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Posts posted by Darrel

  1. Why a deposit? It holds the property for you the buyer.

    As if another buyer is going to come along! Some hope.

    Besides which, the buyer paying a deposit doesnt hold anything at all: the vendor can just give it back and say 'I changed my mind".

    It gives you, the buyer. time the get the financing and holds the property for you while protecting the seller of any loss because you might fail to get financing.

    This assumes that the buyer needs financing. Not all do: I dont, for example. I could pick a property in the morning and do the transfer that afternoon. So why pay a deposit?

    Its really only fair!

    Fair would be if both the buyer and the vendor paid a deposit to some third party. That would be fair.

  2. The Kbank appears to have most of the advantages of a regular savings account in that you can withdraw at any time and still get the basic interest rate that applies to the period up to when you withdraw. So somewhere between 2% and 7.5%.

    Interest is paid out to a regular Kbank account at the end of each tranche.

    What isn't clear is whether or not you can make a partial withdrawal and leave the rest in the account without penalty. I will go in and ask them today.

    I agree that on paper the 3.5% 5-month account is better, but it's a pain having to switch banks in the first place, and also to have to think about accounts every 5 months.

    There's enough to do wondering whether European banks will still be trading in 5 months' time. :unsure:

  3. Darrel, it must be truly sad to be such an unhappy, lonely and angry person.

    I dont know. If ever I become unhappy or lonely or angry I will be sure to tell you.

    Have a nice day.

    I always do, thanks.

    Not least because I can usually spot a scammer at 100 paces. :)

  4. any recommendations on accommodations that I can get for 10 - 14 days below 10,000baht with decent furniture, room service, clean etc? i will prefer a location close to Avenue Pattaya.

    For 10,000B/14 nights you should be able to get into most places in town at this time of year.

    600B/night at Diana Dragon including pool (in Diana Inn, just down the road), wifi, and a decent American breakfast (worth 105B).

    I actually think that in the streets it was quieter last month than this. Bars do seem to be very quiet, but I only ever walk past them so I dont really know.

  5. If thats what the OP wants to do , he just needs to bus it to Hat Lek cross the border , stay a night in Koh Kong and come back .

    1000 baht max

    No, because you still have to pay for the Cambodian visa, even if you only stay 5 minutes, as mentioned already by MJCM.

    If you calculate the costs down to the last satang, I think you can save about 100B by doing the trip yourself on public transport rather than using Cambodia Inter. But it will take quite a bit longer and will be more tiring.

    Personally for 100B I would rather pay them to do it and be back home by mid-afternoon. (Last time I went I was home just after 2pm as there was hardly any queue at the border.)

  6. I just tried to view that programme in Firefox 5 and it works fine for me. The problem is more likely to be with your modem than with anything else.

    I would look for new firmware for the modem, or use a different one. The ones that ISPs provide are usually dirt-cheap and pretty poor quality.

  7. I had a problem initially getting the TV to recognize a HDMI input even though a cable was physically connecting the computer to the TV. It's definitely not as straightforward as connecting the usual VGA cable to a monitor.


    I think a problem with using a TV as the only monitor is that you would not be able to see anything from the computer until after you have logged into the operating system, so you'd still need an ordinary monitor if you need to do anything outside of the operating system such as BIOS configuration.


    I also enabled Windows ClearType

    There should not normally be any problem with your TV recognising the HDMI output from your PC. I do this all the time and have never had any issues. The HDMI cable itself can sometimes be at fault.

    The HDMI output on the PC should provide a signal from boot. In fact the last ATI HDMI video card I used actually made the HDMI output the default output.

    ClearType settings will change according to whether you are using VGA or HDMI, so users may want to run the wizard again when they change. Check also the edge enhancement settings in ATI drivers as these will have an effect on text clarity. NVIDIA has similar adjustments.

    Also worth checking that the HDMI output on the PC is actually switching to 1080p if you are using a 1080p screen. Sometimes they dont, especially on laptops, and you have to force it.

