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Posts posted by Darrel

  1. 'hard disc drives are formatted into 512 byte size blocks and have been that way for years but as from the first quarter of next year (2011) hard drive suppliers will start shipping hard drives with 4 K disc sizes'. I'm not even going to pretend to understand what that means but I'm guessing it's a good thing for anyone who's interested and might explain the low price ACERs I picked up.

    All this means is that the block size as supplied will be 8 times the size it was. The total size doesnt change.

    Imagine a shop selling large boxes labelled "1000 biscuits", in which there are many smaller bags which contain the actual biscuits. It doesnt really matter what size the small bags are: 100x10 or 200x5 you still have the same number of biscuits and you can always change the number of biscuits in each small bag anyway, if you want. This is reformatting.

  2. Annoyingly, the 6400 model therefore requires a USB network adaptor.

    Are you saying that you are using some sort of USB network adaptor on the TV instead of just plugging an ethernet cable from the router directly into a network socket on the TV?

    Or are you saying that you could use a wireless USB network adaptor as described on page 27 of this:


  3. I followed the instructions which state 'The modem can be connected to the TV without an IP router'. My True modem has only one port so I connected the TV to that. I get online with my laptop using the Wi-fi. Following your advice will I have to buy a router? As it is, my network is shown on the TV as a source but there's no connectivity.

    If you were more specific about your equipment it would be easier to know what to do.

    Do you have a modem or (as it seems) a modem/router? (Hint: if it is one box with both wifi and an ethernet connection then it is a modem/router with a single WAN port.) If you do have a modem/router then you dont need a second router.

    Try turning off the wifi on your laptop and connecting an ethernet cable between the router and the laptop. Can you still connect to the internet? If so there is nothing wrong with your modem/router and the problem is probably with the TV or the network settings in the TV. If your laptop doesnt connect to the internet that way either then there is something amiss with the modem/router.

  4. But if the company was formed for the purpose of purchasing and managing condos then you would be perfectly legal, and would even be able to get a work permit.

    And the nominee aspect? And the four Thai staff per farang WP?

    I just dont like the look of company-owned property in Thailand at all, I'm afraid. Talk about a can of worms.

    Luckily I'm over 50, have money in the bank, and dont need a WP or an extra income. I would perhaps consider owning 2 farang-name condos, one to live in and one to rent out on a long-term basis, doing the management myself, but that would have to be a beachfront firesale bargain (which do come up, from time to time: I've seen 3 this year).

  5. >>And what would I do with all the Baht coming in? <<

    ..Spend it on booze and women

    Hmm. I wonder how I would look if I spent the rental income from several dozen condos on booze and women?

    Actually I dont need to wonder; there are several good examples lurching around Soi Buakow.

  6. The TV can connect to the network, but not the internet - well sometimes it can, it's hit and miss.

    I would try setting up the IP addresses manually on the TV and give the Google DNS servers ( as one of the options. Just pick an IP address for the TV that is in the subnet but well out of the normal DHCP range.

    For example:

    Assuming that the router is






    Do not alter any router settings unless you know what you are doing.

  7. As a black man I find that most racism here comes from farangs.

    "All I know is never bet on the white guy." Lt Frank Drebin, Police Squad.

  8. If i had your money i would be buying 100 such Condos and renting them out .

    Ah, but would you really?

    I could afford to buy several dozens of those condos, but then I would have to manage them, find tenants, chase them up for payment, worry about them scratching the bath and dirtying the walls etc. etc. etc. And what would I do with all the Baht coming in? Buy more condos, I suppose, but they would have to be company name as I wouldnt have a tor tor sam for the incoming funds. So then I would have the problem of owning company name units that are hard to sell and probably overdue for investigation by the Thai government. I expect that all sounds unpleasantly familiar to some people here.

    As it is I can just leave the money in the bank and spend my days eating Thai food, strolling along the beach, listening to the radio and waffling on the internet, with hardly a care in the world.

  9. Well, it's been discussed a lot on this site, and also they do some good facebook marketing.

    It was this week especially that there was a big increase in numbers. They must have done something recently. The girl behind the desk said "busy, busy, today" when I commented on how many people there were. They coped well though, and there were double the staff numbers they usually have.

    Facebook: I'm probably the only IT professional on the entire planet who has never actually looked at the content (as opposed to the layout and structure) of any Facebook page. In fact I dont really understand why anyone goes on Facebook at all. It seems so totally superficial and pointless, like watching sport or going to discos or getting a tattoo. I suppose that's exactly the sort of person Facebook appeals to.

  10. In any case, learn how to play "village" rummy. There's always a game at someones home. Whether you like gambling or not, you can meet a lot of 40ish year old women. Do what the villagers do. Eat, sleep, fukc, watch TV, fish, sweat, etc.

    So you're suggesting that I could move to the sticks, start gambling and drinking heavily, and sleep with a load of sweaty old trouts?

    Do I slit my own throat before or after?

  11. Loads of people enjoying the Loaf pizza buffet this evening. Never seen so many. And it does have the advantage of ensuring that the fresh hot pizzas keep on coming (if you can find a seat). I wonder if they advertised somewhere this week?

    Starting this weekend the buffet is Wednesday and also Saturday, and they now do a loyalty card.

    They deserve to do well.

  12. But to buy your place they would have to put 100% cash up front whereas to buy next door they can stagger the payments, .......

    Indeed, but when buying a resale finished unit they can actually live in it the day they buy it rather than hand money over for 2 or 3 years before actually seeing anything back.

    The only advantages to buying off-plan are that you may benefit from the sliding discounts that developers tend to offer here in the early days of construction, and the unit you buy wont have been subject to any wear and tear if/when you actually move in.

  13. It is hardly 'outright racism'. And I doubt very much any country's law would support your claim of "offensive, racist and illegal".

    I think you would find that the organisers of any sporting event in Europe issuing rules that allow for doubling the entry fee for asians would be in court on racism charges faster than you can blink.

  14. What kind of a no-lifer would go voting at 20.30 on a Sunday evening ?

    I think the reason for this is to prevent alcohol-related violence in the period around the voting/counting times, not just during the voting times.

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