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Everything posted by khunPer

  1. Not correct. The 600 baht is not from Social Security, but a government air. Social Security old age pension requires a number of years membership and is dependant of how much you have attributed yourself...
  2. Foreigners in Thailand can get a TIN (Tax Identification Number) at the local customs office. You need either a work permit, or proof of being a tax resident. The latter means proof of staying in the country for more than 180 days within a calendar year. The office might also wish proof of income. Tax return is now online and needs to be done in Thai language. You can download the P.N.D.90 form in English translation, so you know in which form-numbers to state your income. Otherwise, the local tax-payment office will normally be kind to help you.
  3. When using the UK passport for travelling back to UK, expiry date is not an issue. Even with an expired passport people will normally be allowed into their home country.
  4. It just says LG Direct Drive Inverter 8 kg, it seems to be THIS MODEL. The direct drive motor makes it very quiet, instead of the heavy weight on the tumble wheel. I bought it from one of the chain shops – that delivers and install the machine – for around 15,000 baht. You might be able to find it cheaper online, but on top comes transport cost and you need to install yourself.
  5. In this case the question is about a changed visa to non-O, which normally takes place after two weeks from entry date and extends the permission to stay to 90 days from the first entry date. By the time for application for non-O, the applicant needs 800k baht in a Thai bank deposit, which often will be a new bank account. As the funds needs to mature 2 months before application for a one year extension of stay based on retirement, the next application will normally take place two weeks before the non-O permitted period og 90-days expire. The following years you can apply for one-year extension of stay up to 45 days before your present period expires; however, some immigration offices only allows 30 days.
  6. I have a fairly new LG. The machine checks the weight of the laundry – or the amount, I got no clue how it works – and adds just enough water to clean it; saving water. LG is a fine laundry machine...
  7. If you have a Thai speaking partner, I would suggest you let her(/him) visit the local Tessa Ban-district office and ask for advice there. You will probably be allowed to cut overhang vegetation, but just in case there are some local regulations, I would ask first.
  8. Unfortunately yes, there are not enough quality tourists arriving at the moment, so those people are instead let in...
  9. Normally two weeks before your permitted stay expires. At that time you your 800k baht bank deposit needs to be mature for two months.
  10. Something similar to that many (young) people like boy bands and girl band in the West – good looking young (sexy) men and attractive young (sexy) girls performing middle of the road contemporary reasonably quality musical works. Furthermore, musical taste is slightly different in different parts of the World. K-pop is huge business, 20% of the World's population – almost 1.7 billion – lives in Eastern Asia; so. lots of funds can be invested in selecting the right performers, styling, choreography, musical works, videos etc. etc..
  11. Somebody is going to pay 500 billion baht plus interest...
  12. Seems like you shall just shop for 50k baht of your taxed foreign transfers and make an e-refund application...
  13. Thailand, hub of amazing festivals...
  14. I've hear about a saying among professional girls: "4 inches, 4 minutes, 4 thousand!"...
  15. There are numerous available, this image of invisible hearing aid is from a Norwegian manufacturer quickly found by search... Worth also to look at Danish Oticon and Widex, and there is also a Swiss manufacturer.
  16. As you are only permitted 90 days stay on each entry, you shall not do 90-days reports, as you leave the country after 90-days and the report period resets to 0 when re-entering. However, you landlord shall fill a TM30 report.
  17. Where I stay in Thailand – Koh Samui – the number of men with or without a live-in Thai partner, seems to be less than ladies, with or without a live-in Thai partner, and foreign couples. The latter both in young age and as retirees. In my local community there seems to be equal amount of each – yes, I have counted all that I'm familiar with – so one third foreign males. On the island as a whole it might be fifty-fifty. I even know of one very attractive young lady from my home country with a middle aged Thai boyfriend and both American, British and French couples. Ops, forget to mention Russian and Ukrainian couples, there are numerous of those now.
  18. To my knowledge there is no proven way to reverse the problem – other than getting used to it and ignore the high frequency tinnitus, and learn to pay more attention to what is spoken – I also suffers from it from many years in pro audio business. There are a number of alternative treatments that you can find searching the Internet, probably they won't harm anything, so might be worth a try, if you find one that seems usable. Today there are very discreet – almost invisible – hearing aids available, if that becomes the solution.
  19. 2 months deposit + 1 month rent in advance is the law. If the landlord don't accept, find some other place.
  20. 4,200 baht in bar fine, he must be a quality tourist... "The tourist told police through a translation application that he had gone to a beer bar in Soi 6 and paid a 4,200 baht bar fine to take the woman to his hotel."
  21. I've always heard the opposite. Normal (small) water pumps for a house have a water pressure around 12-20 meters, which is not a lot of pressure. Having a fine filter in front might limit the water intake for the pump. while you might have some kind of grille, depending of where you pumps the water from.
  22. In my home country that kind of people were called "village fools" and was quite common; of course in small numbers, but at many places. Now they are rare, as the high-tax social welfare system takes care of them (puts them away). In Thailand it's rather the family that needs to take care of a "village fool". There are a few of Thai village fools where I live on Koh Samui. One of them has been around for about 15 years and begs little angrily for pocket money. I've been told that he don't need it, as he is from a rich family, but live his own life as village fool; however, when he don't angrily begs, he sometimes gets 10 or 20 baht from me, which he use for drinking water and Krating Daeng (Red Bull). A couple of the fools have disappeared during the years I've been living here, and a newcomer showed up. He is walking around without shirt up and down the main road all day long talking to himself, or his invisible followers. In the beginning he was sun tinted, now is black. He is harmless, but don't appear friendly. Sometimes we walks on the street instead of the side walk. Foreign "losers" I also see around the island. Yes, people sitting in front of a convenient store – looking like the homeless life-style folks back home – they might have a better life here, then in a cold northern country, but they should be send home. If they begin to go berserk – which has happened – police will normally take care of them; I presume it then end as an embassy matter.
  23. Where have your learned that?
  24. If you have a non-immigrant O-visa valid for one year – not an extension of stay – you can leave and re-enter as often as you wish. At every re-enter you will permitted 90 days stay. In practice you can obtain 1 year and 90 days stay, leaving every 90 days and re-enter. As you will only be permitted to stay 90-days, you will not need to make a 90-days address report. The address report resets whenever you leaver the country and re-enters, at which time it re-starts counting the 90 days from 1. You always need to register by TM30 in principle. In practical it has been mentioned in other threads here in ASEAN NOW forums that if you don't need contact with an immigration office, it doesn't matter with TM30-registration.
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