  8. My pleasure.

    In Samsung's defence the "auto" setting (ie DHCP) will work fine in nearly every case. Just the odd one when it doesnt.

    The big disadvantage of manual settings is that if you change routers you may need to change the TV settings to match, and the slightest error in the manual config will stop it from working at all. This is probably why Samsung dont pursue it too much. It's there if you need it though.

  9. Anyone with a strong stomach can go back a couple of months in this forum and read the beginning of this sorry story.

    I've tried very hard to be pleasant and helpful, but it's a complete waste of time.

    The OP is delusional and that's why no one in Pantip (or anywhere else, including Dell Asia) wants anything to do with him or his money. They have realised that no matter what they do they cant possibly satisfy him, as he wants things that just dont exist, and finds problems where there are none.

  10. That depends where you get the BluRay. The 60in screen will be more than 220B, certainly.

    Is Central better or worse than the Avenue, as a cinema?

    It's the Thai subtitles that really put me off though.

    I miss Manila where all the cinemas showed the original soundtrack with no subtitles. Huge air-conditioned monster cinemas in the old style, continuous performances starting late morning, seating for thousands, hardly a soul in them on week-days, and I seem to remember that a ticket cost about 7B (eqv.).

  11. I used to charge 2000B (50E) for a 1 hour home visit in Europe, including a couple of kms travel. Double for businesses, but that was 24/7 availability.

    I dont see how this rate could possibly be applied to Thailand though, no matter what colour the "expert" doing it is.

    As for doing it twice a year or charging extra, that's just a rip-off in any country.

  12. I'm inclined to agree. There is an astonishing amount of lies and deceit related to property in Thailand. Add to that the general poor build-quality and condition of most property, and the absurdly high asking prices that many vendors practice. Caveat emptor indeed.

    As for deposits: yes, indeed. Why should any buyer feel the need to pay a deposit in what is clearly a market flooded with vendors and with hardly any buyers? More to the point if the vendor paid a deposit to retain the buyer, I think.

  13. Sorry Darrel I won't be able to enlighten you as I have done in the past, but if you are happy with exploitable IE4 Active Setup images and thousands of desktop.ini / .htt buffer overrun files, 100s of defaults set to "omg" including default firewall inbound rules that even I could probably use to pop into your system root and have some remote registry fun....then you likely have nothing to worry about.

    Oh for pity's sake. If you buy a laptop with no GUI operating system (as they are often sold here) you cant get anything like that.

    OK. Let's assume that every new PC on the planet is riddled with spyware and God knows what else, installed by the manufacturer and all directed against you. Fine.

    The answer is to format the hard drive and install another operating system yourself. The Windows DVD I mentioned will do this for you, or, if you dont trust Microsoft, you can get something similar for free from Linux. All of these will install correctly with hardly any input from you.

    Unless of course you think that all operating systems and new hard drives are full of spyware and malware, all directed against you. In which case you should stick to a typewriter and a cheap calculator.

  14. ....my question was more to do with where I could direct donations to ensure that the animals benefited.

    I appreciate that.

    It may be that the Thai vet group also does some sort of rescue service. I dont know. Maybe the TV channel(s) could help you find out?

    They would probably know of any other local group that does dog rescue and needs money.

    For cats there is a British couple who could surely do with some cash.


    There was also a German chap on TV the other day. He seemed to have about 80 rescue dogs in and around his house (and I bet his neighbours just love him!).

  15. I run numerous sites for other people that use Adwords for promotion. I long ago turned off the Google Network option on Adwords as it was a total waste of money. All our impressions and hits are exclusively on Google search pages now. Much better quality, though it does cost more too.

    Network impressions just keep the stupid ad-farms in business.

  16. I dont quite understand your problem.

    You buy a laptop with no (pay) operating system, which is pretty much standard here.

    You buy a legal copy of Windows 7 from a shop: the SE Asia OEM version, which just requires that you activate it in SE Asia.

    You install Windows from the DVD and activate it from an IP address in SE Asia.

    Your Windows is fully legal thoughout the world and will get all the updates, no matter where you are.

    End of story.

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