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Everything posted by NewGuy

  1. Centigrade32, where would the sim card go?
  2. Sorry Centigrade32. I misunderstood. I want to down load mkvs to an external hd, organize them on a pc, and retain for ages. Not connected to the tv, and on all day.
  3. Centigrade32 - thanks for that. Can you recommend a particular android box (‘llI read up on them). I like that going through a laptop’s browser; I can be downloading from many sources at the same time. Unfortunately, I use a TOT modem but the condo restricts the speed, in that they want TOT to pay a bunch to install the required wiring. I get less than 1 meg.
  4. Hi Centigrade, just to clarify, I’m looking for a laptop, I live in Pattaya, I’m familiar with InvadeIt, Jib, and the few places still open in Tukcom on Pattaya Tai. Thanks for the help. Hi VR333, I’m an experienced jib.com browser and have searched and compared various models. Thanks for that.
  5. Are there any recommendations for specific laptops?
  6. Remembering I just want it to rebuild my movies collection (I had a 4 gig disk with a lotsa the best movies, especially 30’s-40’s). I dropped it a couple of times; when I asked jib if it could be repaired, several staff laughed and laughed.
  7. I posted a review of Valencia 15+/- years ago. Food was excellent, exuberant cook / owner was offensive to his family and customers.
  8. Thinking about foreigners going to southern islands. Total had quite the off shore oil-gas operation years back until they we shamed out 2002+/-. I vaguely remember a Pattaya guy who had a on-off shore contract, but that was a long time ago. I doubt that the powers that be would let those assets rest too long.
  9. But I need 4-5 usb ports. Sorry I wasn’t clear with the specs. 15.6” screen too.
  10. I’d like to get a new laptop (intel, win 11, lots of ports (very important, I want to connect via hdmi, 2/3 usbc for fast connect 2, 2/3 usb sower connect for exterior hd/printer). I live near TukCom’s JIB). It is for a limited purpose - downloading mkvs. Max price-40K. what do you suggest.
  11. My condo bans shisha, 5,000 baht fine. I’m very happy with this rule.
  12. I liked Kalaw, walking there from Inle, three days, two nights in village chiefs homes. Outrageous fun, we had to sing for our supper and were surrounded by 20 plus young and old ones while we were there, the most when we changed clothes, haha. Village chief was so proud of his garish Rolex that he got in Chiang Mai (it couldn't have cost more than $15US). The 3 of us stayed in a nice guesthouse in Kalaw; the Lonely Planet said it was the only one not connected to the military whose presence was everywhere. Great restaurants in those days, lotsa fun.
  13. I grew up in Montreal and had lots of Jewish friends. Whats going on in city after city and the limp reaction by the authorities really upsets me.
  14. I took a day trip by bus from Mandalay to Monywa to look around, especially for the huge reclining Buddha. Around it were English signs announcing it was the 2nd or 3rd largest Buddha in the country. I saw signs saying 3rd largest all over the country. A few years after my visit they built a huge standing Buddha. Walking along the Chindwin river north of Monjwa I noticed adult women bathing in the river, washing their hair, wrap around still on. The ladies were full figured and beautiful; generally women’s hair in Myanmar was by far the fullest, most beautiful of all countries going north, east and west from Singapore. Someone should find out what lotion they use; it must come from a plant in the forest, they can’t afford such stuff in the stores. Some drug stores were loaded with skin whitening products from Thailand. I never saw a local ‘whitey’. I remember how hard it was hitching back from the Buddha complex (I got their by bus). Practically no traffic, and nobody stopped until a police car came up; I was quite frightened by their presence but I thanked them, got in, and had an uneventful trip into town. i hung out with three guys in a Monywa bar across from my hotel. They bought all the drinks. I was older than them (56/7 at the time). When the most dedicated drinker went to the bathroom the others told me the doctors had told him he must stop drinking, he would die within the year if he didn’t stop. He owned the hotel across the street, nice place, but hit the bar every day. Easy bus back to Mandalay. Learn at least one Myanmar phrase before going, mingalaba (sp?). It means hello or good day and it is really appreciated. A door opener.
