ban-office decided to give anyone, apart from the original NNN, an x from 1 to 5. And it's not 5-6 houses in a row, the houses are far away from each other, spread over the old part of the village; sometimes the required maps makes good sense...????
  11. Thaksin was outsted in 2006, must be Yinglock that bought votes. However, thanks for sharing the graph. The minimum wage increase has been more than 100 percent, actually 107 percent, over 20 years; 2000-2020. The consumer prices have increased about 55 percent during the same period.
  12. 13th February 2022 Samui +41 new cases Phangan, +23 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  13. First, enough money to be self-sufficient from Thai Immigration's point of view, which is either 65,000 baht a month, or 800,000 baht in a bank. Having the financial means you can apply for a non-immigrant O-visa, which will give you 90 days stay in Thailand, where-after you can apply for yearly extensions of stay...????
  14. Yes, I just won in the lottery in the draw last evening... - Eurojackpot it is - I won equivalent to $9, so now I can play one row for free every week for 4 weeks...???? I also lent money to Thai girls - both to a real gold digger, and to a cute young university student - and guess what, I didn't get them back... But then I lent money to a nice girl and got everything back - i.e. same-same, but different - that's why amazing Thailand is so amazing, you never know what happens next...????
  15. 12th February 2022 Samui +18 new cases Phangan, no data Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  16. Last time a Thai government made a high raise in minimum wages - from 200 baht a day to 300 baht a day - prices increased soon after the wage increase; some workers even complained that they could buy more for their money before the minimum wage was increased. Smaller steps of wage increases might not result in a high price hike. A better way might be demand and supply. News media have reported about employers that are willing to pay double or even more of the minimum wage for skilled workers. But to negotiate wages "privately" - i.e. not at government level - might need strong, or stronger, labor unions. In a way a high hike of minimum wage seems like kind of vote buying or government populism here and now, which on little longer term might not be a benefit for the low paid workers...???? Even you may think that 335 baht or 392 baht a day is a very low wage, which it is when converted to a Western country's money and compared, but that doesn't unveil buying power, which is difficult to compare due to different life styles. If we for comparison instead look at a local produced product that is the same all over the World, we can look at chicken eggs; i.e. how many eggs can you buy for you salary after income tax. I'll compare to my home country Denmark, which is one of the few countries without government set minimums wages, but wages fully negotiated by the partners on the work market, i.e. employers and mainly labor unions, called "The Danish Model". Denmark is also a high wage country, among the very highest in the World, and also number one in income taxation; and note that people on minimum wage don't pay income tax in Thailand, but they do in Denmark. A Danish minimum wage is in the level of 20,000 dkk (Danish kroner) per month, after income tax it's in average 13,000 dkk (income tax is slightly depending of which area/community you live in), no labor union fee and unemployment insurance deducted. A Thai minimum wage is by now in the level of 8,250 baht per month, with the new higher minimum wage it will be 12,300 baht per month, both with no social security deducted. One egg in a Danish supermarket at the moment costs around 2.50 dkk (the more expensive organics eggs are 3 dkk each), one egg in a Thai supermarket costs 3 baht (Lotus's sells 30 eggs for 90 baht at the moment). So a Danish worker on minimum wage can buy 5,200 egg for one months salary. A Thai worker on minimum wage can buy 2,750 egg for one month's salary, which makes the Danish worker have only 89 percent higher income - you would probably had expected it was more... Take into comparison that Thailand has a lower level of basic school education and in general is in the lower level of income, compared to Denmark that is the very top. Comparing minimum salaries in currency, however paints a different image, i.e. 8,250 baht equals $250, while 13,000 dkk equals $2,000, here the Danish worker has a 700 percent higher income. The new high minimum wage of 12,300 baht per month, will - if the price of eggs don't increase - equal a buying power for 4,100 eggs. If the eggs price - and other prices - increase, the buying power of the wage increase is lower. A huge minimum wage increase might boost inflation, which is not good if it become more the 2 percent year-to-year, according to the financial experts. We are close to the 2 percent year-to-year at the moment, if you disregard the Covid pandemic price drop. From 31st December 2019 till 31st December 2021 the Thai consumer price index increase was 1.89 percent, i.e. around 1 percent per year. End of January 2022 it peaked by adding another percentage. Consumer price index is an average, if you look isolated at diesel oil and pork meat, the picture is of course very different...????
  17. 11th February 2022 Samui +23 new cases Phangan, no data Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  18. 9th February 2022 Koh Tao, +2 new cases Source: Kosamuilife.com 10th February 2022 Samui +20 new cases Phangan, +24 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  19. It's depending of the immigration office, by Surat Thani Immigration 90-days report has always been reset upon extension of stay during the 14 years I've been doing it...????
  20. If you go to your local hospital you can have a yellow vaccine card. It might be free, or it might cost a modest fe of 50 baht. You might need a copy of your passport and a print of the mor prom to get the certificate, which was what's needed, when I got mine that also includes a separate print of my vaccinations...????
  21. 9th February 2022 Samui +19 new cases Phangan, +30 new cases Koh Tao, no data Source: Kohmui.com
  22. A case where a wild animal might be better off by being caught and taken care of in a zoo...????
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