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Posts posted by Darrel

  1. Quite a lot of the code/scripts in the classifieds doesnt seem to work any more. The thumbnail image scolling and main image replacement for a start.

    I dare say if it prevented the display of pay ads in the main forum someone would have fixed it in seconds. :(

  2. the number of under 50s (me included) wanting to live here long-term who are not married is I imagine very low and would not warrant a law change/new class of visa.

    The huge number of people doing border runs every single day would seem to contradict that. There are loads of them.

    Every single person doing a visa run, for whatever reason, is money lost to Thailand that they could retain by offering a suitable visa.

  3. $30 USD a month .ha ha ha ha.

    If they made it at least $500 per month that would at least keep out some of the riff raff and only real, quality, financially independant people would be getting into the country.

    That's not what Thailand wants. They just want anyone who can support themselves. If they were bothered about the quality of farangs coming then they would make getting in as hard as getting in to the Maldives is, which it isnt.

    If they made it USD500 a month for a visa hardly anyone would come here; they would all just clear off to Cambodia or Vietnam or somewhere else. I know I would.

  4. Good idea, I think Australia US and UK should go first to set an example.

    Those countries dont want to encourage foreigners to move/live there. On the contrary, they want to discourage them.

    Thailand actually wants foreigners to stay here and spend money. So you would think they would make it easier rather than making them jump through silly hoops that just put money in other countries' coffers.

  5. I know nothing about this place but I do know that there is some sort of Thai veterinary group that goes around neutering dogs for free (soi dogs and owned dogs) in Pattaya and region. It was mentioned on one of the Pattaya farang TV channels recently.

    Neutering of male dogs should be a very high priority, I think. Quick, easy, effective.

  6. One of the options in logmein is to turn the systray icon off. That's why I said "turn the icon off".

    Another option is to turn the warning banner at the top of the screen off.

    So by selecting those two options you can make logmein invisible to the person in front of the computer.

  7. I fancy seeing the last Harry Potter which is currently showing at the Avenue in 3D for 220B. The last time I went to a cinema was about 25 years ago! I usually just wait for the home digital version but hey, why not go mad and sample 3D for 220B?

    Just wondering if it is showing anywhere better/cheaper than the Avenue, and whether there are ever any showings that have the original soundtrack and no Thai subtitles?

    I also noticed that the Avenue does cheap seats on Wednesdays (80B) but not for the digital screens. Also cheap seats every day for the over-60s (again not for digital screens). This seems quite reasonable.

  8. OK. It sounds like you definitely need the manual IP settings which I gave in an earlier post.

    The only thing that may need modifying is the base address: is fairly standard but it could also be or something else depending on your router.

    You can find out what the router is using by checking the IP settings on your PC. Just adjust the first three groups of numbers to match whatever your PC has.

  9. The drives are very easy to replace, generally only one screw then it can be slid out.

    That's true. But they can be expensive for what they are, and not always easy to find in spite of there only being a few basic types. I had a lot of trouble finding one for a customer and in the end (on Ebay) it still cost several times the price of an equivalent 3.5in drive for a desktop machine.

  10. I am sure you can only get 15 days at the border crossings .

    Many people go on land border runs whilst holding a multiple-entry 90 day visa, valid 1 year. So they only need to do it every 90 days and they get another 90 days just by leaving and re-entering immediately. Careful use of this can get them a 15 month stay from just 4 visa runs and 1 visa.

  11. In the business world that would usually be called a partner. Remember you are operating a legitimate business, look at Tesco, Carrefour and more on topic Frank Knight and CBRE who are property managers. Do you think they are all dodgy nominee companies?

    No, those big names wouldnt be dodgy nominee companies, if only because they are in the spotlight and couldnt get away with it. Though I suspect that "partner" often translates into something quite different. "Pigeon" probably.

    For me to buy my 100 condos via a 49/51 company structure I would need to find a Thai partner with money to buy 102 condos. Or is it a "partnership" where I put in all the money and get 49% of the equity?

    And if this partner had money to buy 102 condos why would he want to get involved with me? There must be something that I have that he wants, and maybe that means that after a while I wont have it any more.

    Just wondering.

  12. You could try booting with a Linux distro, just to see if it is software-related. If you can burn under Linux then there is nothing wrong with the drive. You can boot with Linux from a CD or USB key without modifying your current operating system at all.

    I suspect that the drive has had it though.

  13. A far better combination is to register a usufruct AND a superficies. The reason for that is because the superficies is the only section in the property law that clearly gives the holder permission to build his own house on land owned by someone else. Like usufruct the superficies can be registered for life.

    If this is such a good solution, how come so many people seem to go down the (potentially illegal) company route instead?

    Presumably because the company solution does provide for possible resale whereas usufruct/superficies does not? Or have I (and they) missed something?

    Personally I wouldnt hand over any money for anything that isnt in my sole name, and I'd think 17 times before doing that, but I am curious as to what motivates others.

  14. I went to Bohol, a beautiful island in the Philippines, where they think alcohol bans are the work of the Devil.

    In the good old days when Marcos was in charge, they used to have alcohol bans on election days in the RP also. The ban was not applicable to farangs, only to Pinoys.

    Seems unlikely that they would have changed this under the self-serving religious maniacs enlightened beautiful people who have run the country since he was deposed.

  15. I wonder why they dont just have a pay-per-month visa for those who dont fall into any other category? This would put money directly into Thai government coffers instead of it going to fund the visa run companies and related Cambodian one-day visas.

    After all, Immigration are only interested in two things: raising money and getting a look at all farangs every few months in case they want to deport them. A USD30 (for example) pay-per-month visa would satisfy both needs.

  16. Cast your mind back to when you first opened facebook. It was boring as hell.

    I've never been on or in Facebook, precisely because it is boring. The whole notion of "social networking" is intrinsically grotesque. Superficial ephemera.

    What can one say about large groups of people with little or nothing in common, few of whom know each other, yet who call themselves "friends"? They dont even qualify as acquaintances.

    As for doing "group video", isnt that one of those chat things that involves men displaying their genitals? The hours must just fly by.

  17. A nominee is only for the dodgy ownership of land/coondos, not a legitimately trading company as I suggested.

    And don't you think you'd need some staff to help you manage 100++ flats?

    What about the 51% Thai ownership of the company? Somewhere or another there is going to be a nominee, or trickery, or both. Not my cup of tea at all.

    I tried having staff just once, about 10 years ago. I couldnt stand it. It doesnt matter who they are, or what colour skin they have, they just dont do the job properly. It drove me mad having to double-check everything all the time. So I continued doing it all myself and never looked back. Saved a fortune on social security taxes also.

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