  15. Thank you Simon. I went to Myanmar late 2002 and stayed for two months (extra passport stamps and small fine for the second month). I loved it and except for an aggressive sergeant on the Mandalay-Mytchina (sp) 3 day boat trip, sleeping on the deck, it was wonderful. Special moments included leading a prayer session near Indawgi lake (I’m Christian but had never done anything like that before, or since), in exchange older guys escorted me past the notorious police station back to my guesthouse. I wore a longi for the entire trip to the vast amusements as guesthouse workers and people generally. Everyday someone would undo the knot at my waist, retie the longi, laughing all the while; at least one or two such helpful closeup interventions every day. I never had a bad time, I met so many lovely people, invited to their houses, shared tea, enjoyed crowds who gathered to watch me eat mohinga. Dealing with money changers then (800-1400 Kyat to a USD) was easy. Taking a bus from some place and getting back hitchhiking in a truck was common. I stayed away from Shan conflict areas and occasionally received advice to move along promptly. I vividly remember an outrageous family of political comedians in Mandalay. I met a professor in a town east of Mandalay by train, Pin Oo Lwin, over the stunning bridge of course. He liked to drink and his patient wife put up with the everynight sessions with a few backpackers. He was related to the last Shan prince, I think, and died in prison a few years later. Another stop on that line saw me climbing up a mountain, staying in a remote village, a couple of hours teaching English, and appreciating their flag and dreams of independence. I did a one month trip the next year, bussing it from Yangon-Moulamein (many towns and temples in between). A buddy and I were taken in by a family in Hpa-an; the young son was visiting from his Pattaya job as a lady boy. Later, I bussed and hitched to Pathein, which I loved, and bused going north visiting four isolated beaches. Very rough trips, some locals threw up before getting on the bus. I ended up in Ngapoli (named after the home city of an Italian priest). Very chill, stayed away from tourists, walked north along the water front, eventually hitting a Rohinga fishing village. Not friendly at all, Muslim fishing villages south of Surat Thani give off the same vibe. Here’s a good one. A young monk that I met in Bagan became quite taken with me. In no time he wanted me to help him join me in Toronto, where he would cook for kids. I escaped. He kept writing to my Toronto address. About five years ago I was looking at the Couch Surfing app, Yangon section. He was advertising his room. Private bed or sleep with him. Yoikes! I could go on forever, thanks for reading.
  16. I followed it on bbc.com web site; espn web site was crap. Glad I didn’t go out for netflix. A real rip!
  17. The fight is scheduled for Friday in the States. Where to watch it in Pattaya?
  18. I just asked my wife. She said she’s eaten them but not now. I asked her if I’d eaten them - she said no. Other times, when I asked her about snakes and bats, she said I had eaten them. Ugh.
  19. On whom?
  20. My 65” Samsung, 7 or 8 years old, was great until 6 months ago. Now there are two bright arcs coming from each side of the screen’s bottom. Not too annoying, sometines the arcs even compliment the picture.
  21. Thank you Sheryl. Wise advice gratefully received. I will make an appointment for next week.
  22. Thai888 not com888. Sorry.
  23. There was an incident following my first bile stone operation. My cardiologist was doing a vigorish ekg (I think) when he punched me in the chest. I asked him why. He said my heart stopped for two or three seconds. This led me to wonder if I should get a pacemaker. I don’t know if it is advisable for me, that’s why I wanted to talk to the surgeon. If a review of my situation says don’t get a pacemaker, I am absolutely fine with that.
  24. So, much has happened. I went to Thai888 in View Tally 5D. They were very easy to deal with. I spoke to the only lawyer there (a British guy) and the conversation was concise and informative. I went home to think about my choices and just a day or two later, after I printed out names & addresses of bank accounts here, my wife, my daughter and best friend in Canada who will be executors or my Toronto will, I returned. I got a living will (which looked like the government one mentioned above) for 3,000 Baht and a Thai-only will where the legal firm will get my body back from the Thai Police in Bangkok, get two Thai bank accounts, in my name, to my wive, and the positive balance of a different Thai bank’s credit card, the account which holds double my credit card limits - if you've got one you know what I mean, and a small account. She just would not be able to do this stuff on her own, in her home country at least. The legal firm will do all this for 6,000 Baht. I’ve had friends retrieve a friends’ remain from the Bangkok boys in brown. It was a horrible experience for them. I still have to deal with health issues but a great relief has cone my way over financial ones.
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