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Everything posted by khunPer

  1. Wrong, it shows you don't know that you pay commission when you buy stocks, and that fee is part of your buying price, just like commission when selling is deducted from the money you receive...???? I wrote that I regularly reposition stocks, including going both up and down in number of specific stocks in a portfolio, and furthermore i said that 2020-2021 is a good time to buy due to low prices caused by the Covid-pandemic. I'm doing satisfactory fine with both my SET-holdings, and my US and Danish successfully portfolios for 30+ years, so we end our dispute right here with thanks for your comments...????
  2. 28th November Samui +69 new cases Phangan +14 new cases Koh Tao, no new cases Source: Kosamuilife.com and Kohmui.com
  3. That's official valuations for tax and fees, and not in any way reflecting a trade price. In some cases a trade price might be 10 times or more higher than the official appraised price...????
  4. Dividends are withheld 10 percent tax, if you accept that tax, you don't need to do any further. As foreigner you passport number will be used for eventual identification. Capital gains from SET-listed stocks are free from taxation...????
  5. In some areas it might be difficult get a TIN when one is retired - it was for me, took great efforts and three visits to the revenue department to get it - since I got mine I'm also having an annual Tex Return Form send to be filled and given in before end of March. To make me enabled for a TIN, I needed to have some taxable income in Thailand. You have to check with your home country's double taxation agreement with Thailand, if you might have some taxable income here, when transferring money into Thailand. In my case I needed not only a TIN, but also my annual tax return forms, to be eligible for tax deductions in my home country, when I'm tax payer in Thailand. In principle you are tax resident in a country if you stay there more than 180 days within a tax year (calendar year). However, according to news articles published in ASEAN NOW, only about 6 percent of the Thai population are registered as income tax payer, and only around 4 percent pays income tax, so income tax don't seem to be a huge burden for the locals...????
  6. Check with the local immigration office, they all have slightly different rules when it comes to details. The otherwise strict immigration office I use, accepted for years also deposits placed in Thai bond mutual funds - the so-called "Fund Book" that many Thai banks offers - but unfortunately they changed policy some years ago, so now it has to be 12-month fixed deposit for having some interest gain. Otherwise a Thai will - which is very easy to make - can state that deposit account number in named bank shall go to a named person; however it may take a couple of years to get the money free from the estate, so not available for instant access. I keep some funds in shared accounts with my girlfriend, the money is part of my security savings and I'm in that way giving another person access to the funds, if I should become in a condition, where I cannot do it. Shared accounts are of course a question of trust. I furthermore stated in my Thai will that any money in a shared account goes to the other named account holder, to make sure there would be no legal problems if more money than half the balance is withdrawn from a shared account...????
  7. Bought SCCC for 160.77 baht in 2021, Friday up 0.8 percent...
  8. Apart from I didn't buy these stocks in 2017, and I don't invest in Thai high dividend paying stocks for capital gain, which I clearly stated, so please don't think too much... My buying prices (average for those bought in more than one lot, like JASIF) are: JASIF: 9.89 baht (bought 2018-2021) PTTCG: 58.60 baht (bought 2016-2019) It's SCCC not SCC that is SCG (Siam Cement Group), but you didn't read carefully, or don't know SCCC LPN: 4.93 baht (bought 2021) TIPCO: 9.12 baht (bought 2021) The other mentioned stocks are of interest, which I clearly wrote, they are not in my portfolio, so prices in 2017, or at any other point, for comparison are not of interest other than it might be a good time to buy now. 2020-2021 is an excellent period to buy into a number stocks in Thailand, as some prices are low due to the pandemic and lock downs, so perfect time for adjustments of once's portfolio, like take out half of the 100% capital gain in less than 4 years from AEONTS, which means playing AEONTS free of charge in the future, and reinvest the initial sum in something else...???? The mentioned dividend paying stocks is a reply to another forum member, who kindly ask for examples of high dividend payers, it's not a list of my portfolio, so you have no clue of any figures, as you don't know the mix of my holdings, it's pure far out rude speculation for your side. My total investment excluding paid dividends is at the moment with an 8 percent (7.91%) in little over 5 years per 26th november in spite of Covid, which is a higher increase than the Thai consumer price index during the same period, which means that I've hit my target in every way; i.e. it's possible to invest on SET for reasonable dividend payments...???? Lets end it polite here, as you don't seem to understand long term investments strategi for dividends, and what you "think" or speculate, I don't care, I rather care about counting my dividend payments...????
  9. Historical performance is no guarantee or recommendation for future performance... JASIF, investment in Thailands fiber net, which pays up around 9%, free from dividend tax for about 4 more years. PTTGC, PTT's chemical branch, pays around 6% after tax, however much less in 2020. SCCC, cement (note it's not SCG), pays about 5%. TIPCO, water and juice, pays around 8%. LPN. condominium development, up to 25% dividend. Others that I'm looking at are (gross dividends, so before 10% withholding tax)... UPF, rubber, around 13% dividend. NSI, insurarance, about 12% dividend. NOBLE, development, circa 12%. ????
  10. Up to you, what you think, however stocks are one of my income sources, some years even an excellent source, and it seems like - based on you reply - that the theories work fine, if you follow them...
  11. 27th November Samui +35 new cases Phangan +21 new cases Koh Tao, no new cases Source: Kosamuilife.com and Kohmui.com
  12. Moderna is only available from private hospitals, you might need to reserve it in advance. To my knowledge Pfizer is at the moment only given to children under 18, and only on specified dates (re. previous postings).
  13. Old School (former Bar, now Restaurant), a place mainly for Thais; lots of younger Thai girls come there, but the girls might not speak (much) English, nor at all be especially interested in foreigners, so there are also lots of Thai men...????
  14. Thanks for your explanation. As I said, I've been investing in SET for 5 full years. My strategy is long-term carefully picked individual stocks for dividends rather than capital gain, and that has worked to my satisfaction, but I have a few low dividend payouts that instead gain some value. I keep far away from anything else. In my Danish home country I have both Danish and US stocks in my four portfolios. As said before, dividends are generally low compared to Thailand. However there are exceptions, but mainly as one off extra dividend payouts, or if you look at dividend percentage compared to initial stock cost, then the dividend can be as high as 25 percent or more per year, whilst compared to present stock price it might be 2.5 percent or less. Some stocks are traded purely for long term capital gain, as for example bio-science companies with an interesting pipeline, but it can take 10 years to get there. A gain that can be 5-10 times compared to the invested stock price, that's 500-1,000 percent gain in 10 years. Some companies can gain from 40 percent to double up in one year if you get in at the right time, to mention examples then it have for me during the last year been international container transportation, medicine, and vaccines development and manufacture...????
  15. Thanks, you are right, my mistake I overlooked that...????
  16. As long as you are under 75 years old, it seems that you can obtain the present insurance requirements for re-entry. With the present, not to well specified, rules it might at older age be returning as tourist on visa exempt with a travel insurance cover for 30-days, and then domestically apply for a new non-o visa and restart extension of stay. The problem seems to be the wording "health insurance" for the required $50,000 insurance, which some stated is the earlier $100,000 Covid-19-insurance that has been lowered. I saw an article from Phuket, where the Phuket immigration stated that this was the case.
  17. Thanks for your reply. There seems however to be a major difference between your investment strategi and mine. I'm a long term investor, you seems to be more like day trading. I never day-trade - and I would certainly never do it on the Thai SET-market - instead I keep my investments for years and years, but do look after and adjust my portfolios according to changes in market, and performance of the individual companies. So far - and I've been on the stock market for about 30 years - I'm able to double the invested in 7-10 seven years, when cashing the dividends from the dividend paying stocks in the portfolie and leave the accumulated gain. On SET I might not be able to gain much as the dividend payouts are high, as my SET-strategi is investment for high dividends, not for gain. I'm happy to have my invested capital in equal level with Thai consumer price index, however I normally gain a little extra points on top, which the Covid-pandemic temporary ate. SET is from a dividend payout point of view more stable than fx. a number of European markets, whilst some European markets, and USA, can be very interesting for short term gains, even up to a year, where you can gain from 40 percent to over 100 percent of your investment, but often then no dividends are paid. 10 times up over a 10-year period is indeed possible, if you find the right stocks and keeps them for 10 years, but it would be hard to create a portfolio with only that kind of stocks, so in average you would gain less. The 100-year average of 6-7 percent is quite realistic, and 7 percent average annual gain doubles the capital in 10 years....????
  18. The OP didn't mention anything about deposit account for extension of stay, just asked about beneficiary. Some immigration offices accepts shared accounts, if the deposit is doubled up, i.e. 800k baht for extension based on marriage, and 1.6 million baht for extension based on retirement...????
  19. Wonder what happens when I enters my home country and shows a Thai app on the smartphone as proof of Covid-vaccination...????
  20. Getting too little salt in a warm climate can be fatal, many doctors are criticizing WHO's 2 gram per day recommendation and earlier campaigns for lowering salt. 5-6 gram per day (5.8 gram) is the healthy recommendation, however it's said that many digest more salt than that - up to around 10 gram - and normally men intakes more salt than women.
  21. It's an amazing Singapore inspired tower project, but is that what quality family tourists are heading to a paradise beach in Land Of Smiles for...???? In my honest opinion I would rather think that a Bounty-style beach with endless rows of coconut palms and low beachfront resorts buildings facing the beach would be more of a quality tourist family's dream of paradise...????
  22. Many thanks for letting us know, I was beginning to be scared of the family destination reputation and guests swimming in dirty water, i.e. all those fish would sh*t somewhere, and where exactly is that "somewhere"...????
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